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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

Leader Development Community

The Leader Development Community leads the delivery of all adult training within The Boys’ Brigade.


As part of our Strategic Plan we are pleased to announce the launch of the ‘Leader Development Community’, a new community of trainers which will build on the work of Brigade Training Officers (BTO) network, further enhancing the quality of our training in The Boys’ Brigade. The Leader Development Community will comprise competent, trained ‘Leader Development Trainers’, who will lead the delivery of all adult training within the Brigade. The Leader Development Group is responsible for leader development within The Boys’ Brigade.

This new entity will be a smaller group of active trainers, trained to the same standard to provide a consistent message across the Brigade. It will be a community, rather than a network, which is founded on working together in the spirit of the Brigade, living out its Vision, Mission and Values.

A new Mentors role will be introduced, building on good practice which has been in place in some Battalions/Districts. New or less experienced trainers will be allocated a Mentor, who will help support and encourage them in their role, providing opportunities to develop their new skills and offer constructive feedback on delivery.  

The Leader Training Community will replace the existing Brigade Training Officers (BTO) network during the 2021-22 session, once new Leader Development Trainers are trained and appointed, to ensure a continuity of training provision within the Brigade. 

Key Principles of the Leader Development Community

  • Our Leader Development Community will be a group of passionate people, who hold to the Brigade’s Vision, Mission and Values, working together to improve the quality of youth work delivered in the Brigade through training and the ongoing development of leaders.
  • Our community will develop in a spirit of togetherness with members of the community encouraged to assist in the development of the skills of other members of the community and the training materials being delivered.
  • Our community will be built on a level of competence in its members who will be supported through quality materials and resources.
  • This will be a diverse community, with individuals who offer many different skills and competencies with different experiences of the Brigade and the world around us.
  • Recruitment of members of the community will be focused on skill set, ability and potential; members of the community will always be mindful of succession planning, encouraging new/potential members of the community to thrive in our training and development community.
  • Members of the community will experience the same quality experience, regardless of where they are based or complete the Leader Development Training course.