5-8 years

8-11 years

11-14 years

14-18 years

  • Latest Updates
  • Running Your Company
  • Age Group Essentials
  • Leader Training & Development
  • Managing Risk & Safeguarding
  • Policies & Regulations

Recruitment Resources

Research shows that the fact we volunteer and help others makes us happier! If you choose BB as the place to volunteer, that would make us very happy!

Helping out in a BB group with children and young people can make all the difference to young lives – meaning happier young people, happier communities and a society that values the contribution that we can all make; young, old or in-between. We call our volunteers “leaders” because they guide a course for children and young people.

“I’ve been volunteering for 4 years, I became a volunteer as I saw a need to reach out to children and young people in the community. I just wanted to make a difference.” – Jason, BB leader

Many of our volunteers say they’ve learned things through their involvement with BB that have helped them to get new jobs or even change career. For example, as well as helping out in a local BB group, you might like to train as a Trainer and help run courses for other volunteers. Once you volunteer there’s a whole world of opportunities for you to participate in within our movement – locally, nationally or internationally.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Check out some of the most common questions asked . . .

What do volunteers do?

There are lots of different ways that you can help. We work with children and young people from all backgrounds and of all faiths, and with those with no faith. Most of our volunteers come along for a couple of hours a week in the evening and get involved with one or more of our four age groups (Anchors, Juniors, Company & Seniors).

We need volunteers to help children with activities, games, sport, arts and crafts, hobbies, music etc. Whatever you can help with is greatly valued. We also want volunteers who will be able to relate to young people and over time, become adults they can trust and talk to.

I can’t help every week, do you still want me?

Yes! The beauty of volunteering with the BB is that you can be flexible, and if you can only help out once a month, or even once a year at the annual camp then we are happy to welcome you.

What is the age limit?

You can volunteer from 14+ as a Young Leader, with a wider range of roles for those aged 18+. There’s no upper age limit. We really do welcome applications from all ages.

Do I need any particular skills?

No – just an attitude that is positive about children and young people, or as we say, have faith in young people. Of course, if you do have skills you can bring then fantastic! However, we value every volunteer just as we value every child and young person.

What do you expect of your volunteers?

Read our Volunteers Charter which sets out the responsibilities of volunteers and of the larger organisation.

All those who wish to volunteer in The Boys’ Brigade must follow our Safer Recruitment process before beginning to volunteer.

Do I have to be Christian?

Some local Churches require leaders to be members of that Church, whilst for others there is an expectation that leaders are in sympathy with the Christian basis of the BB and our Vision, Mission and Values. As an organisation we welcome volunteers from all backgrounds and cultures.

What’s Next?

Click here to find a group near you and make an enquiry, and they will come back to you as soon as possible with further details.

Alternatively, complete our Volunteer Application Form and we’ll help put you in touch with a group near you.