5-8 years

8-11 years

11-14 years

14-18 years

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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

Following completion of a course the LDT or Course Organiser MUST submit the ‘Post-Course Notification’ Form within 7 days. This captures attendance and will enable BB Headquarters to update the training records for all leaders that completed the course. The form will also capture details of Leader Development Trainers who have delivered the course which will enable the LDG to maintain a record of training that LDT’s have delivered.

Post-Course Notifications are not required for Building Your Skills, Skills for Queen’s Badge and Queen’s Badge Completion courses.

Download Template Course Attendance Spreadsheet (XSLX)

Post-Course Notification Form

Course Details

Please specify delivery type:
I confirm that the course was:
I confirm that:

Course Participants

I confirm that all participants that attended:
If there are any issues with the above please provide details in the 'Any Additional Information' box further down in this section.
Participant List will be:
Please list one participant per line

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Do you have any concerns about a participant(s) competency to be a leader and/or their engagement or participation in the training?

Trainers Details

BB Training Qualification (the above named trainer is a registered as a):
Please list one trainer per line

Once the notification has been received by BB Headquarters training records will usually be updated within 14 days.

If you have any questions please contact us at leaderdevelopment@boys-brigade.org.uk