5-8 years

8-11 years

11-14 years

14-18 years

  • Latest Updates
  • Running Your Company
  • Age Group Essentials
  • Leader Training & Development
  • Managing Risk & Safeguarding
  • Policies & Regulations

Recruitment Resources

Thank you for connecting with our Ministry Team at The Baptist Assembly 2024. It was great to meet you!

The Boys’ Brigade is a Christian Ministry resourcing and supporting local Churches in reaching children & young people aged 5-18.

Our vision is that young people experience ‘life to the full‘ through coming to know Jesus for themselves.

The Boys’ Brigade is proud of our longstanding partnership with the Baptist Church that sees 100 Baptist Churches reach over 2500 young people each week; whilst overall the BB connects with over 750 Churches and reaches more than 20,000 young people every week across the UK.

Once engaged with their local church, we support young people at every stage of their faith journey, giving them the opportunity to explore the Christian faith, encounter Jesus for themselves and take an active role in expanding his Kingdom

We are also pleased to have recently launched a new initiative, Spaces, for young people aged 10+ who want to grow in their faith and explore life’s big questions together. Complimentary to our existing model, Spaces is also perfect for any church that wants to seriously invest in the intentional discipleship of their young people.

Find out more . . .

  • If you are a young person or parent and would like to find your local BB group you can do so here 
  • If you would like more information about volunteering at your local BB group click here
  • If you are interested in partnering with us to start a group in your local Church you can find out more about information on The Boys’ Brigade here or Spaces here.
  • If you would like to have a further conversation with a member of the Ministry Team you can get in touch by emailing ministry@boys-brigade.org.uk