BB in Northern Ireland launch Leader/Helper Recruitment Video
Tuesday 20th September 2022‘BB is Back and You Can Play a Part,’ is the title of a new Leader/Helper Recruitment video resource launched today by The Northern Ireland District.
The video is for use in a Church setting to raise awareness of the work of BB and the great need for more volunteers. BBNI developed this resource, based on feedback from Companies that need more volunteers; to highlight the issue in Churches and the important message that everyone can play a part in shaping and influencing young lives for Jesus.
The video highlights all six areas of the BB programme: Get Active, Get Adventurous, Get Creative, Get into the Bible, Get Involved and Get Learning. The strap line – ‘Could you Play a Part?’ sets the key message that a potential volunteer may not be good at all six areas of the programme but could be good in one area and offer to help and share their experience and skills with the BB Company.
Speaking about the video Lisa Keys Director for NI said:
‘We are excited about this video and think it has a great message that everyone in the Church can play a part through BB, no matter how small, in reaching out for Christ to children and young people in their area. The BB Programme is so diverse there is something for everyone to get involved in and help with. Volunteers in BB can start out as Helpers and simply need to complete some basic online training and awareness sessions about BB, Health and Safety and Safeguarding. We then offer further training each year for Helpers when they are ready and if they so desire to attain their Youth Leader Training qualification.’
‘BB is a great Church partnership model for children and youth ministry – tried and tested for almost 140 years. Like many organisations post covid, there is a great need to attract more volunteers to maintain and develop this important ministry in Churches.’
‘We will be encouraging Captains to play this video as part of an announcement time in Church, on Church Facebook pages, at Church events, at Enrolment and later in the session at Displays and end-of-year events. We look forward with great anticipation to seeing what God will do and how He will call many godly men and women to play a part in BB Companies throughout NI as we all seek to Advance His Kingdom. Please join us and pray for this to be fruitful and for God to add His increase to our efforts.’
Anyone who feels they could volunteer and play a part in their local BB Company should speak to the BB Captain or the Minister of the Church to find out more or contact NIHQ. Tel: 028 92688444 or e-mail nihq@boys-brigade.org.uk.
The Video can be viewed on Youtube here
Please go here to request your copy.