The Boys’ Brigade’s structure has over 750 groups (known as Companies) across the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
These Companies are organised into local groupings known as Battalions & Districts which provide support and activities within their geographical areas to add to the experience of children, young people and leaders.
The Boys’ Brigade is a registered charity (in England & Wales 305969 and Scotland SC038016).
The Trustee body is known as the ‘Brigade Executive’ and is made up of elected representatives from each of the regions.

Office Bearers
The current Office Bearers of The Boys’ Brigade are:
Brigade President
Rev Dez Johnston
Brigade Vice-Presidents
David Aubrey KC
Alison Chambers
Ian Rumbelow
Brigade Treasurer
Steve Mann
Brigade Chaplain
Rev Stewart Cutler
Chief Executive
Jonathan Eales
All Brigade Office Bearers and Trustees can be contacted through BB Headquarters via