Getting to know our new Brigade Chaplain
Friday 9th December 2022Following his election as Brigade Chaplain, we sat down with Rev Stewart Cutler to find out a bit more about him.
Besides being the new Brigade Chaplain, what else do you do?
I’m minister of St Ninian’s Church in Stonehouse, South Lanarkshire, so that takes up a fair bit of my time.
When I’m not doing that I’ll be walking my two dogs, Aonghus (Angus) and Magnus. I play a bit of golf and still try to play 7-a-side football. If I’m not playing sport, I’ll probably be watching it on TV or being disappointed by Motherwell FC. I also love to travel and enjoy music – about 100 years ago I was a DJ so music has always been a big part of my life.
How did you end up where you are today?
I used to work for the Church of Scotland and the United Reformed Church, mostly training and support for young people and youth and children’s work. I loved it but I felt called to ministry with a congregation for a long time. Eventually I gave in and here I am… in a Church that is a partnership between the two denominations I worked for. And I love it!
What is the most memorable experience you’ve had in your career?
I’ve been lucky enough to do some incredible things, like take groups of young people to Cuba, Israel and Palestine. The standout has got to be being invited to be Chaplain on KGVI. I did KGVI as a young leader and loved it, but being able to spend two weeks with the most amazing group of young leaders and for them to allow me to both join in with them and to help them deepen their faith was incredible.
Who has had the biggest influence on your life?
My mum, Annis. When I was five, she, along with my dad and some of their friends, set up 4th Carluke. My mum was the one who encouraged me to dream, to be imaginative, and to always try hard at whatever I was doing. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999. She recovered well but later sadly discovered secondary cancer. She died in 2015 and I miss her every day.
What encouragement would you give leaders to help share the good news of Jesus?
There is no more important thing we can do for young people than introduce them to Jesus. We share our faith in so many ways. A kind word, encouragement, helping young people to think something through, opening up the stories of Jesus to them, holding them in prayer. I love the idea that if I follow Christ then the lives of the people around me should be better because I will want to help them, make sure they have all they need and that they can know they are loved.
What three tips would you give to young people?
Stick with it. Often the things that are hard turn out to be the most rewarding.
It’s NEVER as bad as you think it is. Whatever it is that is bothering you… talk to someone about it.
Do everything to the best of your ability. Even the small things… actually, especially the small things.