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Celebrating our leaders: Harry’s story

October 28th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are sharing some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Harry

Harry Lamond volunteers in the Juniors age group at 268th Glasgow, and has helped at various events including the Kilbryde Hike.

Why did you become a BB leader? 

I chose to become a leader to help children and young people have fun and meet new friends, whilst learning new skills that will stay with them throughout their lives.

What is your highlight of your time in BB so far? 

I have many highlights, the main one being when I was presented with my Queen’s Badge in front of so many dignitaries and my proud family.

This year one of my highlights was Cumbrae Camp, where I developed my skills as a young leader by assisting with games and other activities. Also, I was able to attend the recent Young Leaders Weekend in Yorkshire, which I found to be very informative and fun. As part of it I attended workshops, improved my team building skills and had the opportunity to take part in activities that I had never tried before.

What do you do when not at BB?

I like to go running, cycling, and hiking. I also work full-time in a care home, and I am doing a college course in health and social care.

How would you describe the BB in three words?

Fun, friendly and sociable.

Boys’ Brigade NI support children impacted by cancer

October 25th, 2022

To mark the new Charity partnership with Cancer Fund for Children for the 2022/2023 session, Lisa Keys Director for NI and members from 1st Slieve Donard Boys’ Brigade visited Daisy Lodge on Thursday 20 October 2022.   

Throughout this session, all BB companies in NI will be encouraged to get involved and hold their own fundraising events, whether that be a coffee morning, sponsored walk or other challenges.

Speaking on this, Lisa Keys, Director of Boys’ Brigade NI said:

‘Sadly, most of us have been impacted in some way by cancer in our families. We are delighted that children and young people in Boys’ Brigade in NI will be able to work together to raise money to support other children and young people through the work of Cancer Fund for Children.”

Referring to the charity’s therapeutic short break centre, Daisy Lodge, Lisa said:

“Daisy Lodge is an amazing facility in Newcastle and is just one of the ways in which the charity supports families, children and young people who are facing a journey with cancer. We hope that the efforts of Boys’ Brigade in NI will play some small part in helping support Cancer Fund for Children’s mission that no child faces cancer alone.’ 

Rebecca Oates, Schools and Youth Fundraiser for Cancer Fund for Children said:

“We are delighted to be chosen as charity partner of the year by Boys’ Brigade NI and are excited by their passion and commitment to fundraising for our vital services. We can’t wait to support BB Companies across Northern Ireland as they embark on their fundraising adventures.”

All BB Companies that take part in fundraising activities will be provided with activity packs and videos and receive a visit from Schools and Youth Fundraiser Rebecca Oates, who will explain the impact their efforts have on the work of the charity.

BB has a JustGiving page here where anyone can donate to the Charity.  Individual Companies also have the option of setting up their own JustGiving Page.  All monies raised will be added to the main total for Boys’ Brigade NI. 

Introducing our Young Leaders Network

October 21st, 2022

We are delighted to launch our Young Leaders Network, a new community which is designed to help leaders aged 18-26 to grow into their role and assist them in discovering opportunities to continue to build skills, share experiences and shape the future of The Boys’ Brigade.

By investing in young leaders and giving them opportunities to develop, we believe this will help to build the leaders of the future and ensure the BB can meet the needs of future generations.

Rachael Knowles, Chair of the BB’s Young Leaders Group, said: “I’m really excited about the launch of our Young Leaders Network. Following on from the success of our first Young Leaders Weekend, I’m looking forward to joining with other young leaders to explore how we can shape the organisation going forwards as well as to share ideas, build relationships and get to know each other.”

Jonathan Eales, Chief Executive, said: “The new Young Leaders Network is central to our five-year strategy. It will enable young leaders to speak for the organisation, and even more importantly, to meaningfully shape our priorities, both now and for the future.”

“This is an exciting new initiative, and I hope we can all encourage young leaders to get involved with it. This is an opportunity for us to turn our words into actions and let the voice of young people lead the way.”

Find out more about the Network, what it does and opportunities to get involved at boys-brigade.org.uk/young-leaders-network

Celebrating our leaders: Cynthia’s story

September 30th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are going to share some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Cynthia

Cynthia Thompson is Leader-in-Charge of the Anchors age group at 1st Dungiven in Northern Ireland. She is a former Captain of the group, serving in that role for over 10 years, and is also currently the Secretary of Londonderry Battalion.

Why did you become a BB leader? 

Coming from a small congregation there was a request for new leaders or a risk of the group closing. I felt called to join the BB and support the ongoing work amongst the children and young people in our community.

What is your highlight of your time in BB so far?

My proudest moments come from working with the children and young people themselves in the various events, whether that has been from winning a Battalion Anchors Scripture competition or participating in a display event.

It also gives me great satisfaction to watch young people progressing on from their President’s Badge to their Queen’s Badge. We also had two members who undertook KGVI Youth Leader Training and one went on to become a full-time leader.

It is a great privilege to watch the growth of individuals when they join as Anchors right through to Seniors and beyond.

What do you do when not at BB?

I work in the Encompass programme within the NHS, which is involved in the build and implementation of a new computer system for the health service. I live in the countryside enjoying walking and spending time with my dog. I enjoy my escapes to my apartment in Portstewart and continue service within Dungiven Presbyterian Church as a Sunday School Teacher.

How would you describe the BB in three words? 

Faith, fellowship and enjoyment.

Royal visit to Wales

September 27th, 2022

Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Wales today visited St Thomas Church, home of 1st Swansea Eastside Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Association, as part of their first visit to Wales since taking on the roles.

Over the past two years the Church has been transformed into a community hub, committed to improving the lives of those who live in the local area. The Church now incorporates a foodbank (open five days each week) a baby charity (Swansea Baby Basics), and a not-for-profit café and conference/wedding reception venue.

During their visit, the Prince and Princess spoke to volunteers at the Church as well as children and young people from 1st Swansea Eastside, watched a cookery demonstration and met members of the public outside the Church.

Amber, aged 13, said: “The Prince asked me why I joined the BB. I told him about how the Church has always been a big part of the community, so when BB started here it was a great addition – it has given me lots of big opportunities like this one!”

Lily, also aged 13, said: “The Prince and Princess were both shaking hands with people, engaging in lots of conversations and were so friendly! I was nervous to meet them but they were so lovely and really seemed to care about what we do at St Thomas Church.”

Photo from BBC News.

Events and activities to commemorate HM The Queen

September 20th, 2022

Over the last 12 days members across the Brigade have been taking part in a range of events and activities to commemorate the life and reign of HM Queen Elizabeth II, as well as to mark the accession of King Charles III.

Members have been present at several recent national events which have been attended by HM The King including services at St Giles Cathedral (Edinburgh, Scotland), St Anne’s Cathedral (Belfast, Northern Ireland) and Llandaff Cathedral (Cardiff, Wales). The Boys’ Brigade will also be represented at the Queen’s State Funeral at Westminster Abbey on Monday 19th September.

More locally members have attended Proclamation events in their respective towns and cities, as well as reflecting on HM The Queen’s life of service through their age group programmes.

We encourage leaders to share pictures through our social media channels and/or by sharing a message through our Book of Condolence. Find out more at boys-brigade.org.uk/hm-the-queen

BB in Northern Ireland launch Leader/Helper Recruitment Video

September 20th, 2022

‘BB is Back and You Can Play a Part,’ is the title of a new Leader/Helper Recruitment video resource launched today by The Northern Ireland District. 

The video is for use in a Church setting to raise awareness of the work of BB and the great need for more volunteers. BBNI developed this resource, based on feedback from Companies that need more volunteers; to highlight the issue in Churches and the important message that everyone can play a part in shaping and influencing young lives for Jesus.

The video highlights all six areas of the BB programme:  Get Active, Get Adventurous, Get Creative, Get into the Bible, Get Involved and Get Learning.  The strap line – ‘Could you Play a Part?’ sets the key message that a potential volunteer may not be good at all six areas of the programme but could be good in one area and offer to help and share their experience and skills with the BB Company.   

Speaking about the video Lisa Keys Director for NI said:

‘We are excited about this video and think it has a great message that everyone in the Church can play a part through BB, no matter how small, in reaching out for Christ to children and young people in their area. The BB Programme is so diverse there is something for everyone to get involved in and help with.  Volunteers in BB can start out as Helpers and simply need to complete some basic online training and awareness sessions about BB, Health and Safety and Safeguarding.  We then offer further training each year for Helpers when they are ready and if they so desire to attain their Youth Leader Training qualification.’

‘BB is a great Church partnership model for children and youth ministry – tried and tested for almost 140 years.  Like many organisations post covid, there is a great need to attract more volunteers to maintain and develop this important ministry in Churches.’     

‘We will be encouraging Captains to play this video as part of an announcement time in Church, on Church Facebook pages, at Church events, at Enrolment and later in the session at Displays and end-of-year events.  We look forward with great anticipation to seeing what God will do and how He will call many godly men and women to play a part in BB Companies throughout NI as we all seek to Advance His Kingdom.  Please join us and pray for this to be fruitful and for God to add His increase to our efforts.’   

Anyone who feels they could volunteer and play a part in their local BB Company should speak to the BB Captain or the Minister of the Church to find out more or contact NIHQ. Tel: 028 92688444 or e-mail nihq@boys-brigade.org.uk.

The Video can be viewed on Youtube here

Please go here to request your copy.

King Charles III Visits Northern Ireland

September 13th, 2022

The Northern Ireland District of The Boys’ Brigade was honoured to attend events marking the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the visit of His Majesty King Charles III and Her Royal Highness the Queen Consort to Northern Ireland on Tuesday 13 September 2022.

NI Director, Lisa Keys, and Queensman Jack Lamont (2nd Comber) attended the Service of Reflection at St Anne‘s Cathedral, Belfast.  Leaders, Eddie Poots and Mark Thompson from 1st Royal Hillsborough BB attended The Message of Condolence event in Hillsborough Castle along with some of their Boys.

Twenty-eight BB Leaders and Boys were invited to be present at a public viewing area in Writers’ Square outside St Anne’s Cathedral, in order to demonstrate the respect of the people of Northern Ireland for Her Majesty the Queen.  Leaders and Boys travelled to Belfast from various parts of NI including Armagh, Antrim, Ballylinney, Ballymoney, Coleraine, Cookstown, Londonderry and Spa, Co Down joining with members from BB in Belfast.

Director Lisa Keys thanked all who took part saying:

‘What a fitting tribute to our Patron HM Queen Elizabeth II. This is a very proud day for BB in Northern Ireland.  It was wonderful to have so many Leaders and Boys turn out at short notice to attend these important and historical events, representing the Boys’ Brigade.’   

Northern Ireland District of BB Partners with Cancer Fund for Children

September 9th, 2022

The Northern Ireland District of the Boys’ Brigade is pleased to announce that our charity partner for the 22/23 session for Anchors, Juniors, Company and Seniors is Cancer Fund for Children.

Cancer Fund for Children provides practical, social and emotional support to young people (0-24) diagnosed with cancer, as well as young people who have a parent diagnosed with cancer, and their families. A team of Cancer Support Specialists provide support on the hospital ward, as well as individual and group work support, allowing young people to develop confidence and gain practical skills to cope with the impact of cancer on their family. The group work programme, which includes residentials at Narnia Log Cabin in Newcastle, Co. Down, allows young people going through a similar experience to build friendships and make connections. The charity also provides support to parents with cancer, parents of children with cancer and parents who have been bereaved.

Cancer Fund for Children’s School and Youth Fundraiser Rebecca Oates will be available to liaise with BB Sections and/or Companies who wish to get involved and support the charity. Speaking about the partnership Rebecca said:

‘As the Schools and Youth Fundraiser within Cancer Fund for Children, I am so excited that BBNI have
chosen us as the Charity of the Year and cannot wait to work alongside them. I look forward to working with and meeting leaders and organisations across Northern Ireland in due course and planning how they might like to get involved.’

Programme packs will be available to download soon for all sections to enable our children and young people to learn about the work of Cancer Fund for Children and find out how they can support the charity.

Obituary: Remembering HM The Queen

September 8th, 2022

HM The Queen
21st April 1926 – 8th September 2022

For the duration of her reign, The Boys’ Brigade was proud to have Queen Elizabeth II as its Patron.

Following in the footsteps of her father (King George VI) and grandfather (King George V) the Queen took a keen interest in the social work and service to the nation undertaken by members of the Brigade. The Queen will live long in the memories of many for her devoted service as our Patron.

Jonathan Eales, Chief Executive of The Boys’ Brigade, commented: “We are all deeply saddened by the death of our Patron, Her Majesty The Queen. The thoughts and prayers of the entire BB family are with the Royal Family at this difficult time.”

Princess Elizabeth, her father, and the Brigade

During the reign of King George VI, the young Princess Elizabeth accompanied her father at several prestigious events which demonstrated his genuine interest in the young people of the nation. In 1937, Princess Elizabeth had one of her earliest interactions with members of The Boys’ Brigade when she joined the King for the Festival of Youth at Wembley Stadium, London.

The future Queen took a more active role when she met members of the Brigade in large numbers at a special event at Windsor Castle arranged to mark the Diamond Jubilee of the organisation in October 1943.

The Queen becomes our Patron

In 1952 it was announced that the new Queen had “graciously consented to become Patron of The Boys’ Brigade”. In doing so, Queen Elizabeth II became the fourth reigning monarch to become Patron, following King George VI, King Edward VIII, and her grandfather – King George V – who first became the Patron of The Boys’ Brigade as the Duke of York in 1897. In becoming the Patron, Her Majesty also consented to the renaming of the highest award in the Brigade from the “King’s Badge” to the “Queen’s Badge”. Throughout her reign, thousands of Seniors worked hard to earn this award, with a small handful having the privilege of being presented with it by the Queen in person.

During the early decades of her reign, the Brigade was fortunate to be in the presence of the Queen at many large-scale engagements, including during the Royal tour of New Zealand in 1953-54. At a youth gathering in Auckland, the new Queen received one of the biggest welcomes of the tour from 16,000 children from New Zealand’s youth organisations. The Brigade was present throughout the tour, with a parade in Nelson headed by five Queen’s Badge recipients, 16 Seniors forming a guard of honour at an event in Christchurch, and a parade of 270 members taking place in Palmerston North.

There have been many noteworthy moments in the Brigade’s history but few were more impressive than when the Queen hosted visitors to the Brigade Council (AGM) meeting in Aberdeen to a reception at Balmoral Castle in 1958. The Queen received a contingent of 200 young people and 1,200 leaders as part of the celebrations for the organisation’s 75th anniversary. During the inspection of the parade, the Queen “showed obvious interest and sincere delight in the whole affair”, took the time to speak to the young people, and presented Queen’s Badges to a handful of lucky members who were the first to receive this updated award from the hand of the new monarch. The events at Balmoral gave a sense of inspiration and drive for the years to follow, and illustrated the degree to which the Queen was actively engaged in her role as Patron.

As the Brigade marked important milestones during the 1960s and 1970s messages and support from Her Majesty continued. The Queen consented to open Brigade House in Parsons Green in December 1966 but was, unfortunately, taken ill the night before the opening was due to take place. However, Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra performed the opening ceremony on behalf of the Queen who – despite being unwell – took a great deal of interest in the success of proceedings. In a letter read by Princess Alexandra, the Queen wrote of her hearty commendation of the work of the Brigade at home and overseas.

The Queen would eventually visit Brigade House in 1973 as the Brigade celebrated its 90th anniversary. This marked the first time a reigning monarch had visited Brigade Headquarters. During the visit the Queen took time to meet and speak to young people and members of the staff, and made a great impression on those she spent time with.

The centenary of The Boys’ Brigade and beyond

In a year of centenary celebrations in 1983 the Queen undertook a Royal Review at Holyrood Park on 2nd July, with over 3,000 members present from all over the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. This was an historic occasion, long to be remembered by those privileged to be on parade. The Queen arrived in a horse-drawn carriage and inspected the parade along a route some three quarters of a mile long. In her address the Queen spoke of being delighted to review the Brigade in its centenary year and gave words of congratulations for the achievements of generations of members. Her Majesty also stated:

“Your Founder builded better than he knew, for he started not only a great movement, but one from which our present wide-spread youth training was destined to spring.”

The Queen went on to thank the Brigade for its contribution to national life and the Church, and congratulated those on parade for their “smartness and good bearing”.

In the Spring of 1994 a planned farewell display for the outgoing Brigade President became a Royal Review. Under gloriously warm sunshine, and in the special setting of Windsor Castle, over 1,000 members combined to create another significant event in the history of the organisation, made possible thanks to the dedication of our Patron. In her address the Queen referred to rapid social change, and how the Brigade had responded to this. The review was the sixth by a reigning monarch and would be the last by the Queen as Patron during her long and prosperous reign.

The Brigade continued to share a special relationship with the Queen into the new millennium. In 2002, when Her Majesty celebrated her Golden Jubilee, she met members of the Brigade on several occasions, and in 2006 she received a card from Brigade members at a meeting of youth organisations at Windsor Castle on 21st April during the celebrations for her 80th birthday.

Earlier this year BB groups across the country joined in celebrations for Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, thanking our Patron for a remarkable 70 years of service.

The legacy of the Queen

The Queen will best be remembered by members of The Boys’ Brigade for her high-profile engagements, however the relationship Her Majesty had with the organisation did not stop there. She will be remembered as a Patron who cared about our work and the stories told to her by members, and as a supporter of our Object and values.

With thanks to The Boys’ Brigade Archive Trust for providing much of the information found in this obituary.

Introducing our new Brigade Chaplain

September 6th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade is delighted to announce the appointment of Rev Stewart Cutler as the new Brigade Chaplain.

Stewart’s association with the Brigade began at the age of six, gaining both the Queen’s Badge and Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award during his time as a young person, and he has subsequently served as a leader in 4th Carluke and 1st Stonehouse as well as Chaplain of the KGVI Youth Leader Training course at Carronvale House.

Now with over 30 years of experience working with children, young people volunteers, students and ministers in Churches and communities around Scotland, for the past five years Stewart has been minister of St Ninian’s Church in Stonehouse – an ecumenical partnership between the United Reformed Church and Church of Scotland.

Stewart commented: “I am delighted to become the Chaplain of The Boys’ Brigade UK & RoI. I’ve spent the last 30 years working with children, young people and their leaders in Churches, so I know just how important The Boys’ Brigade is to the Church – for reaching out into the community, and engaging with young people, bringing them to faith and telling them the good news of Jesus.”

“For me The Boys’ Brigade has hugely impacted my spiritual journey and also my working life. It has always been a place of fun, friendship and faith.”

“As Chaplain I can’t wait to hear our members’ stories – their successes and their challenges – to feed those into the work of the Brigade and to help make practical solutions for our leaders and young people so that we can all get the most out of this adventure that is The Boys’ Brigade.”

Jonathan Eales, Chief Executive of The Boys’ Brigade, commented: “I am pleased to welcome Stewart as our new Brigade Chaplain. He brings to the role a wealth of experience and a passion for our work with children and young people. As a Christian youth organisation we are determined to build and to strengthen our partnerships both locally and nationally with the Church.”

Stewart succeeds Rev Leigh Maydew, who stepped down as Brigade Chaplain at the conclusion of Brigade Council (our Annual General Meeting) following three years in the role.

Check out a video message from Stewart to our volunteer leaders below…

Lift your anchor

September 2nd, 2022

With support from our Cashback for Communities project, ten young people from 12th Inverness and 6/8th Dundee set sail on the Alba Explorer, a 72’ sailing boat with the Ocean Youth Trust.

They sailed for five days and covered over 170 miles round the Isle of Mull and spent a night on Islay. As well as learning about sailing they also found out about all aspects of being on board a ship including helping with cooking and cleaning. The trip was originally planned for 2020, but due to the pandemic was postponed until last month.

The young people received Royal Yachting Association’s ‘Start Yachting’ qualification and Ocean Youth Trust’s own crew certification.

Neil Morrison from 12th Inverness said, “Without the Cashback for Communities funding, this simply would have been beyond our reach.”  

Cashback is available to support young people (aged 10+) in the top 20% areas of social deprivation in each local authority in Scotland. If you think your Company or your Battalion could benefit, please get in touch with Jackie Wilson on: jackie.wilson@boys-brigade.org.uk

From the Brigade Chaplain

August 31st, 2022

As he prepares to pass on the baton of a role he has held for the last three years, our outgoing Brigade Chaplain Rev Leigh Maydew shares his reflections of his time in post and his hopes for the future.

How many Methodists does it take to change a lightbulb…?

It was September 2007 when I first joined the Brigade Executive as a member of the England Regional Committee, and for nine of the last 15 years I have had the privilege of being a Trustee of this great organisation that I joined as an 8-year-old in what was then 6th West Bromwich (now known as 2nd Wednesbury).

A lot has changed for me in those 15 years, including ordination in the Methodist Church which resulted in me being invited to serve as the Brigade Chaplain for the last three years. Much has also changed in the life of The Boys’ Brigade in that time too.

There’s an old joke about Methodists not being good at change: I’d want to suggest that The Boys’ Brigade has its own issues around change too. If you look at our history, the key change in the time since I first served as a Trustee was the formation of The Girls’ Association in 2008, but I believe that there have been many more significant changes in that time too.

For me, one of the most significant changes in the life of the Brigade was a change in attitude and mindset following the independent review conducted by Wren and Greyhound in 2019. This review looked back at our previous strategic plans, considered how we had implemented them, and gave us some ideas for what might be next.

The Wren and Greyhound review helped us to consider our Vision, Mission and Values as an organisation. Our Vision, we asserted, is that children and young people should experience “life to the full”, a term we find in John 10:10, and one that echoed the mission statement of my home Church.

We then decided to Be Bold, Be Strong as we published our Strategic Plan for 2021-2025. For me, the Wren and Greyhound review and our work since has begun to implement a real root and branch cultural change within The Boys’ Brigade, perhaps accelerated by the effects of Covid-19. In the Strategic Plan we decided to focus on achieving Quality, Growth and Voice at all levels of the organisation; the difficulty as always is about taking all our leaders with us.

Covid-19 meant that all of us have had to change the way we work, the way we communicate and the way that we see the work of The Boys’ Brigade. The pandemic gave us a fresh chance to be bold, be strong and to introduce new ways of working: to embed OBM, to introduce new programme resources, to restructure the work of our staff team and so much more.

And so, my prayer for the future is that we as an organisation might “be bold, be strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

May you continue to be a blessing to children and young people across our organisation.

Rev Leigh Maydew
Brigade Chaplain

You Never Forget It!

August 30th, 2022

Rev Dorothy Dunwoody shares a message of encouragement for all our BB Leaders at the start of another BB session.

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 10 v 10 – 11

“You never forget it!” These were the words of a man in whose company my husband and I found ourselves recently. Reflecting on his life, he enquired if our church had a BB company. It transpired that he had been ‘sent’ to BB in his youth. Although long since lapsed from any church connection, he fondly remembered BB and the leaders whom he recalled vividly. Now he was thinking again about the Christian morals and values they had both taught and modelled.

“You never forget it!” Even forty years later, the seed that had been sown may yet bear fruit.

Thank you, officers and leaders, for your faithfulness and diligence. Thank you for all those late nights after work in preparation, making phone calls and paperwork – largely unnoticed by human eyes but watched over by the audience of One. Thank you for the friendship you offer the boys, listening to them and joking around – it brightens their day more than you think. Thank you for keeping going even if there is conflict, misunderstanding or an awkward parent to contend with – these are the battle-scars sometimes acquired in the good fight. None of us is in this for the money, perks or titles. We just love Jesus and want others to love Him too.

At the start of a new year, you are not in this by accident. God wants to use you in this season of your boys’ lives. Years later they will remember you. Speak and model truth for them. This has never been more important. The light of Jesus still shines. God is still at work. His promises are still true. He is still with us. We have one big message of hope.

Yes, some boys may walk away, but some will change the world. Most will never forget their time in BB. Give it your all and trust God to accomplish His work through you.

You’ve got this!

With my prayers

Dorothy Dunwoody.

Celebrating our leaders: Alex’s story

August 24th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are going to share some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Alex

Alex McLean, from 5th Hamilton, volunteers mainly with the Anchors age group and was part of the KGVI Youth Leader Training Staff Team at Carronvale House this year.

Why did you become a BB leader? 

As someone from quite a big BB family, I suppose I really didn’t have much choice in the matter! In all seriousness though, I became a BB leader for two main reasons.

Firstly, I didn’t feel like my BB journey was over – becoming a leader was the natural next step which would allow me to continue to build on and develop the skills I had picked up during my time and when completing my Queen’s Badge.

Secondly, I wanted to become a leader to try and help other young people have the same experiences and opportunities that I had.

What is your highlight of your time in BB so far?

It’s got to be KGVI. Getting to experience KGVI as an attendee is something that I am exceptionally proud of, and something that had a huge impact on my life. It allowed me to gain so many skills and grow not only as a BB leader, but also as a person.

I was also fortunate enough to do it all again as part of the Staff Team this year. It was a really fulfilling experience to see the group of young people thrive and make the most of their experience, and personally I was able to gain a lot and take some more steps in my own leadership journey.

KGVI really is an indescribable experience, and one that anybody should really grab with both hands should they get the opportunity.

What do you do when not at BB?

I am about to start a new job as a Trainee Solicitor. In my spare time I enjoy listening to music and playing my guitar. I also enjoy going to the football with my brothers and I’ve recently started playing golf occasionally.

How would you describe the BB in three words? 

Adventure, fun, fellowship.

1st Troon are Champions

August 23rd, 2022

Congratulations to 1st Troon who were recently awarded Grade 4B World Pipe Band champions.

The World Pipe Band Championships were held earlier this month in Glasgow with over 40,000 spectators at the event. 

Chris Bone, a leader at 1st Troon: “It’s remarkable as like so many bands, we’ve lost a lot of players through age and various other reasons over the last two years. And with Covid we weren’t doing any teaching for almost a year. In January we didn’t even know if we would have enough players to make it out. The commitment the young people have shown has been incredible sometimes having four practises a week.”

Chris added, “It feels amazing! This is ultimate prize you can win in Pipe Bands and to win it with a group of young people who have all been taught from absolute beginners in the band and are still members of The Boys’ Brigade makes it all the more special.”

One Big Message of Hope – BBNI Annual Report 21/22

August 16th, 2022

Northern Ireland District of The Boys’ Brigade today released their Annual Report for 21/22

Introducing the Annual Report for the 21/22 session David Blevins, NI District President noted his motivation to see the potential that exists in The Boys’ Brigade in Northern Ireland and to put Jesus first:

‘Our ‘One Big Message of Hope’ mission was the highlight by far and it is my hope that we will allow God to guide every step that lies ahead.’

Highlights in the report include that 53% of the BB Companies in NI took part in the District’s MIssion 22 ‘Big Night In’ reaching over 7,500 children and young people. The Director for BBNI Lisa Keys noted her highlight as the week of prayer in January: ‘To join with others, to share God’s word and to hear leader after leader, ask God to change lives in BB, was such an uplifting experience.

The full Annual Report can be read here.

Meeting Pope Francis

August 15th, 2022

Our Brigade President, Rev Dez Johnston recently met with Pope Francis.

Dez was joining 300 young people at Alpha’s Youth Camp in Central Italy when he had the opportunity to meet with the Pope in the Vatican City.

Pope Francis told those gathered: “May Jesus become your great Friend, your Companion along the way. May the living Jesus become your life! Every day and forever.”

Dez shared: “To meet Pope Francis was a huge honour and a very special moment. He is someone who truly believes in the power of young people and encouraged us to dream of a future which they have a unique part of.”

“As BB groups across the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland prepare to open their doors once again, it’s important to remember the incredibly important role we can play in children and young peoples’ journeys in faith and living life to the full.”

Find out more about The Boys’ Brigade and find your nearest group at boys-brigade.org.uk/join

Our Greatest Ambassadors

August 8th, 2022

The start of a new session presents a great opportunity to welcome new members to the BB family. In this blog piece, Robert Cunningham (a leader at 4th Carluke) shares why children and young people are and should always be Our Greatest Ambassadors.

Check it out below…

In my experience there are two main routes to becoming a member of the BB.

The first one is where a young person follows in the footsteps of parents/carers or siblings – families where there has been involvement in the BB perhaps over many generations. The second route sees the young person as the first in their family to step into the ‘BB world’.

I fall into the second of these two categories.

My own BB journey first began when I heard friends talking in the school playground about what they had got up to the evening before at Juniors. I had never heard of The Boys’ Brigade – though I wish I had.

The children and young people of the BB family are our greatest ambassadors… they always should be.

Over the last few years Thomas, a BB member in Northampton, has encouraged five of his friends to join him at BB. Some of his friends have since brought friends of their own or have encouraged their siblings to join them too. However, Thomas hasn’t just limited himself to just bringing his friends along, with his mum joining the Company as a leader.

As we look towards the new session there are undoubtedly huge opportunities to welcome new members to the BB family, particularly in the context where children and young people have missed out on so much over the last few years. We do provide a really important place for young people to learn, grow, discover and yes have fun.

Sometimes when it comes to ‘recruitment’ I think we can fall into the trap of looking for the easy answer. Perhaps more national advertising or a high-profile celebrity ambassador is just what we need. Whilst I certainly wouldn’t dismiss shiny advertising campaigns and backing from famous faces, I think the real answers are a lot closer to home.

I joined the BB for no simpler reason than my friends were there, they were having fun and I wanted to have fun too.

Does it need to be more complicated than that?

As true as it was for me then, and as true as it has been for nearly 140 years of our history, so too is it true today.

The key to bringing more young people to this great organisation that we are part of is our young people themselves.

Robert Cunningham
Leader at 4th Carluke

Find your nearest BB group at boys-brigade.org.uk/find-a-group

Are you a Company leader? We’re encouraging leaders to consider how their own children and young people can be their voice locally. Share your activity with us on social media using #OurGreatestAmbassadors

Celebrating our leaders: Rachael’s Story

July 27th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are sharing some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Rachael

Rachael Knowles is the Leader-in-Charge of the Company age group at 53rd Manchester, as well as being Chair of the National Young Leaders Group and Programme & Comms Lead for Unite.

What is your current career?

I’m an Oracle Agile Delivery Lead, which is essentially an IT software Project Manager.

What skills have you gained from BB that have helped you in your career?

BB has taught me so much – including the typical things like leadership and communication skills which have been crucial for my career. It has also taught me perseverance; to keep going even when things get tough. The most important thing BB has taught me is that my voice and my opinions matter even if you are the youngest person in the room.

What has been your proudest moment so far in BB?

I would say it’s either having the opportunity to travel to Singapore to represent BB at a Global Fellowship Conference, or when I got to meet the Queen whilst representing BB.

As a leader, my proudest moment has to be the first year we took our young people to Unite and watching them all push themselves out of their comfort zone and have such a great time.

What would be your top tip for other young leaders within BB?

Always remember why you are part of the organisation. If your main priority is always the young people and their experiences in BB, that will take you far. Oh, and if you believe in something keep pushing for it, your voice matters just as much as those people who have been involved for years! 1 Timothy 4:12 is a good Bible verse to keep referring to.

What are you most looking forward to in BB?

I’m most looking forward to seeing what the Young Leaders Group achieve during this next year. We have our weekend away in October and I can’t wait to spend some time with young leaders from across the organisation seeing how we can enthuse, motivate and encourage each other.

If you are a leader and would like to share your story with us please email comms@boys-brigade.org.uk

Celebrating our leaders: Ryan’s story

June 24th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are going to share some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Ryan

Ryan Webster is a leader in the Company age group at 44th Aberdeen.

Why did you become a BB leader?

I have been a member of 44th Aberdeen since I was a child and have enjoyed every minute of my time there. I was influenced by the leaders that I had, and when I reached the age limit as a young person I wasn’t ready to leave so decided to become a leader!

What has been your proudest moment so far in BB?

My proudest moment was when I gained my Queen’s Badge. As a leader, I now look forward to helping others achieve the award.

What do you do when not in BB?

I work in recruitment, but besides that I enjoy spending time with my wife and family. I also like watching my local football team and playing various sports such as golf.

How would you describe the BB in three words?

Fun, friendship, purpose.

If you are a leader and would like to share your story with us please email comms@boys-brigade.org.uk

Deadline Extended for Charity Partner nominations for NI District for 22/23 session

June 20th, 2022

The Northern Ireland District is currently seeking nominations for a charity partner for the 22/23 session. Our charity partner can be supported by our Anchors, Juniors, Company and Senior sections over the session.  The deadline has been extended this week until Tuesday 26 July 2022

BB has a long legacy of partnering with Charities in NI.  For the 22/23 session It has been agreed to partner with one Charity which all sections in BB  will have the opportunity to learn about and support practically and financially.   

Partnering with a charity is more than just raising some funds.  Getting Involved is an important part of the BB Programme for all sections.  Our children and young people get the opportunity to learn about and help those less fortunate – they also get to show the love of Jesus in a real practical way. 

Are you concerned about the many areas of great need in our community  – the refugee crisis, cost of living crisis and ensuing food/fuel poverty, mental health crisis, and the environment to name some. 

Would you like the opportunity to make a difference? If so please take the time to nominate a charity for consideration. Those wishing to nominate a charity should first read the Charity Partnership Requirements below for guidance.   

Please click here for the nomination form.  

Charity Partnership Requirements:  Read below or click here to download.

The Charity must be registered with CCNI & agree in writing that all monies raised will be clearly directed to the agreed beneficiaries.

>The Charity is accountable for all monies raised. Groups will send monies direct to the Charity and should receive a receipt.

> Where relevant the Charity will be given the opportunity to speak to BB Leaders in training sessions.

> Review meetings will take place regularly with BBNI staff as agreed.

> The charity should have significant appeal to BBNI members & leaders. Beneficiaries of the charity should include young people aged 4-18. The charity should not be in conflict with the Christian ethos of BB.

 > The Charity will work with the BBNI staff on PR, promotion of the charity partnership and provide digital assets for same.

 > The Charity should create two resource packs – one for under 11s and one for over 11s

> The Charity must be willing and available to visit BB groups to share about the work and impact of the charity, for photo calls for cheque presentations and other BBNI events as deemed necessary. 

NI District Seek Expressions of Interest from Leaders for new Panels

June 20th, 2022

The NI District is currently seeking expressions of interest from leaders who could get involved at District level in the new Panels and ad hoc working groups; particularly from Leaders not currently involved in other NI District initiatives.

Volunteers are required for the three sectional panels (Anchors, Juniors and Company/Seniors), our Training Panel, CECR Panel (Christian Education and Church Relations), and Young Leaders’ Panel.  Volunteers could expect to attend 3-4 planning meetings per year plus attend relevant events to that Panel’s work.  

Speaking about the search for new members for the Panels Lisa Keys Director for NI said:

‘We are indebted to those who give their time and talents to serve both in their own Boys’ Brigade Company and beyond.  We could not do what we do without these dedicated people.  We know there are many others within our membership who could do this too and maybe have thought about getting involved at the District level but have no idea how.  This is now their time to come forward, chat with me and learn a bit more.’

Details of each Panel are listed below: 

Section Panels

Purpose:  To support and develop the work of our Anchors, Juniors or Company/Seniors through events, competitions and initiatives. To act as ambassadors throughout NI, sharing resources and best practices and identifying areas to support sections with programme delivery.

Training Panel

Purpose:  Anticipating and identifying training needs, organising relevant courses and supporting trainers.

CECR Panel

Purpose:  To promote the spiritual development of Companies and promote the gospel work of Boys’ Brigade to churches.

Young Leaders’ Panel

Purpose:  To create opportunities for team building, friendship and fellowship among young leaders.

Working Groups:  Throughout the year working groups may be established to support panel members with the delivery of specific initiatives.

Please consider this opportunity.  If you could do this, please contact lisa.keys@boys-brigade.org.uk or T:  07496 671818 to discuss further. 

Thank you. 

Jubilee Lunch at Number 10

June 8th, 2022

On Monday 6th June a small group of young people attended a Platinum Jubilee Lunch hosted by Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Nadine Dorries at Downing Street.

Neo, Logan and Joe were invited to Number 10 along with representatives from other uniformed youth organisations, Team GB and Paralympic GB athletes, school children and Points of Light Award winners.

Joe, 8, said: “It was an amazing day, we got to go to Downing Street, all my friends at school were so jealous. I really enjoyed meeting so many people and seeing the Prime Minister’s house. It’s a day I will never forget!”

1st Buckie receives Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

June 2nd, 2022

Congratulations to 1st Buckie, who have been awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service!

The prestigious award is the highest that a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE.

The group, which is based in Banffshire and is one of the largest in the UK with 170+ children and young people and a leadership team of 40+ volunteer leaders, celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. As well as running a full and varied programme for all ages, they also work in the community and support others with activities including litter picks, foodbank collections and stewarding at community events.

1st Buckie is one of 244 local charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive the award this year. Their work, along with others from across the UK, reminds us of all the ways in which fantastic volunteers are contributing to their local communities and working to make life better for those around them.

The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service aims to recognise outstanding work by local volunteer groups to benefit their communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. Recipients are announced each year on 2nd June, the anniversary of Her Majesty’s Coronation.

Representatives of 1st Buckie will receive the award crystal and certificate from Andrew Simpson, Lord-Lieutenant of Banffshire later this summer. In addition, two of their leaders will attend a Garden Party at Holyrood House in Summer 2023, along with other recipients of this year’s award.

Andrew Simpson, Lord-Lieutenant of Banffshire, said: “I am delighted to congratulate all the members and leaders of 1st Buckie on achieving this award. It is an amazing achievement and reflects the hard work, dedication and enthusiasm of many people over their 75 years. Members clearly not only enjoy their involvement, but also gain many personal skills that equip them for life. The support of families and the community is a key part of their success and thanks are due to all who help or work with the group. Congratulations and very well done to their Captain, Alan McIntosh DL BEM, and everyone associated with the group on this outstanding success.”

Alan McIntosh, Captain of 1st Buckie, said: “It is a great honour and privilege for 1st Buckie to receive this award. For it to coincide with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and our own 75th anniversary makes it even more special. Our thanks go out to the children and young people, the leaders, the parents/carers, the local community, our sponsors and our Church. Without their support we would never have reached this far.”

Volunteers’ Week 2022

June 1st, 2022

This week (1st to 7th June 2022) is Volunteers’ Week – a time to celebrate, thank and recognise the amazing contributions that our volunteer leaders make every week.

The Boys’ Brigade, to put it simply, would not exist without our 10,000+ leaders, and we would like to thank each of them for all that they do.

The experiences of the last couple of years have highlighted some of their efforts, through reopening local groups face-to-face, fundraising for Ukraine, sharing valuable life skills and providing opportunities for children and young people to experience “life to the full” (John 10:10).

The theme of this year’s Volunteers’ Week is “Community”, so we asked some of the members of our Leader Development Community – which is responsible for the delivery of all adult training within the Brigade – why they volunteer:

Stephen, who leads one of our groups in London, said: “I volunteer within the BB because I have memories from when I was involved as a young person and want to be able to give the same opportunities and memories to young people today. I also find it really rewarding when I see members develop and grow into active and positive citizens.”

Martin, a group leader in Fraserburgh, said: “I like to think that I can help make a difference to the lives of our children and young people by helping them to learn, grow and discover through the delivery of our programme and see them develop as confident young adults.”

Scott, a leader in Manchester, said: “I volunteer so that I can continue to provide what I have received as a young person to the next generation of young people. I also hope to provide them with the life skills and experiences that I have been lucky to gain.”

Robert, who leads a group in Ballynahinch, said: “I enjoy volunteering because of the real and positive difference you can make in young lives through being able to share the Gospel with them and offering a quality and varied programme.”

Throughout 2022 we have been celebrating our leaders by sharing some of their stories on our website each month. If you would like to nominate someone whose story you think we could share in a future item, please email us at comms@boys-brigade.org.uk

Buckingham Palace Garden Party

May 26th, 2022

Young people from The Boys’ Brigade undertook stewarding duties at a Garden Party held at Buckingham Palace on 25th May 2022.

The event, which took place on a day of mixed weather in London, was the third and final Garden Party to take place at Buckingham Palace this year. It was hosted by HRH The Duke of Cambridge and was also attended by the Duchess of Cambridge, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, Princess Beatrice, and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester.

Andrew Hill, a young leader at 4th London who was one of the stewards, said: “It was an incredible experience and one which I will remember forever.”

Andrew Baldwin, Captain of 1st Tewkesbury, said: “Thank you to those who organised the opportunity. The members all had a great time and it was a once in a lifetime experience.”

Celebrating our leaders: Kelechi’s story

May 25th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are sharing some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Kelechi

Kelechi Aofolaju is Leader-in-Charge of the Company and Seniors age groups at 14th Kingston & Merton, as well as being a trustee of London District.

What do you do outside of BB?

I currently run a small software and consulting company. We write and design software for smart systems, such as homes, meetings rooms and teaching spaces.

I also have a podcast with a close friend called Pioneers Space. The objective of it is to motivate others by showcasing different pioneers from different walks of life. These pioneers are primarily from BAME backgrounds. We talk about their journey, the challenges they’ve faced, and what being a pioneer means to them.

What skills have you gained from BB that have helped you in your career?

BB has helped me with timekeeping, which is so important as a young professional. People won’t take you seriously if you’re late or don’t respect time.

It has also helped develop my communication and interpersonal skills, which has made me be able to talk to people from all different walks of life and have a meaningful conversation with them.

What has been your proudest moment so far in BB?

Attending the Queen’s Garden Party on behalf of the BB. I felt so honoured to represent not only my local group, but also my Church and family.

As a young leader within BB, what would be your top tip for other young leaders?

It’s simple, my main tip is listen to your young people and try and understand them better. This will help you help them not only in BB but as they grow and develop into young people and adults. BB has taught me that every single young person is unique and has huge potential to change the world.

If you are a leader and would like to share your story with us please email comms@boys-brigade.org.uk

Partnership: Christian Aid

May 13th, 2022

For over 60 years, Christian Aid has held a fundraising week in May. This year we wanted to share more about Christian Aid and the work we do with them.

Christian Aid works with communities around the world to fight injustice, respond to humanitarian emergencies, campaign for change and support people to claim the services and rights they are entitled to. 

The Boys’ Brigade has been working together with Christian Aid for a number of years. 

We joined with Christian Aid to create a themed programme about inequalities and injustices in the world. This programme features activities in our Get Involved, Get Active, Get Into the Bible and Get Learning Activity Areas, allowing children and young people to learn more about our world and the work Christian Aid does to help create equality and fairness for everyone. We believe it is important to teach our members about the barriers people may face in their lives, as well as how we can help those in need. Find our Christian Aid Themed Programme card here.

Christian Aid is also returning to our Cumbrae Camp this year where they will be hosting their ‘safe place’, which highlights the challenges that millions of people go through when fleeing conflict or disaster.

We have also worked with Christian Aid on highlighting climate change with groups learning about how they can get involved. Find out more at: boys-brigade.org.uk/gazette/tackling-climate-change

Find out more about Christian Aid at: christianaid.org.uk

Fundraising for Ukraine

May 10th, 2022

Over the past few months Companies across the UK have been busy talking to their children and young people about what’s been happening in Ukraine as well as getting involved in fundraising to help people. We are extremely proud of these amazing efforts, here are just a few examples…

1st Tewkesbury decided it was important to get involved as they have Ukrainian members in their Company. A lot of people in their area were looking for places where they could donate items to send, so the Company decided to share their own appeal and managed to get four vans filled with donations which was sent to the city of Lviv where they were shared with those most in need. They then hosted a car wash and coffee morning to raise money.

Andrew Baldwin, Company Captain, said: “We were amazed by the outpouring of support and generosity for our appeal and our Ukrainian family were blown away and very grateful for how much had been donated by so many people.”

Seniors at 2nd Bournemouth were appalled by the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and wanted to do something to help. After their weekly BB session, they stayed late to bake cakes so they could host an afternoon tea event the next day. Overall, in a very short period of time they managed to make over £900 which has been sent to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Appeal.

25th Stirling hosted book sales in their town and raised over £4,000. They held these on two Saturdays and received help from their Church to keep it running during the week. The Company’s efforts haven’t gone unnoticed as a local support group contacted them to ask if they would be willing to use some of the funds raised to cover flights and trains for Ukrainians trying to flee the fighting, as well as accommodation whilst they wait on their UK Visas.

Fraser Boyd, Company Captain, said: “We made a group decision to use some of the funds to help pay for travel and accommodation, while the majority was sent to the DEC fund, where it was matched by the UK Government.”

You can find our Ukraine resources at: boys-brigade.org.uk/ukraine-conflict-resources

A man of his time

April 28th, 2022

This article originally appeared in the May/June 2022 edition of Sorted Magazine and is reproduced here in full with their kind permission.

Launched in 2007, Sorted is a bi-monthly men’s magazine packed full of packed full of celebrity interviews, entertainment, gadgets, music, movies, grooming, fashion, football and a whole lot more.

Find out more, including details of how to subscribe, at sortedmag.com


The Boys’ Brigade has just celebrated its 138th anniversary by appointing a former nightclub bouncer and addict as its new President. Whatever is going on? Step forward Dez Johnston, who tells all to Chris Kerr.

Dez Johnston is a tough-looking man. He’s got tattoos aplenty, an untamed beard and an even wilder back story, one with a devastating low and an even more remarkable rise. And he just happens to have become the new guiding light of the 138-year-old Boys’ Brigade.

As it tries to raise our nation’s sons into mature, accountable, and faithful men, the Boys’ Brigade is looking to this former addict – who admits he has lived life to the full – to galvanise it and shake it up so it’s able to meet the many challenges that lie ahead.

He took up his appointment as Brigade President after Lord Griffiths of Burry Port retired last September. With his feet barely under the desk, he has set about galvanising the Brigade’s employees, volunteers, corporate sponsors and more than 40,000 enthusiastic youngsters who are affiliated to its branches throughout the UK.

“The Boys’ Brigade was started by a Thurso man in Glasgow in 1883 so being a Scot, there is a bit of heritage there,” says Dez, who is now an ordained minister who speaks with passion and purpose. “We aren’t just marching and playing football. We are so much more. It’s actually about creating a journey, where boys can become amazing young men.

“The structure that the Boys’ Brigade provided helped Sir Alex Ferguson to develop the character, skills and talents he needed to become one of the great football managers.”

Who’d ever have thought Fergie, the undisputed king of British football would have been a product of this proud organisation? Perhaps there’s more to the brigade than an outsider would ever know?

While Dez is proud of his Scottish roots, growing up there wasn’t easy.

“I grew up in a small village in the northeast of Scotland called Rothes, which is in the middle of nowhere,” he recalls. “Just 1,200 people lived there, and 400 of them went to my high school, so everyone knew everybody’s business. It was like a melting pot and I wanted to get away from it.

“I thought my ticket out was becoming a millionaire, superstar DJ. So, I went for it, playing at every event I could, from weddings to nightclub gigs. I did it all. It was my therapy.”

Although he didn’t realise it at the time, this lifestyle would lead Dez down a much darker path.

“Our small village had five distilleries and five bars so, coupled with the DJ lifestyle, I was drinking a lot,” he admits.

Things got worse after his parents divorced when he was just 17. He moved out of his house to go his own way.

“All of the kids my age wanted to party at my flat. I loved it,” he says. “I was a disc jockey at the weekends and it just became this cycle of partying all weekend and into the week. I just wanted to be at the centre of it all, all the time.”

By the time Dez reached his 20th birthday, he was taking drugs on a daily basis.

“That was the point I really became an addict,” he recalls with clarity. “I moved to Glasgow, but nobody wanted me to DJ. Why would they hire someone who was more mangled than the partygoers?”

To pay for his growing habit, Dez worked 90-hour weeks, which included being a doorman in the evenings who threw his weight around.

“I was really unhappy,” he admits. “I was committing these acts of violence as part of my job, and that just wasn’t me. So, to numb the pain, I would take more drugs and drink more alcohol. I was out of control.”

In freefall, Dez had nowhere to go but rock bottom.

One-night he met his dealer and purchased an entire weekend’s worth of cocaine. He went home and consumed it in just 10 minutes!

“My heart was beating so fast, I thought it was going to jump through my chest,” he says. “I knew that was it. I was going to die. So, I cried out to some higher power to save me. I had no clue who or what that was, but I was desperate.”

Before he could hear an answer, Dez passed out, not knowing whether he would ever wake up again. Fortunately, Dez did wake up, which was a miracle in itself. But something more incredible had happened while the stupor had claimed him.

“I no longer had a craving for cocaine. It just completely disappeared. In fact, to me it was like a food that I didn’t like. My addiction to it was over and I threw out the leftover cocaine from the night before.”

You may think this was Dez’s road to Damascus moment, where he saw the light and gave his life to Christ? Well, think again…

“Actually, I just thought I was the greatest human who had ever lived because I had survived an overdose without needing the hospital, and I had overcome my addiction overnight,” he states, while shaking his head. “At one point I convinced myself I could knock out a rhino!”

Luckily for the endangered rhino, there aren’t many in Glasgow!

God didn’t give up on Dez though, Christians would talk to him wherever he was, from customers in the shop he managed, to the smoking areas of nightclubs. This was unheard of in Glasgow. Then something totally unexpected happened.

“One day, I hired a Christian woman to work in the shop, mainly because I knew she wouldn’t steal anything,” says Dez. “I noticed she had this security and quiet confidence, everything I was missing. She didn’t get it from the things I thought you needed, the fast cars and lavish lifestyles. I was amazed.”

Dez asked her out, only to find his advances rebuffed.

“She said ‘no’ because I wasn’t a Christian,” he explains. “So, I picked up a Bible to prove her wrong. The great thing was I got to read about men like Noah, who got so drunk because he couldn’t handle the stress and Moses who had no confidence in himself. I could relate to these men. And I came to Ecclesiastes 3, where it talks about a time for everything and I realised that my time of violence, drugs and the overdose were over. A new season was about to begin.”

And so, it proved to be. Dez became a believer, and everything changed after that. Not least his luck with the special lady, who went on to become his wife.

“I gave up my doorman job and my area manager job, and before I knew it I was working in a youth café,” he continues. “This kid came up to me and asked me how much it would cost to buy a Mars bar. I told him the price, and he walked straight over the road and tried to get the money by mugging a guy. I lost my mind, and every fibre of my being wanted to stamp on this kid. I got him by the scruff of the neck and said, ‘Do you not realise that God’s got an amazing plan for your life’. The words coming out of my mouth were not mine and I just remember my heart breaking for this youngster.

“There was a whole group of youth out there who nobody cared about, who came from broken homes, whose parents are addicts and who are stuck in fourth generation poverty. I know these were the kids I had to reach. I had so much hope for them.”

And that’s precisely what he did. In fact, it’s all he did – and before he knew it, this tough-living young bouncer found himself attending Bible School, volunteering at numerous Christian youth events across Scotland, and landing a job as a youth worker at a church on the west coast.

After a while, this role led to an opportunity for Dez to work with Alpha, the global programme that helps people seeking to know more about Christianity, to link up with a local church and discover more. He grabbed it with both hands. And at the same time, he also started working with the Boys’ Brigade.

Fast forward a few years and having developed a deep passion for the Brigade’s work and calling, Dez is now a key cog in steering the organisation as it embarks on the next stage of its journey.

“Young people are now hungry for identity,” he says. “They need safe places to express who they are, and there’s less and less places to do that now. So, they turn to social media to do this, which isn’t healthy. The Boys’ Brigade provides a better alternative. It gives them weekends and weeks out where they will be loved by people.

“The uniform is a great leveller in that regard. It doesn’t matter if you are a game freak, the street church kid, or your mum and dad just want you out of the house every night. It doesn’t matter if you have no money, or lots of it. Once the blue jumper goes on, you are part of something special, something bigger.”

Dez Johnston is a man who fell into a deep trough – yet emerged a better man. He is someone our youngsters can relate to, and a man who clearly has an appetite and the energy to take things forward. He has got a big job ahead of him, but he’s more than equal to the task.

Chris Kerr
A senior legal executive, Chris Kerr works for a specialist national law firm. He is happily married and lives in Wales.

Celebrating our leaders: Sarah’s story

April 27th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are sharing some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Sarah

Sarah is Captain of 1st Peebles, which opened in January 2022. They have begun with the Anchors age group but are hoping to introduce Juniors soon as well.

Why did you become a BB leader?

Our Church youth leaders wanted to reach more children and help them to connect with each other and with the Church community. Some of the other leaders grew up in The Boys’ Brigade and so they knew it would be a really exciting opportunity for us.

What is your highlight or proudest moment in the BB?

I’ve been really excited by the children who have invited their friends to join our group. We had just seven children when we started and now, just a few months later, we have 18 children. I’ve been really proud of our young leaders, they make such amazing group leaders and the children really love them!

What do you do when not at BB?

I am a youth and community worker for the Church, so I run toddler groups and youth clubs. I also enjoy playing board games, and I am digging a pond for my garden because I want to encourage wildlife!

How would you describe the BB in three words?

Friendly, energetic, creative!

If you are a leader and would like to share your story with us please email comms@boys-brigade.org.uk

Helping you get through exam time

April 27th, 2022

Exams can be an anxious and a challenging time for thousands of young people every year.  But are there things you can do to help you deal with these added pressures?

Some of our young BB leaders have shared what helped them get through the exam weeks…

Callum, 1st Lenzie: 

In a world full of anxiety and stress, prayer offers a lifeline that is always open for every aspect of life. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no and sometimes there doesn’t seem to be any clear answer. However, what prayer always helps with is clearing my head, relieving the stress of exams and clearing the anxiety of results. Please pray for our young people and teachers over this exam diet.

David, 2nd/4th Prestwick: 

I always found maintaining a good balance between studying and other activities helped relieve stress, such as sports and BB. 

Duncan, 65th Edinburgh:

One of the things I find really good is getting outside if the weather’s good (which it always seems to be when you’re studying) and going on a walk or a run. Also, if studying isn’t going as you planned, not to worry, taking a break or revisiting your plan is a good idea – there’s no point in studying if it isn’t beneficial – so taking that break can get you back on track. Hope this helps!!  

Stuart, 15th Coatbridge:

I always found that breaking up the studying into smaller pieces helped. Having it in manageable chunks with clear breaks makes it much less daunting, ensuring you always know you can escape at times helps it seem much less overwhelming. 

Ryan, 4th Dunfermline:

Yeah I agree with taking plenty of breaks. Especially when stuck on a particular bit. Also making sure to take time to relax and do something you enjoy at times so you don’t overwhelm yourself. 

Michael, 3rd Inverness:

Taking a break every so often particularly when stuck so going back in with a fresh mind…Also take time to relax and get some time to yourself. Its also important to remember that teachers and support staff are there if you need them throughout this time.  

Scott, 48th Edinburgh:

One thing I would add is to make sure you get plenty of sleep, especially the night before an exam. All nighters seem like a good idea, but you retain less information when you’re tired and it means you’re not at your best for the exam.

What has worked well for you?

You can share these by tagging BB Scotland on instagram (the_bb_scotland) or on Twitter (@TheBBScotland).

Other useful advice:

Vital funding for BB Companies in NI available now from the Education Authority.

April 8th, 2022

Education Authority for NI is now inviting applications for funding from local youth groups such as the Boys’ Brigade for the 2022/2023 session.  This is under the annual ‘Generic Non-Targeted Funding’ stream.   To apply for funding BB Companies must first have an online account with EA, register or re-register for the Generic Non-Targeted Funding stream and complete their Annual Report if they were in receipt of funding in the 2021/2022 session. 

The Boys’ Brigade NI District is encouraging all BB Companies to get registered and apply for this valuable funding.  This money can be used for the programme, transport, equipment, refreshments, entrance fees on outings, printing costs, insurance, heat & light etc.  Further benefits of registration with EA include reduced rates at EA Outdoor Centres, and easier access to additional funding that can be announced throughout the year – for example, the PPE funding during the Covid Pandemic. 

Speaking about this funding opportunity for BB Companies Lisa Keys, Director for NI said:

‘We are very blessed to have this funding from EA.  Many of our BB Companies and Battalions benefit greatly from it each year.  It enables a dynamic programme to be delivered to many children and young people in our organisation.  Post pandemic, youth work such as that delivered by The Boys’ Brigade is more important than ever.  To help all our BB Companies receive this funding the Northern Ireland District Engagement team is running funding clinics on Tues 12 April in NIHQ Newport and on Wed 13 April in Belfast Battalion headquarters.  I would especially encourage those who have yet to register and apply for EA funding to book a slot at these clinics.’ 

If the dates and times of the EA Funding Clinics do not suit Leaders are encouraged to contact the Engagement Team directly by emailing nihq@boys-brigade.org.uk or T:  028 9268 8444 to get help. 

Full details of the clinics and how to book can be found in the events section of our website at www.bbni.org.uk

The Northern Ireland District has produced a complete guide for BB Companies applying for Generic Non-Targeted Funding with sections on Creating Your Online Account, Registering/Re-Registering and Annual Reporting. Click here to view.

The final application deadline for EA Funding for the annual ‘Generic Non-Targeted Funding’ stream is 30 April 2022.

Celebrating HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

April 7th, 2022

As part of its ongoing support to leaders, The Boys’ Brigade has launched a range of resources, competitions and ideas themed around HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, designed to help BB groups get involved in celebrating this remarkable milestone.

The resources include a series of Activity Cards in our ‘Get Learning’ Activity Area, enabling children and young people explore more about the Queen, her life and her 70 years on the throne, as well as a fully-resourced themed programme designed to give groups everything they need to run a Platinum Jubilee Party! These can be found on our Programme Hub.

We’ve also partnered with HOPE Together and other organisations to produce On Her Majesty’s Service, a set of resources aimed at 11-14 year olds that explore 7 key values the Queen lives by and how her faith has been the motivation of her service over the last 70 years.

Two competitions have been launched: a Colouring Competition and a Tea Party Competition, providing children and young people with additional opportunities to get involved either with their groups or at home.

We will shortly be launching a range of limited edition commemorative products on BB Supplies, including a Platinum Jubilee branded recycled pencil, pen and bone china mug. A special Platinum Jubilee Badge is now available, which can be worn by members on their armbands and also can be purchased by leaders and supporters.

Find out more about all of our Platinum Jubilee resources at boys-brigade.org.uk/platinum-jubilee

NI District President Receives Honorary Degree

April 4th, 2022

NI District President, David Blevins received an honorary degree from Ulster University on Thursday 31 March 2022, at a ceremony to officially install Dr Colin Davidson as the sixth Chancellor of Ulster University.  Dr Colin Davidson is an internationally renowned artist honoured for his outstanding commitment to remembrance, healing and excellence in the field of art.

David is recognised for his outstanding contribution to journalism, education & charitable projects in Northern Ireland.  In total Ulster University awarded ten honorary degrees to distinguished educators, journalists, playwrights, leaders, and humanitarians both locally and globally.

Lisa Keys Director for The Boys’ Brigade in NI was among the first to congratulate David saying: 

“In Boys’ Brigade, we have the privilege of serving alongside thousands of fabulous volunteers who give their time, skills and leadership to ensure that we continue to advance Christ’s Kingdom here in NI. On behalf of the organisation, I warmly congratulate David and thank him for his faithful, inspiring leadership and commitment to The Boys’ Brigade. We are honoured and blessed to have him as our President.” 

Commenting on the recipients, Ulster University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paul Bartholomew said:

“Each year, we welcome thousands of students to Ulster University, and during their studies, we strive to equip them with the skills, knowledge and experience required to make a positive contribution to society. We firmly believe it is important that our students have positive role models to whom they can look up to for inspiration; role models who are making a real difference in the world around them, whether locally or globally.

‘As a society and as individuals, we have faced many challenges over the past two years. It is therefore timely and uplifting that we are now in a position to be able to honour these outstanding role models. Each of these individuals demonstrates leadership, resilience, integrity, progressive thinking, determination, talent and creativity, and they are a source of inspiration to us all.”

Celebrating our leaders: Robert’s Story

March 25th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are sharing some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Robert

Robert Whan is the Captain of 1st Spa (near Ballynahinch), a member of the Down Battalion Executive and also a Trainer in Northern Ireland.

Why did you become a BB leader?

Because I was asked! Three months later, the person who asked me told me that she was retiring at the end of the year and over 20 years later I’m still there. I enjoy it because of the real and positive difference you can make in young lives through being able to share the Gospel with them and offering a quality and varied programme.

What is your highlight or proudest moment in the BB?

Too many to be able to select just one! We’ve had Company success in Battalion and National Competitions, memorable trips and residentials, young people obtaining their Queen’s Badge and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, as well as Seniors returning as leaders, but I’d say the genuine highlight is just seeing the young people progress through the Company week by week and becoming successful and outgoing.

What do you do when not at BB?

I am Director of Armagh Robinson Library, Northern Ireland’s oldest public library, as well as a Trustee of National Museums Northern Ireland. Within my Church, I am an Elder and Sunday School Superintendent. When I get any spare time I enjoy walking and reading.

How would you describe the BB in three words?

Enriching young lives.

If you are a leader and would like to share your story with us please email comms@boys-brigade.org.uk

Partnership: HOPE for Autism

March 21st, 2022

World Autism Acceptance Week takes place from 28th March to 3rd April.

One in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK. As part of our Spring 2022 termly programme, we have partnered with HOPE for Autism to create new resources for all our age groups.

These new activities, in our Get Involved Activity Area, allow children and young people of all ages to learn more about autism. We believe it is important to teach our members about the the barriers people may face in their lives, as well as encouraging us to celebrate the differences that make us who we are.

Find out more and access the new resources on our Programme Hub.

HOPE for Autism is a Scottish charity that promotes diversity and inclusion for autistic people, helps empower them to fulfil their lives, and helps support their families. Find out more about their work at hopeforautism.org.uk

Ukraine conflict resources

March 2nd, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has launched a special set of new programme resources to support and equip BB groups to explore the current conflict in Ukraine.

Over the last week, children and young people across the United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland have been seeing images and hearing stories of war within the European continent for the first time in their lives and will understandably be worried about what is happening, may be feeling a range of emotions and have lots of questions.

The new activities, which have been created for use with all age groups that the organisation works with (5-18 year olds) are designed to help give children and young people an opportunity to learn more about what is happening, reflect on what they are seeing on the news and a chance to think about how they can respond, including through prayer.

Jonathan Eales, Chief Executive, commented:

“The images we have been watching from Ukraine of children and young people fleeing their homes and hiding in underground stations are truly heart-breaking. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by this conflict. As a Christian youth organisation we believe it’s incredibly important to create a space for children and young people in this country to explore and discuss what is happening, and consider what they can do to help. Indeed, as we move into the season of Lent, we should all learn, reflect and respond.”

The BB’s programme for children and young people focuses on six Activity Areas – Get Active, Get Adventurous, Get Creative, Get into the Bible, Get Involved and Get Learning.

The new programme resources focusing on Ukraine can be found at boys-brigade.org.uk/programme-news/activities-to-help-respond-to-events-in-ukraine

Pray for Ukraine’s young people and their families

February 24th, 2022

We are all aware of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

As a member of European Fellowship of Christian Youth, we will particularly keep the young people of Ukraine and their families at the forefront of our thoughts and prayers.

European Fellowship held their Easter Course in Kyiv in 2012 and, since then, young Ukrainians and their youth leaders have attended many of their courses and events.

We encourage all our BB groups across the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland to remember Ukraine in their prayers.

Rev Leigh Maydew, Brigade Chaplain, shares a prayer:

Holy and loving God,
With everything happening in Ukraine at this time, we pray for children and young people in that part of our world.
We pray that they might be protected in so many ways from the events happening around them.
Merciful God, we pray that the leaders of the world might come together to find a peaceful resolution.

Celebrating our leaders: Alexie’s story

February 21st, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are going to share some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Alexie

Alexie Neville is a leader at two BB groups – 3rd Harrogate and 5th Scarborough – as well as being the Deputy Programme Lead for Unite and a Girls’ Brigade leader.

What is your current career?
I am an occupational therapist in the NHS, currently on the orthopaedic ward.

What skills have you gained from the BB that have helped you in your career?
I have learnt to control my excessive talking in order to listen to others and offer advice! I also feel better equipped to be able to talk to people from different backgrounds and walks of life which has helped me in my job.

What has been your proudest BB moment so far?
Although I have only been in the organisation for around four years, my proudest moment would be taking on various roles at Unite, working my way from being a Village Leader to now being Deputy Programme Lead.

As a young leader, what would be your top tip for other young leaders?
As cliché as it is, I would say to be a role model for others and think about how your actions could impact others in all different ways. The children and young people we work with are the next generation so we need to help shape them into the great human beings they can be and allow their potential to shine through!

If you are a leader and would like to share your story with us please email comms@boys-brigade.org.uk

Government announces National Youth Guarantee

February 2nd, 2022

The government has announced a new National Youth Guarantee, designed to give young people in England access to more activities, trips away from home and volunteering opportunities.

See the full press release at www.gov.uk/government/news/government-outlines-ambitious-plans-to-level-up-activities-for-young-people

In response to the announcement, Jonathan Eales, Chief Executive of The Boys’ Brigade, commented:

“We welcome the findings from the Government’s Youth Review and the announcement of new funding for youth organisations. We believe that organisations including The Boys’ Brigade have an incredibly important part to play in supporting our young people after an incredibly challenging few years. We look forward to learning more about how voluntary youth organisations, like the BB, may be able to access this funding to support our work.”

Celebrating our leaders: Aaron’s story

January 26th, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are going to share some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Aaron

Aaron Johnstone, from 10th Coatbridge, has just taken over as Captain of the Company and is currently a co-opted member of the Brigade’s Scotland Committee.

Why did you become a BB leader?
First and foremost, I became a leader because I gained so much from my time as a young person and wanted to give back to allow future generations to gain as I did. Also, a little more selfishly, I didn’t want my BB journey to end!

What is your highlight or proudest moment in the Brigade?
Apart from the obvious answer of gaining my Queen’s Badge (the Brigade’s highest award), I would have to say my highlight would be our most recent adventure out with the Company age group which was a climb up Meikle Bin in the Campsie Fells.

We had what I can only describe as the most atrocious weather that only seemed to get worse the higher we went. Despite the poor weather every young person and leader made it to the top where we were able to get a quick snap with the Company banner and then straight back down for some lunch and a heat.

The whole trip summed up the last couple of years in that despite the challenges and adversity we have faced, we have been able to overcome and achieve together as a Company.

What do you do when not at BB?
The BB is usually the exciting work I do but when not doing that, I work as a health and safety manager in a hospital. I am also an elder at my local Church which sounds an incredibly boring answer but is really rewarding too.

How would you describe the BB in three words?
Faith, friendship and fun!

If you are a leader and would like to share your story with us please email comms@boys-brigade.org.uk

Global Fellowship of Christian Youth appoints first-ever Patron

January 24th, 2022

The Executive Committee of Global Fellowship of Christian Youth has announced that Lord Griffiths of Burry Port has been appointed as the organisation’s first-ever Patron.

Global Fellowship is an international umbrella organisation connecting 72 youth organisations in 68 countries around the world, including The Boys’ Brigade UK & RoI.

Lord Griffiths first met The Boys’ Brigade whilst serving the Methodist Church of Haiti in the 1970s, where he was ordained. Upon returning to the UK he served various ministries and BB chaplaincies as well as holding the role of President of the Methodist Conference in 1994-1995.

He is a life peer in the House of Lords, having been created Baron Griffiths of Burry Port, of Pembrey and Burry Port in the County of Dyfed in 2004. From 2011 until 2020, Lord Griffiths served as President of The Boys’ Brigade UK & RoI.

Commenting on his appointment, Lord Griffiths said:

“For nine years, I was President of The Boys’ Brigade UK & RoI. I became aware of the way the Brigade is far more than a conglomerate of separate units spreading across the land: it’s a fellowship, a family, a bunch of friends. I loved serving the Brigade through those years.”

“Now I can continue my relationship with our great movement in my role as Patron of Global Fellowship. As well as those early experiences in Haiti, I’ve had the privilege (and pleasure) of being guest of honour for an East African gathering in Nairobi. All of this has made me aware of the capacity of the BB to contribute to global (heart-)warming! May God bless all its endeavours and God bless you, the reader of these lines, with his grace and his love.”

Find out more about Global Fellowship at globalfellowship.net

Launching e-learning for leaders

January 21st, 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has today launched a new series of e-learning modules for its volunteer leaders.

Three e-learning modules have been launched to leaders across the country – Safeguarding, Managing Risk and Delivering a Quality Programme. The modules are accessed via the organisation’s membership system, Online Brigade Manager (OBM), and importantly will provide leaders with the flexibility to learn at a time and place of their convenience. A fourth module – Introduction to BB – will be launched next month, and these modules will become part of the process for new leaders joining the organisation.

Training for leaders has traditionally taken place face-to-face. However, as the organisation has adapted to the pandemic over the last 18 months, other ways of engaging, supporting and training leaders have been developed. Whilst the opportunities for people to come together and spend time in fellowship will always be important and can never be underestimated, having the flexibility of learning has many benefits and allows BB leaders to take ownership of their learning.

Jonathan Eales, Chief Executive of The Boys’ Brigade, commented:

“We have invested in e-learning as part of our current five-year strategy which focuses on improving the quality and consistency of experience for children and young people. A central part of this strategy is supporting and resourcing over 10,000 leaders to continually develop their skills and refresh their knowledge to ensure we offer a safe and caring environment for children and young people to learn, grow and discover.”

You can find out more about e-learning in the latest Gazette magazine, available online at boys-brigade.org.uk/gazette/introducing-e-learning-for-leaders

NI District launch ‘Mission 22 Big Night In’

January 21st, 2022

The Northern Ireland District has announced a major change to its Mission 22 plans. Mission 22 was originally planned to be four live events in various locations in NI on four consecutive Saturdays in February 2022.  Given the rise in Covid cases in early Jan 22, the District reluctantly changed their plans and cancelled the live events. 

In an exciting change Mission 22 is now going to be a Big Night In at the Company venue.  Along with Crown Jesus Ministries, the NI District of BB is producing two lively interactive videos; one for under 11s called Klass Kids and one for over 11s called One Way Youth.  Each video will have accompanying guidelines to help BB leaders provide an engaging and fun experience for children and young people in BB in their own venue.  The videos can also be used over Zoom if Companies cannot meet face to face due to restrictions or local Covid outbreaks. 

To assist leaders to get the most out of the new ‘Mission 22 Big Night In’ the NI District is running a ‘Conversations Around’ session on Zoom on Wed 26 Jan 2022 and is inviting at least one Leader from every BB Company to attend. NI District staff will answer questions and share a broad outline of how the ‘Big Night in’ will work along with ideas for Leaders to make it an enjoyable and memorable experience for their children and young people.

Speaking about Mission 22 Director for NI Lisa Keys said:

‘We have been working hard during January to rework Mission 22 from 4 live events to produce a different local experience but still with the same Big Message of Hope’

‘We started the year with a week of prayer for Mission 22. We are so thankful for everyone who took part and for those who continue to pray for Mission 22. It is our desire that lives will be changed in BB Companies throughout Northern Ireland. We would like to encourage a focus on prayer in February and March to coincide with Companies delivering the Mission. We will be releasing regular prayer updates via text and encourage all Leaders to sign up here to receive these.

​The ‘Mission 22 Big Night In’ videos and accompanying resources will be available to those who register from 12 February 2022 onwards.  

Please click here to register to receive one or both videos and resources.  

More information on Mission 22 can be found here.

Scottish Youth Parliament

November 23rd, 2021

Congratulations to our two new members of the Scottish Youth Parliament – Louis Symington from the 56th Edinburgh and Matthew Hunter from the 6th/8th Dundee. 

Our two new elected MSYPs will represent the BB within the Scottish Parliament, working alongside young people from other youth organisations and from all across Scotland. 

A special thank you to Christopher Winters MSYP and Alastair Thomson MSYP for doing an amazing job representing the BB over the last two, very challenging years.  

Thank you to all the Companies in Scotland who got involved in voting in the election.                                                    

The Boys’ Brigade Remembers

November 16th, 2021

In recent days thousands of members of The Boys’ Brigade have joined with the nation to remember all those who sacrificed so much for our freedom.

A group of young people and leaders took part in the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in Whitehall on Remembrance Sunday, 14th November. The commemoration, broadcast live on the BBC, included a march past and the laying of wreaths. For many of the Brigade members present it was their first time participating in such an event, so we want to say thank you and well done to the whole group for representing the organisation so well.

In addition to the events in central London, Brigade members across the country took part in Remembrance events in their local Churches, schools and communities. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic some events once again took on a different form to normal, but we also thank all those who played a part in these commemorations.

Children and young people have also been getting involved as part of their regular programme of activities, learning about Remembrance and why it is important in a variety of ways.

Companies and Battalions have been posting about their involvement in Remembrance on social media. We encourage you to post and share your events to @theboysbrigade and use hashtags #WeWillRememberThem and #BoysBrigade. You can also email us at newsdesk@boys-brigade.org.uk

Check out some photos below showing how our children and young people have been getting involved in Remembrance . . .

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Trustees’ Week

November 2nd, 2021

This week (1st to 5th November) is Trustees’ Week – an annual celebration of the role of trustees, celebrating and all their hard work they for organisations across the country.

The Boys’ Brigade’s trustees are known as the ‘Brigade Executive’, which is made up of elected representatives from the five ‘regions’ of BB UK & RoI – England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

We asked Michael MacAulay, who is from Inverness and is one of our newer trustees, about the role:

How long have you been part of The Boys’ Brigade?
I have been part of the Brigade since I was 5 years old, joining the Brigade Executive in September last year.

What’s it like being a trustee and what are the main issues you deal with?
Being a trustee is incredibly interesting and eye-opening. We deal with a variety of issues including reviewing Brigade policies and making key decisions around the running of the organisation.

What have you learnt since becoming a trustee?
I have learnt how big an organisation the Brigade is and how much amazing work goes on across the UK and RoI.

What was it like attending your first face-to-face Brigade Executive meeting recently?
It was great to attend my first face-to-face meeting, as all my meetings previously had been virtual. So, it was nice to get to know my fellow trustees a bit better. I think it’s good that we have agreed that one of our meetings each year will be face-to-face while the rest will be virtual.

We are greatly appreciative of all our trustees and thank them for the continuous hard work and effort they put in to help make The Boys’ Brigade even better. You can find out more about our trustees at boys-brigade.org.uk/our-trustees

The BB at COP26

October 26th, 2021

Margaret Pang is a leader at 7th Gloucester and a member of the Brigade’s International Group. She will be attending the United Nations’ Climate Conference (COP26) in Glasgow from 1st to 12th November, as part of a Global Fellowship delegation including members from Zambia and St Kitts.

Margaret is going to be taking over our Instagram and posting live from COP26 from Sunday 31st October, so make sure you are following @theboysbrigade_ukroi to get involved in the action!

Find out a bit more about Margaret . . .

What is your current role within The Boys’ Brigade?
I am Leader in Charge of Anchors at 7th Gloucester BB & GA as well as helping in all the other age groups. Also, I am the Under 26 representative for the West of England & Channel Islands District on the England Regional Committee and part of the BB International Group.

How long have you been a member of The Boys’ Brigade?
I have been a member of BB for over 9 years; I started when I was 14 and was part of The Girls’ Brigade before that.

Why do you think it is important to attend COP26?
I am very interested in hearing how countries are working together to tackle the issue of climate change and hoping strong actions will come to prevent further damage to the planet we live on. I want to meet with other like-minded people and learn from their experiences.

Why do you think it is important for the BB and young people to be a part of addressing climate change?
Climate change is a reality that is impacting our planet and it is the responsibility of every individual to contribute towards a brighter future. It is the younger generation that will see more of the increasing changes to the environment so we need to take action. Who else should be more invested than us in our own future? Imagine the difference all the children and young people involved with BB could make if we committed to live our lives slightly greener, whilst inspiring others to do the same!

What are you most interested in seeing at COP26?
I’m excited about seeing other BB people from across the world face-to-face, making new friends with other young people, sharing my experience with the BB family, and maybe hoping to see some famous faces!

Make sure to tune in on Instagram from 31st October until 12th November to see what Margaret and her team get up to!