5-8 years

8-11 years

11-14 years

14-18 years

  • Latest Updates
  • Running Your Company
  • Age Group Essentials
  • Leader Training & Development
  • Managing Risk & Safeguarding
  • Policies & Regulations

Recruitment Resources

The Boys’ Brigade is a Christian youth organisation, working with over 750 partner Churches across the country to provide opportunities for children and young people to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith.

We are passionate about our partnership with the local Church and building bridges into local communities to engage a generation of children and young people with a message of hope rooted in Jesus.

Our Vision

Our Vision is that children and young people experience “life to the full” (John 10:10).

Our prayer and hope that children and young people experience life to the full through coming to know Jesus for themselves.

Find out more about our Vision, Mission & Values.

The Role of Chaplain

The role of Chaplain of a Company can be fulfilled in different ways:

  • Minister/Pastor: The traditional model of the Minister/Pastor remains a strong way in which the role is ministered. 
  • Team Chaplaincy: A team that works together which involves the Minister, Youth/Children’s Worker, or someone appointed by the Church leadership.
  • Church Staff: A Church staff member, for example the Youth/Family/Children’s Worker whose role specialises in working with children or young people.
  • Church Representative: Someone from the Church who is an elder/deacon/passionate about youth and children’s ministry and BB.

These are all possible options, but what is most important is that it is filled by someone who is living out the Brigade’s Object, Vision, Mission & Values. The central focus of what we do is telling children and young people about Jesus.

Responsibilities of the Chaplain/Chaplaincy

  • Support the Company to live out the Brigade’s Object, Vision, Mission & Values, and ensure that their work is rooted in the Christian faith.
  • Integrate the Company into the Youth & Children’s Ministry of the Church and the life of the congregation.
  • Work closely and build a strong working relationship with the Captain/Leader-in-Charge in supporting them as they minister to young people through the Company.
  • Support the Company leadership to develop opportunities for the Church and Company to actively engage within the congregation and the community.
  • Work closely with the leadership to develop opportunities for family ministry for the Church and Company by engaging with the parents and carers of the young people who attend BB. 
  • Provide spiritual and pastoral support to the leadership of the Company
  • Build relationships with the children, young people and their families by being present regularly and being an active part of the Company. This doesn’t mean attending every week, but enough to build relationships. In addition to providing spiritual support, Chaplains will have a wealth of skills and experience that can help them to build positive relationships with the young people.
  • Provide pastoral support to the children, young people and their families, and the Company’s leaders – not just when times are difficult, but in times of celebration too.
  • Encourage an active prayer life within the Company and offer prayerful support of the work of the Company.

The Role of the Local Church

The responsibility for the oversight of each BB Company (Group) lies with their local Church.

Appointing leaders

Nominating leaders is the responsibility of the Church. 

  • The Church may already have a policy on appointing leaders and a criteria within this policy.
  • Ensure that the Brigade’s registration process is completed. This will require an additional safeguarding check even if one has been carried out by the Church.

Faith development

Faith is central to the work of the Brigade and the Church should have oversight of and support the Christian education programme that the Company follows.

  • Ensuring teaching of the Bible is central.
  • Ensuring leaders are equipped to teach scripture. 
  • Ensuring that young people and children are supported in faith development.

Finance and property

The finances and property of the Company is the responsibility of the Church.

  • Companies will be self-supporting financially; this is achieved through membership fees and fundraising. Some Churches will also support the Company financially by taking the burden of finance away and provide financial support. It would not be normal practice for a Church to charge a Company for using its premises.
  • Accounts and records must be maintained by the Company. A key relationship is the Company Treasurer and the Church Treasurer working together. Churches should include BB accounts alongside the main Church accounts.

Are you registered?

It is important that the Chaplain is registered with The Boys’ Brigade, as this means we can keep you up-to-date with relevant information.

The appropriate registration forms can be found at boys-brigade.org.uk/forms

This will require an additional safeguarding check for the Chaplain even if one has been carried out by the Church.

Programme Hub

Registered Chaplains will benefit from being able to access our Programme Hub, which contains a wide range of programme activities and resources to support leaders.

Our programme is made up of six Activity Areas: Get Active, Get Adventurous, Get Creative, Get into the Bible, Get Involved and Get Learning. Check out some examples of Get into the Bible Activity Cards below (files in PDF format):

Our Brigade Chaplain

Our current Brigade Chaplain is Rev Stewart Cutler, who took on the role in September 2022.

Stewart is minister of St Ninian’s Church in Stonehouse, South Lanarkshire, a partnership between the Church of Scotland and United Reformed Church. Before being called to ministry, he previously worked for both denominations in roles involving training and support for young people as well as youth and children’s work.

Find out a bit more about Stewart here.

You can contact Stewart by emailing stewart.cutler@boys-brigade.org.uk

Our Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan for 2021 – 2025 is focused on achieving achieving Quality, Growth and Voice.

The emphasis within the strategy is firmly on Quality – we believe that if we focus on and improve the quality of our work, then this will lead to growth across the organisation and greater opportunities for the voice of our members to be heard and make a difference.

Find out more about our Strategic Plan.