NI District launch ‘Mission 22 Big Night In’
Friday 21st January 2022The Northern Ireland District has announced a major change to its Mission 22 plans. Mission 22 was originally planned to be four live events in various locations in NI on four consecutive Saturdays in February 2022. Given the rise in Covid cases in early Jan 22, the District reluctantly changed their plans and cancelled the live events.
In an exciting change Mission 22 is now going to be a Big Night In at the Company venue. Along with Crown Jesus Ministries, the NI District of BB is producing two lively interactive videos; one for under 11s called Klass Kids and one for over 11s called One Way Youth. Each video will have accompanying guidelines to help BB leaders provide an engaging and fun experience for children and young people in BB in their own venue. The videos can also be used over Zoom if Companies cannot meet face to face due to restrictions or local Covid outbreaks.
To assist leaders to get the most out of the new ‘Mission 22 Big Night In’ the NI District is running a ‘Conversations Around’ session on Zoom on Wed 26 Jan 2022 and is inviting at least one Leader from every BB Company to attend. NI District staff will answer questions and share a broad outline of how the ‘Big Night in’ will work along with ideas for Leaders to make it an enjoyable and memorable experience for their children and young people.
Speaking about Mission 22 Director for NI Lisa Keys said:
‘We have been working hard during January to rework Mission 22 from 4 live events to produce a different local experience but still with the same Big Message of Hope’
‘We started the year with a week of prayer for Mission 22. We are so thankful for everyone who took part and for those who continue to pray for Mission 22. It is our desire that lives will be changed in BB Companies throughout Northern Ireland. We would like to encourage a focus on prayer in February and March to coincide with Companies delivering the Mission. We will be releasing regular prayer updates via text and encourage all Leaders to sign up here to receive these.
The ‘Mission 22 Big Night In’ videos and accompanying resources will be available to those who register from 12 February 2022 onwards.
Please click here to register to receive one or both videos and resources.
More information on Mission 22 can be found here.
Tags: BB Northern Ireland District, Big Night In, Mission 22