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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

Student Volunteering Week – Lauren’s story

February 23rd, 2017

Taking place this week (20th – 26th February 2017), The Boys’ Brigade, along with many other organisations is marking the Student Volunteering Week. SVW is a week that we celebrate the valuable volunteering youth work that many student provide while studying at college and university.  Lauren Birney, 22, is a volunteer leader with the 4th Stirling company and former member of Enniskillen Methodist Girls’ Brigade in Northern Ireland.  Lauren blogs on what volunteer youth work really means to her and how much young people can gain from the experience.

I grew up attending my local Girls’ Brigade and once I was old enough I began to volunteer within the youngest section. I moved to Stirling in 2012 for university and after a year of living here I realised I missed having the opportunity to volunteer with children outside of a school context! That’s when I had a look for local Girls’ and Boys’ Brigades and found the 4th Stirling BB, a relatively new and growing company looking for more people to help out!

Over the past four years, I have had a wonderful experience volunteering with the 4th Stirling. As the team of volunteers has grown and changed, it has been lovely to get the opportunity to work with a variety of people and provide a way out of the ‘student bubble’, which is so tempting to stay in while at university. Volunteering with The Boys’ Brigade has equipped me with valuable skills through training, but also through the week to week planning for Friday nights.

Although we work collaboratively as a team, I mainly work with the Anchor Boys, the youngest section for Boys in Primary one to three. We meet for an hour every Friday night and our evening is usually jam-packed with games, crafts, snacks and a Bible story. It has been so wonderful to see the numbers grow over the years. In fact, this September we started with four Boys and now we have 17 signed up to come on Friday evening!

It has been incredibly rewarding to see the boys enjoy themselves so much each week, so much so that our increase in numbers has been, without a doubt, down to the boys telling their friends and inviting them along! The Boys’ Brigade provides a valuable experience for the boys to relax at the end of the week with their friends but also gives them a wider perspective on life and equips them with skills that will help them succeed in all areas of life. As I move away from Stirling at the end of this academic year I will be incredibly sorry to say goodbye to the 4th Stirling Boys’ Brigade!

Lauren is just one of the nearly thousand young volunteers volunteering with The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland.  Learn more how a little of your time can make a massive difference! 

The Boys’ Brigade appoints new Scotland Director

February 6th, 2017

The Boys’ Brigade has today announced the appointment of John Sharp as its new Director for Scotland.

Originally from East Kilbride, John has worked in the voluntary sector in Scotland and Ireland for more than fourteen years, and will bring a wealth of experience in heading up the BB in Scotland.

The father-of-two has worked for charities, including Oxfam and the World Council of Churches as well as spending time volunteering in Malawi and the Middle East.

John currently lives with his wife and children on the Hebridean island of Coll where he has been working as the Assistant Director for an education charity, the Project Trust.

Looking for a new challenge, John applied for the BB job where his youth work, volunteering and own experience as BB member, impressed the organisation leading to securing the new role.

John said:

“I’m thrilled to be joining The Boys’ Brigade as Director for Scotland. I’ve spent much of my career working for youth organisations and charities and am looking forward to getting started and working with everyone in the BB family.”

John starts in April and is taking over the senior position from Bill Stevenson who is now the CEO of The Boys’ Brigade UK and ROI.

Bill said:

“John will be a fantastic addition to the BB team in Scotland.

“I know John’s experience in the charity and youth work sectors will be greatly welcomed and we look forward to seeing his expertise used to help strengthen and grow the organisation.”

On welcoming the appointment, David Sneddon, Chair of the BB Scotland Committee, said:

“I’m delighted to welcome John to the BB team in Scotland.

“John is a former BB Boy and I’m sure he will bring lots of knowledge and skills from his current post to his new job as Director for BB Scotland. I look forward to working with him when he takes up the post in April.”

Bangladesh – Trip of a Lifetime Opportunity!

January 27th, 2017

bangladesh is drowningIn recent years, the World Mission Fund Committee has sent young leaders around the world to follow the progress of the project for that year. These places have included Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Czech Republic and Trinidad and Tobago.

This year we are looking for two young leaders to spend two weeks in Bangladesh as part of the ‘Bangladesh is Drowning’ project.  This funded opportunity will allow you to see first-hand how the fundraising will be supporting small communities in an environmental project.



You can apply to go to Bangladesh as long as you fall into the following criteria:

  • You are a registered BB Officer between the ages of 18 and 25
  • You are prepared to represent BB Scotland
  • You are outgoing and enjoy taking the initiative
  • You are prepared to travel overseas in August 2017
  • You have a valid UK passport

To apply for this amazing opportunity, we are looking for you to write a short piece of writing (max 250 words) or produce video/sound clip (max two minutes), saying why you wished to apply and how people (in Scotland & in Bangladesh) would benefit from your involvement.  Those short-listed will be invited to interviews in April.

If interested, please send your entry to Rhona Drummond rhona.drummond@boys-brigade.org.uk by 10th March. Please make subject of the email WMF Bangladesh.  For further information about this year’s World Mission Fund appeal please visit the website.

We wish you the best of luck with your application!


World Mission Fund Committee

The Boys’ Brigade is getting involved in Red Nose Day 2017

January 20th, 2017

BB groups across the country are being challenged to raise £100 for Red Nose Day 2017!

Red Nose Day is all about the power to make the world a better place, simply by having a great time. It all culminates in a massive night of comedy and entertainment, live on the BBC, and all the money raised is then used to change countless lives, both here in the UK and across Africa.

The Boys’ Brigade is challenging sections to get involved and raise £100 for Comic Relief. In 2016 BB groups got involved in Sport Relief and raised thousands £’s walking, running, swimming, rowing and cycling. This Red Nose Day there’s sure to be groups putting on comedy/talent shows, hold a cake sales, having a fancy-dress parties and taking on challenges. There’s also the opportunity to get involved in the BBC Comedy Classroom, by getting members to write jokes for a special Blue Peter Joke Book competition.

Find out more at www.rednoseday.com/schools/uniformed-groups

Join us in Manchester for Brigade Conference 2017

January 19th, 2017

Brigade Conference 2017 was due to be held in Cardiff, but due to clashing with an international sporting event this year’s event has been moved to Manchester. Manchester’s central location and great transport links make it the ideal location and we hope that as many leaders as possible will join us at Conference in 2017 on 1st – 3rd September.

Youthful, diverse, energetic and bursting with character; just some of the ways Manchester is often described. One of the most exciting places to visit in the UK right now, Manchester is famous for its ability to combine a multi-cultural culture with a northern charm where everybody and anybody is very warmly welcomed.

Known throughout the world as the birthplace of the industrial revolution, Manchester has a proud history in science, politics, music, arts and sport. And today the city combines this heritage with a progressive vision to be a city that delivers surprise and delight in equal measures.

With this in mind, what better location for our 2017 conference, The Boys’ Brigade itself has an illustrious history and an equally progressive vision. The event committee are working very hard to put together an innovative and cultured event that best represents our host city and our future vision.

The Venue
The host venue will be The Copthorne Hotel in Salford Quays which is perfectly situated close to many attractions and city sights including Media City and Old Trafford Football Stadium. There are also several other accommodation options nearby including the Ibis Budget and AC Marriott Manchester Hotels.

The Programme
The conference weekend will include Brigade Council, the Annual General Meeting of The Boys’ Brigade. A full programme will be available shortly and we will keep you up to date about plans for the event through the monthly eBB news.

Registering to Attend
For more information download the Conference Registration form.

If you have any questions please get in touch with the England & Wales Office on 01442 288 558 or ewhq@boys-brigade.org.uk.

Malawi Project 2018

January 17th, 2017

Do you have any seniors who would relish a real charity challenge? Would your company like to really get involved in a project that makes a huge difference to those who need it? We are looking for volunteer seniors and leaders to take part in trip to Malawi to build and renovate classrooms for children who live in poverty.


Malawi is the poorest nation in the world and we, along with our partner organisation Classrooms for Malawi, believe the key to unlocking the circle of poverty is education. The primary school classrooms in most schools are in a dilapidated state that are not fit for good learning so we are creating a project with senior members from companies all over Scotland to do something about it.


We are looking to go out at the end of June 2018 for two weeks.


We are looking for a team of seniors from across the BB in Scotland who will be at least at the end of S4 by the summer of 2018. You must be up for a big challenge, willing to put the effort in to fundraise and be interested in understanding about poverty within a developing country. We are also looking for around five leaders who would be willing to do the same and help organise this fantastic opportunity.

 What’s the Process?

If you are interested in applying for a place, register your interest with Irene Davidson at Scottish HQ by February 20th. We will then run a selection process for all the applicants and get the team selected by the end of March. If selected, you will need to fundraise the amount required for your trip and for the materials required to renovate the classrooms before May 2018. (approx. £3000 per person for young people and leaders)

 How do I find out more?

Interested? To receive further information, please contact Irene Davidson on scottishhq@boys-brigade.org.uk or by phone 01324 562008 – Option 1.

Launch of new animated video

January 6th, 2017

The Boys’ Brigade has launched a brand new animated feature as part of the One for All recruitment campaign.   The short animation is aimed at providing parents, carers, teachers, young people and others an engaging insight into the varied and exciting programmes on offer through The Boys’ Brigade.

On launching the new animation, Bill Stevenson, CEO The Boys’ Brigade, said:

“It is always good to welcome new faces to our sections – and by using this new resource, we hope to really share to the wider community all the great things that are on offer through The Boys’ Brigade.

“The BB brings people together, engage people of all ages in activities they may never normally experience  – whether it is a discovering a new talent or developing a new skill ,  The BB helps young people achieve and realise their full worth.

“My hope is that this new animation captures our ambitions for BB members and our aim to  offer young people the safe space to discover, to grow and to learn.”

The production includes the story of ‘John’, an example of a young person who joined the BB at his local church and has grown up through the organisation.

Learn more about the One for All campaign.

View the all latest animations here.

One for All (UK&RoI) from The Boys’ Brigade on Vimeo.




January 5th, 2017


The Boys’ Brigade is seeking to appoint a children’s and communitie’s worker for established BB groups and work in North Wales.  The project is based in rural schools and communities in particular at St Mary’s School, Ruabon, Brymbo and Shotton. The role will include joint working with churches in the Offa Mission Area to promote work with children and young people within the Diocese.

This will be an exciting and challenging role and will involve planning and delivering activities for newly established groups for children, and helping to actively recruit members (children) and volunteers to ensure sustainability.

A key part of the role will be to build up strong relationships with local schools, churches and communities.

This is a fulltime position on a fixed 12 month contract. Flexibility to work some evenings and weekends will be required. Salary £20,755 on a fixed term 12 month contract.

If you have a background in Christian children’s work and the confidence and skills needed to help us achieve our plans and vision, then we would be pleased to hear from you.

Closing date for applications – 3rd February 2017.

Christmas arrangements

December 21st, 2016

Please note that the Scottish HQ office will close for Christmas at 3pm on Friday 23rd December and reopen on Wednesday 4th January 2017. In case of emergency, please call 01442 231681.

The Scottish HQ team wishes you a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for New Year!

YouthLink Youth Worker of the Year awards

December 7th, 2016
National Youth Worker of the Year Awards 2016 10 March 2016 Picture: © Alan Rennie Photography

National Youth Worker of the Year Awards 2016
10 March 2016

The national agency for youth work, YouthLink Scotland, is again on the search for nominations​ for the awards being presented in March.  BB leaders have been amongst the winners and finalists in the last few years and, hopefully, this can also be the case this time.

The category which a BB nomination would most likely apply is the Volunteer of the Year category.  However there are several categories to choose from.  The final deadline for submission is Monday 16th January.



Learn more by visiting the YouthLink Scotland website.  Further support and advice is also available from Niall Rolland at BB Scottish HQ – niall.rolland@boys-brigade.org.uk T: 01324 562 008.


One For All Blog – “Confident with an aspiration to achieve”

November 29th, 2016

Tom Cowan has spent years working with children and young people in the formal education sector.  Using his professional insight and experience of The Boys’ Brigade, he reflects on how BB membership helps shape young lives…

“Having been a member of The Boys’ Brigade since five years old, I have always upheld and followed the object of the organisation in everything I have done.

As a teacher who has taught both in primary schools and secondary schools around Manchester and in Plymouth, I am often fortunate to teach young boys and girls and older students who seem to thrive from their involvement within the organisation.

I think there are numerous benefits which are easily demonstrated in school such as;

Confidence and Resilience – This is probably the easiest thing to witness from a pupil who is part of The Boys’ Brigade.  Children and young adults who are members of the organisation tend to show a confidence which is ahead of their peers.  They appear to have a developed vigour to try out the unknown and “to give it a go” where others might not have the same attitude.  This also holds true in the face of adversity – whether this be not doing well in a test, or not understanding something in class – the level of resilience and the ability to bounce back is second to none.

Respect and Tolerance – Thinking of others and having a well-grounded understanding for others’ thoughts and feelings seems to be well ingrained in these students.  A very important facet within education.  Learners need to be mindful of others around them and develop an understanding of how they learn and interact.

Attitude and Attainment – Being part of The Boys’ Brigade doesn’t necessarily make you smarter but what it does do; is give learners a much more improved attitude to learning. Combined with the other benefits discussed, members of the BB have a hunger to achieve – whether that be in their studies, or acting as role models to others in terms of behaviour.  This attitude aids attainment – what they learn and how they learn in the sessions with BB allows them to further their learning in school.

High Aspirations – Aiming high is important in life and especially in school – whether that be exam success or being a star pupil.  Members of the BB want to succeed and have the drive to succeed.  They set themselves high targets and, using what they learn in BB, push themselves to achieve these targets.

There are many more benefits than just those discussed above, but overall these tend to support and further develop pupils’ understanding towards their studies and their life in school.  I am proud to uphold these ideals and would encourage others to attend their local BB company.  Being a member of the BB can help most students to become much more confident and give them an inspiration to achieve which can only be of a benefit in school.”

Tom Cowan works currently as lecturer in Education and is also an officer with 4th Plymouth company.  You can reach Tom by email tom.cowan@plymouth.ac.uk

Show your support this #GivingTuesday!

November 28th, 2016

For ‘Giving Tuesday’, The Boys’ Brigade is calling on communities to ‘show your support’ for the local BB companies and to help the organisation make even more of a difference in young people’s lives.

There are many ways you can get involved – you could enquire about volunteering opportunities; make a donation; or even just saying ‘thank you’ in person or on social media.

The Boys’ Brigade works with around 20,000 young people in over 400 communities in Scotland on a weekly basis. Our priority is to provide support in a safe and fun learning environment, giving young people with the best start in life.

Commenting on the Giving Tuesday, Bill Stevenson, The Boys’ Brigade CEO, said:

“In many places, the local BB company plays a really important and active role in the community.  Fundraising, inter-generational work and providing a safe place for young people are just some examples of what happens each week.

“As we approach the very special time of year, we are asking people to take a moment and ‘show your support’ for the efforts of their local BB volunteers and young people.”

Giving Tuesday  is a worldwide campaign calling on people to do something good for charity following on from Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

You can also show your support online.  Post your message on Twitter to @TheBBscotland using #boysbrigade and #givingtuesday .

Learn more about ways to support The Boys’ Brigade by visiting http://boys-brigade.org.uk/scotland/

Show support this Giving Tuesday!

November 25th, 2016

For ‘Giving Tuesday’, The Boys’ Brigade is calling on communities to ‘show your support’ for the local BB companies and to help the organisation make even more of a difference in young people’s lives.

There are many ways you can get involved – you could enquire about volunteering opportunities; make a donation; or even just saying ‘thank you’ in person or on social media.

The Boys’ Brigade works with around 50,000 young people across 1400 communities in the UK and Republic of Ireland on a weekly basis. Our priority is to provide support in a safe and fun learning environment, giving young people with the best start in life.

Commenting on the Giving Tuesday, Bill Stevenson, The Boys’ Brigade CEO, said:

“In many places, the local BB company plays a really important and active role in the community.  Fundraising, intergenerational work and providing a safe place for young people are just some examples of what happens each week.

“As we approach the very special time of year, we are asking people to take a moment and ‘show your support’ for the efforts of their local BB volunteers and young people.”

Giving Tuesday  is a worldwide campaign calling on people to do something good for charity following on from Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

You can also show your support online.  Post your message on Twitter to @theboysbrigade using #boysbrigade and #givingtuesday .

Learn more about ways to support The Boys’ Brigade by visiting http://boys-brigade.org.uk/

World Mission Fund raises £10,000 for Kids in Kenya

November 23rd, 2016

BB & GB companies in Scotland have raised an incredible £10,000 for the ‘Kit for Kenya’ appeal.

The cheque for World Mission was presented to the Right Rev Dr Russel Barr, Moderator of Church of Scotland’s General Assembly, at a special presentation evening on Friday 18 November in the Aberdeen BB Headquarters at Crimon Place.

moderator-with-groupThe appeal, the first time it has been supported jointly by BB and GB, is supporting kids and young people in Kenya to provide them likes of uniform and materials, which we might take for granted in Scotland.

Companies raised money for the appeal through various means, including sponsor nights and collections at worship events.   Some members even braved the elements to complete a triathlon which raised over £1,000 alone.

Right Rev Dr Russel Barr said:

“It’s a great privilege and honour to receive this cheque. I am sure the £10,000 will go a very long way and the kids in Kenya will appreciate it.”

In August, a group of young leaders from Scotland visited Kenya to meet with young people in Kenya to see how the money would be spent.

Bill Stevenson, Director for The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland, said:

“Well done to everyone who supported the ‘Kit for Kenya’ appeal!

“To yet again have achieved such a fantastic amount is a tribute to the hard work by the young people and the leaders. Supporting others, and particularly those less fortunate, is something our members care deeply about.

“Both Girls’ Brigade Scotland and the BB are part of a worldwide family and we are thrilled to be able to support our sister organisations in this way.”

The BB World Mission Fund was founded in 1947 to provide support for ongoing and new work in areas of need across the world, raising more than £1.5million since it began.

Learn more about the new ‘Climate Conscious’ appeal by visiting http://worldmissionfund.org.uk/


#iwillWeek Blog

November 22nd, 2016

“I am proud of the empowerment that youth work in its many forms provides and the way it lifts young people to see more of the world around them…”

Taking place this week (21st – 26th November), The Boys’ Brigade, along with many other organisations is marking the #iwill week. #iwill is a campaign to raise awareness of youth social action.  Andrew Low, 23, is a member of The Boys’ Brigade Scotland Committee for the Glasgow/Dunbartonshire area and former member of 182nd Glasgow.  He blogs on what youth social action really means to him and how much young people can gain from the experience.


andrew-lowUpon reflection, The Boys’ Brigade has probably made much more of an impact on my life than I realise. I appreciate the experiences I can tell of today – summer camps, a host of Queen’s Badge activities and volunteering in Uganda – and notice the outward skills that I have developed over the years – football, bagpipes and expedition knowledge – but it is the subtle skills that I have gained that have given me the most benefit in progressing through education and my career, forming relationships and finding and taking a wealth of opportunities that otherwise might not have occurred.

I have family and friends who have been through all four uniformed youth organisations and I see the confidence it gives them, the enhanced ability to communicate and work as a team and the values of loyalty, hard-work and selflessness that are instilled.

I am also privileged to have seen first-hand the benefit of STEM ambassadors, particularly working with young people who don’t excel at or enjoy academic subjects or come from less-privileged backgrounds that gain a new enthusiasm and appreciation for education.

A new experience for me, as a member of the BB Scotland Committee, is exposure to working in collaboration with non-uniformed youth organisations and the advocacy channels that are being created for the young people of this country. When I think about all of this, I am proud of the empowerment that youth work in its many forms provides and the way it lifts young people to see more of the world around them and make the most of the opportunities – and challenges – that come with living as a young person in the 21st century.

Recently I lead activities at a Science Festival for primary school-aged children. This was an opportunity that presented itself to me through my job with Rolls-Royce, a job which I was offered partly because I was able to tell of and demonstrate the skills and experiences I gained through the BB. At the festival my colleagues and I were able to use Hooke’s Law to explain catapults. Anyone who has studied Physics know that Hooke’s Law is boring – you stretch a spring with a force and measure its displacement, “woop woop!” But getting the pupils outdoors to fire water balloons at a target demonstrated the concept in a new way and sparked an interest in how the ideas they learn about in school apply to everyday life and inspired a sense of curiosity that they would carry into everything they do.

Andrew was part of a BB project in Uganda in 2013

Andrew was part of a BB project in Uganda in 2013

The Queen’s Badge Award is the highest and most prestigious award in the BB for a reason. Both as a boy, witnessing my own experiences and those of my friends, and as an officer, witnessing the current Queensmen develop and excel, I know how inspiring it can be to see the results of your efforts. I know how inspiring it can be to find skills you never knew you had and how much of a difference you can make to your own life and to the lives of those around you.

I believe these experiences capture the essence of what youth social action is about and what I am most proud of as a BB officer and as a STEM ambassador. The vast majority of my contact with youth work as a young person was through the BB, but it motivated me to continue as an officer and get involved in other avenues that can empower change in the lives of young people who can gain so much from it. As I began this blog, it is only upon reflection that I realise, beyond my CV, how significant a part of the person I am today is owed to the BB and youth work in general. I’d encourage you to reflect on what it has done for you, what you have seen it do for others and remind you of our aim to encourage young people to push boundaries and excel beyond what they think their capability is limited to.


Learn more about the #iwill campaign here.  Keen to find out more about volunteering opportunites in The Boys’ Brigade?  More information  


Job Vacancy – Director for Scotland

November 17th, 2016

Director for Scotland

Full time permanent appointment
Member of Senior Management Team
Salary £38,000 with car

Can you:
• Develop our work in Scotland
• Increase membership
• Support and challenge volunteers and young people
• Work with other key partners
• Help to improve the experience of our members

For job description and further information:
Telephone:  01324 562008 option 1
Email: rhona.drummond@boys-brigade.org.uk
Or write to: The Boys’ Brigade, Carronvale House, Carronvale Road, Larbert, FK5 3LH

Closing Date:  20 December 2016

BB members take over Science Centre for Giant Sleepover!

November 15th, 2016

400 Junior Section members from across Scotland spent the night in one of Glasgow’s most famous attractions on Friday 11th November.

The Junior Section members aged eight to ten years old spent the night at Glasgow Science Centre to experience live science shows, learning to build their own rockets, creating their own fossils and exploring the stars in the centre’s very own state-of-the-art planetarium.

Bill Stevenson, Director for The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland, attended the event, marking the fourth of its kind a “tremendous success”.

Bill said:

“400 members from 36 Junior Sections across the country got the chance to try out hundreds of exhibits, explore the night sky in the planetarium and even experience a live science show.

“Our programmes aim to inspire children and young people to learn new things in a fun way and the Science Centre event very much encapsulates this.


The sleepover is the largest residential event which the BB offers its Junior Section age group.  Bill added:

“Spending an overnight in the science centre offers that residential aspect, adding a real sense of excitement and adventure – if not a sleepless night.

“The hard work of our own volunteer leaders alongside the Science Centre staff ensures that this is such an exciting and enjoyable time for these youngsters.”

 This is the fourth event of its kind which has attracted over 1600 youngsters from groups across Scotland.

David McLean, eight-years-old, from the 5th Hamilton Junior Section, added:

“It was an awesome night, but it was really noisy so I didn’t get much sleep.

“I had loads of fun and it was brilliant to spend the night in the Science Centre.”


Learn more about how to get involved in your local BB group here.

#oneforallBB blog – Welcoming new leaders

October 19th, 2016

The One for All campaign is about welcome new young people to BB, highlighting how BB supports its members, but also how we can attract more adult leaders. In this latest blog, Jamie McIntosh offers an insight into how the sections of 2nd Linlithgow went about recruiting.

“In May, 2nd Linlithgow had 12 leaders. By August, we’d recruited 15 new leaders. In three months, we’d more than doubled to 27 leaders! It’s difficult to recruit leaders, so I thought it would be good to share how we went about it…

1. Recognise a need. To satisfy adult: child safeguarding ratios, allow for emergencies, and to improve our programme, we needed more leaders.

2. Identify where you need help. We needed help in every Section!

3. Decide what you want from a volunteer. We wanted working age Christian helpers (some with the potential to become officers).

4. Decide where to look. You can recruit cold e.g. Freshers Fairs or advertise locally, but we felt we knew people who could help. Our new leaders are old Boys, parents of existing Boys and Church members.

5. Make the approach I made up a ‘hit list’ and e-mailed people individually! We said people would help for a year, with regular reviews. After 12 months, we would decide whether to continue.

6. Offer support: The volunteer recruitment area on the B.B. website (http://leaders.boys-brigade.org.uk/volunteerrecruitment.htm) is a good start.
Each new volunteer received
– an induction,
– a welcome pack,
– paired with a ‘buddy’ (experienced leader)
– check every couple of months to see how things were going

So, what’s happened? In just one month:

Stronger relationship with our Church. More people know what B.B. is all about. They see us as part of their programme of Christian education and as part of their community outreach.

We offer different activities. A new leader is a rugby coach.

Boys like the progression. Previously, we had to do group activities covering multiple years. With more leaders, we can divide up and do different activities depending on Boys’ ages.”

Learn more about the 2nd Linlithgow via the facebook page.
Get in touch with Jamie by emailing jamiemci@talk21.com

Announcement: Brigade Secretary

October 17th, 2016

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Bill Stevenson as Brigade Secretary and Chief Executive.

Bill has been the Director for Scotland since 2009 and moves to take up this appointment with immediate effect.

On the appointment Alistair Burrow, Vice-President, The Boys’ Brigade, said “I am delighted that Bill Stevenson has agreed to continue working with us, as we seek to build on recent successes in opening new Companies and experimenting with new ways to deliver youth work in more challenging situations. Bill has a vast knowledge and experience of the Brigade and, yet, retains a keen sense of innovation and experiment which I am sure will help to keep us moving forward.  I am looking forward to working closely with him to deliver our strategic aims.”

Celebrating our Make a Difference Award Winners

October 12th, 2016

Four young people have been presented with one of the organisation’s most coveted accolades at a ceremony at BBC Broadcasting House on Wednesday 12 October.

The young people from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales were presented with their ‘2016 Make a Difference Awards’ by Lord Leslie Griffiths, President of The Boys’ Brigade and BBC Radio 2 Presenter Chris Evans at a special presentation inside the studios of Radio 2.

The UK-wide awards were established in 2009 which recognises and celebrates the achievement of a BB young person who has gone above and beyond to help others.

Mitchell Powell, aged 18, from Chelmsford and a member of the 3rd Chelmsford Company was named as the winner for England.

Lewis Shillinglaw, aged 19, from Loanhead and a member of the 1st Loanhead Company was the Scottish winner.

Keelan Leeper, aged 18 from Portadown and a member of the 1st Bluestone, was named as the winner for Northern Ireland.

Twenty-two year old Adam Morris from Cardiff and a member of 21st Cardiff was the winner for Wales.

Each of the young people have got involved with and made a difference in their community, including volunteering, teaching sports to disabled children and caring for a family member.

Bill Stevenson, Acting CEO of The Boys’ Brigade, said “Congratulations to Mitchell, Lewis, Keelan and Adam. We are exceptionally proud of them. Like so many BB young people, they go above and beyond to help others. The Boys’ Brigade aims to make a difference in the lives of young people, like our winners, who give so much to help others. These young people are an inspiration and thoroughly deserve this recognition.”

St Giles’ Service marks 133rd anniversary

October 6th, 2016
Pic Greg Macvean - 04/10/2016 - The Boys Brigade 133rd Anniversary is marked with a service at St Giles Cathedral -

Pic Greg Macvean 

The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland marked 133 years of shaping the lives of young people in Scotland and around the world at a special service of thanksgiving at St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh.

The anniversary service was led by BB Scotland Chaplain, Rev Derek Hughes, and was attended by nearly 100 people, including 20 BB leaders and young people.



Flowers were laid next to a plaque commemorating the organisation’s founder, Sir William Smith, by Barry Williams (17) and Matthew Turnbull (17) from the 2nd/4th Motherwell company.

Commenting on why the BB still plays such an important role for young people, Barry said:

“No matter who you are, where you come from, or what your background is, The Boys’ Brigade welcomes everybody.

“It’s a family environment where you can make lifelong friends.”

Also attending the service was Bill Stevenson, Acting CEO, The Boys’ Brigade UK & RoI.

He said:

“The service brought together people of all ages to give thanks to the vision of the Brigade’s founder, Sir William Smith.  I was delighted to see some of current members attending and even some leaders from BB Hong Kong!

“Days like today remind us of our proud history but also help us focus on the needs of today’s young people.  Whilst the BB has been around for some time, the organisation is as committed as ever to offer a safe place where young people can have fun, learn and be themselves.”

Since Sir William Smith started the 1st Glasgow company, the BB has grown into a worldwide youth organisation spanning over 60 countries with a  total membership in excess of half a million young people.

Learn more about your local BB group here.

Proud to be celebrating 133 years!!!

October 4th, 2016

Today, we’re proud to be celebrating 133 years working with children and young people.

That’s 133 years since William Alexander Smith founded the first BB Company in Glasgow, Scotland on 4th October 1883. The organisation is now spread across the globe in over 50 countries reaching over 1 million children and young people. Today, in the UK & Republic of Ireland we partner with 1400 churches, reaching out into the local community to engage with more than 47,000 children and young people every week.

133 years and counting… our work goes on to make a difference in our communities and to the lives of the children and young people who we engage with… we have Faith in Young people!

Run, Pedal and Paddle for Duke of Edinburgh Award’s Diamond Challenge

September 30th, 2016

The Boys’ Brigade Development Team has taken on the Duke of Edinburgh Diamond Challenge by swimming, cycling, running and canoeing their way across Scotland.

dsc_0043Nine members of the team, based at the Scottish BB HQ in Larbert and in local areas, pedalled, paddled and ran from all corners of the country to make their way to their final destination, the Falkirk Wheel.  Using waterway and footpaths of the Forth & Clyde Union canals, the team covered a combined total of 150km in a bid to raise money to support vulnerable young people.

Alan Hunter, Training and Development Officer at The Boys’ Brigade, who walked eight kilometres along the Forth & Clyde canal to the Falkirk Wheel as part of the challenge, said:

“It was a superb effort by the team in somewhat tough conditions.

“‘Adventure Begins Here’ is the BB strapline and it’s only fitting that staff team lives up to this.

“Supporting more young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, is something we are passionate about.  Last year, more than 150 BB young people achieved Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and I hope that our challenge can help even more attain these alongside our other youth awards.”20160928_112800

The Diamond Challenge was set up in celebration of the Duke of Edinburgh’s 60th anniversary. The challenge was set to help raise funds to help transform young lives across the UK, in areas local to the people fundraising. Currently over 300,000 young people participate in DofE programmes each year.

To donate to the BB team’s fundraising total, please visit: http://bit.ly/2cXnz9j

One for All Blog – “Teacher’s perspective”

September 23rd, 2016

…solid and balanced foundation for a positive life..

Morag Franks is a mum to a BB member and also a current BB leader.  However, it’s in her role as primary school teacher, she offers her perspective on how BB offers a supportive and safe place for children and young people.

“I first became aware of the BB when my oldest son was five and I was looking for a safe, fun and stimulating group for him to join. I had heard of Beavers but BB was new to me so I went along to my local company to see what it had to offer and 12 years later I am still going!

Working in an inner-city primary school, I am all too aware of the struggles the youngsters have to deal with, in all areas of their lives, and I have seen first-hand over the years the benefits that being a member of the BB has to offer the children I teach, as well as my own sons.

I believe that BB gives its youngsters support and guidance in all the important areas of child development; these being emotional, social, physical and intellectual.


The young people are supported by the leaders, as well as their peers, in a relaxed friendly, almost family atmosphere, leading them to feel confident and comfortable to open up about what is happening in their lives – be it positive or negative, and to feel secure enough to seek help if they need it.


The personal and life skills that the children are encouraged to build on by team work activities and weekends away have a hugely positive effect on their confidence as well as tolerance and understanding of people’s differences and beliefs.


Through weekly sports sessions and an abundance of different competitions during the evenings and weekends, children are encouraged to be as physically active as possible while learning new sporting skills and the importance of being a team player.


The weekly sessions cover a planned programme of activities that cover a variety of areas which aim to simulate the young people to not only learn, but question the world they live in.

I feel that BB offers everything a young child to young adult needs to become a tolerant, compassionate and well-balanced adult.  There’s an emphasis on having a solid and balanced foundation for a positive life, where they are happy and prepared to push themselves to achieve their personal best, as well as understand and accept that life is not all plain-sailing and, although things can and do go wrong, they are secure and confident in their own ability to deal with whatever life throws at them.”

Morag’s perspective is only one amongst very many teachers who value the significant contribution BB makes to young people’s lives here and around the world.

Learn more about the One for All campaign here…

Brigade Conference 2016 Up-Date

September 5th, 2016

Many thanks to Northern Ireland Region for hosting such an excellent weekend, all the arrangements were first class and there was real sense of BB fellowship. During the AGM the following matters were considered:-

1. The accounts to 31st March 2016 were received.
2. The Capitation Fees for session 17/18 as published in the Gazette were agreed.
3. The following Office-Bearers were elected:

  • President: Lord Griffiths
  • Vice-Presidents: David Blevins
  • Alistair Burrow
  • David Aubrey
  • Treasurer Clifford Bygrave
  • Chaplain Very Rev Michael Barry

4. The London motion amending Brigade Regulations (details in the Gazette) was

The Annual Review 15/16 was also launched:

Our Review of the session 2015-2016 from The Boys’ Brigade on Vimeo

Brigade Conference in 2017 will be from the 1-3 September in Cardiff.

Bill Stevenson
Acting Brigade Secretary

Felden Lodge, Job Vacancies….

September 5th, 2016

Felden Lodge is looking for suitable applicants to fill the following position:

Part Time Cook, 15 flexible hours per week to include alternate weekends, mid-week day & evening shifts. Typical shift times 10am-2pm or 5pm-8pm.To help run a small kitchen.
Must ideally have relevant experience or NVQ level 2 & Food Hygiene certificate, but training can be given.
Uniform provided. Salary £18,703 (full time equivalent)
Beautiful surroundings and great working environment.

Why not join our small friendly team?
For more information call Colin Watts – 01442 288557 or email us for an application form colin.watts@boys-brigade.org.uk
Closing date 14th Sept 2016

2 x Housekeeper/Catering Assistant
Working part time Monday to Friday, 18 hours per week.

Principally working as a housekeeper but depending on skills of the successful applicant, assisting chef with catering related tasks on occasion.
No formal qualifications necessary, but experience in similar work would be an advantage.
Uniform provided. £8 per hour with 25 days holiday.
Beautiful surroundings and great working environment.

Why not join our small friendly team?
For more information call Colin Watts – 01442 288557 or email us for an application form colin.watts@boys-brigade.org.uk
Closing date 9th September 2016

One for All blog – Parents Perspective

September 1st, 2016

Doreen’s son James is a member of the 25th Stirling company based in Dunblane.  She offers a parent’s perspective on what the BB offers young people.

In our area we are spoiled for choice with numerous activities and clubs for young people.  All the uniformed organisations are represented, as well as many different sports clubs.  It is a town of high achievers, with no less than three athletes representing Team GB at the Rio Olympics.  Many other local teenagers are hoping to follow in their footsteps and are already representing Scotland at junior levels in different sports, including my own son, and others are excelling in music, drama, dance etc.  Being at the top of whatever is your game takes a huge amount of time and commitment, in addition to the ever increasing pressure of school work.  So, why would a young boy have time for or be bothered with the BB?   How can the BB compete both with those who are busy and active, but also motivate those stereotypical teenagers who only want to laze about in front of the xbox?

For us, the initial decision was easy, as James comes from a family of ex BB members and officers and he joined Anchor Boys at age five.  Their weekly programme of games, stories and crafts delivered by enthusiastic leaders was enough to keep him engaged until he moved on to Junior Section aged eight.  By this time, he was starting to realise what he liked and disliked, rather than what we, his parents, thought he should, so swimming and football fell by the wayside as he focussed on racket sports.  Junior Section also passed the test, as it provided a well-balanced programme of activities including trying different sports, drill and marching, and of course an introduction to camp and a first stay away from home.  In three years, James did not miss a single BB meeting – there can be no better testament to the programme and the leaders than that!

As James moved on to Company Section, demands on his time were becoming greater.  School work is obviously always priority, but by this time James was also in the Scottish Table Tennis squad.  To be the top five in your country at anything requires a huge commitment.  In our case this includes three midweek 100 miles round trips for training, then travelling the length and breadth of the country for tournaments at weekends. Friday nights though, are still BB nights, and although he can no longer boast Perfect Attendance, it is still high.

James knows and appreciates that BB has provided him with a huge variety of activities, experiences and choices.  Some, such as joining the Band or being in the bi-annual pantomime are not for him, but it’s great they are available for others.  Other things such as lawn bowls and gorge walking he would probably never otherwise have thought to try, or had the opportunity to experience.   BB is a social place to meet with friends (actually interact with them, not just chat on social media!).  James has learned the value and the satisfaction in helping the local community through bag-packing, Food Bank collections etc, and life skills such as baking and ironing to help set him up for the future!   He is now about to embark on the Duke of Edinburgh programme and looking forward to the experiences and challenges that will bring.

The older boys provide inspiration too, seeing them undertake all that is necessary to complete their Queen’s badge and Duke of Edinburgh scheme.  This summer a group of the Seniors went to Malawi to rebuild classrooms.  It was inspiring and humbling to see them work hard by fundraising enough money to make the trip possible, and James is looking forward to hearing about their adventures in the new BB session.

As a parent, I appreciate the BB for providing so many varied opportunities in a safe and structured environment, and its leaders, who in giving up so much of their time are being great role models for our boys.

Learn more about the One for All campaign here.

Sir Alex backs ‘One for All’ campaign!

August 31st, 2016

Sir Alex Ferguson has backed The Boys’ Brigade ahead of its latest recruitment drive in a bid to welcome a new wave of children and young people to its 430 groups across Scotland.  The football legend has spoken of his own time in the organisation when he was a member of the 129th Glasgow Company and how the experience helped gear him up for success.

His comments come ahead of the new BB campaign, One For All, which aims to support companies and battalions in setting new challenges and welcoming new members.  Each section, including Anchor, Junior, Company and Senior, are being invited to take part in the campaign to grow their membership by at least one member compared to this time last session.

Sir Alex Ferguson CBE was the guest of honour at the Aberdeen and District Ballalion The Boys' Brigade Queen's Badge and President's Badge awards evening. Pictured is Sir Alex is pictured with those that received the Presidents Badge Picture by Chris Sumner Taken 30/5/16

Sir Alex Ferguson CBE 
Picture by Chris Sumner


However, Sir Alex Ferguson’s message isn’t only to young people, but also to parents and carers.   He underlines the benefits from BB membership and all that he gained from his own childhood experience within the organisation.



Sir Alex Ferguson said:

“As a parent you give values to your children, which my parents did very well. Going to The Boys’ Brigade is an inspiration where you learn about teamwork, helping each other and that enjoyment of being in the BB is a fantastic experience.”


The Boys’ Brigade is already working with more than 50,000 children and young people and more than 1,400 groups across the UK and Republic of Ireland. 20,000 young people aged five to 18 attend one of the 430 groups every week in Scotland alone.

The organisation now wants to welcome new members to come and explore new experiences, make new friends and learn in a fun and safe environment.

Bill Stevenson, Director for The BB in Scotland, said:

“The BB helps engage people of all ages and walks of life in activities they may never normally experience, welcoming members to become part of our BB extended family.

“From expeditions to nature trails, camps to canoeing and overseas trips, the BB gives young people the chance to grow and learn. To have Sir Alex Ferguson’s backing is also testament to the hard work we undertake across the country. He has gone from a boy from Govan to one of the world’s most famous footballing heroes using his leadership and team working skills gained through the BB.”

Volunteering is also a fundamental part of the BB, and young people are being encouraged to join to not only help others, but also gain vital experience and skills.  Youth Link Scotland, the national agency for youth work, estimates that youth work has made a major difference to the lives of over 450,000 people in Scotland today, over 13% of the Scottish population.

The total value of youth work in Scotland also stands at a minimum of £656m, a return of £7 for every £1 of public money.

Bill added:

“We want to encourage young people to volunteer and discover their inner talents in a place where we actively nurture and offer endless opportunities for everyone. We recognise the high importance of volunteers in our organisation, and hope more people consider joining our supportive network.

“We look forward to seeing everyone back for the new session and hopefully welcome lots of new faces to companies up and down the UK.”

If you are already a member, get involved on social media, using #MyBBadventure to share your own experiences and tell us what you enjoy most about being in the BB.

For more information about joining, and to find a company near you, please visit: http://boys-brigade.org.uk/children-young-people/

Bank Holiday Monday

August 29th, 2016

The Scottish HQ office is closed today and reopens tomorrow at 9am,

On top of the World!

August 24th, 2016

1st Troon BB Pipe Band have been crowned World Champions 2016 in their class at the recent World Pipe Band Championships at Glasgow Green.

Over 230 Pipe Bands from across the world competed over 12th and 13th August with 40,000 people in attendance and thousands more following the action via live web streaming. It is the biggest Pipe Band event of the year and brings together the best pipers and drummers from around the globe.

The 1st Troon band was competing against 20 international bands in their class, and for the first time in its history, the band was awarded first place and crowned World Champions 2016.
Snare drummer, Jack Storrie, 17, said:

“It was a great feeling as a band to win the World Championship title. It gives us motivation to go on and have more success in the future.”
Currently there are over 55 boys aged 9-18 years receiving tuition from a team of volunteer instructors. Amongst the band members are three sets of brothers and one set of twins.  Some members have recently returned from a second tour of China where they even played on the Great Wall!
1st Troon champions

Jack Donnelly, 17, who plays the bagpipes in the band, added:

“Being a World Champion is an unbelievable feeling. We all had to work so hard for so long and I’m delighted it eventually paid off. There’s no way we could have done it without everyone who gives up their time to tutor us. This is their victory as well.”


The band is likely to be promoted into the next grade for next year’s championships.

One for All blog “Supportive Church family…”

August 17th, 2016

“Supportive Church family…”

Reuben Lucas, Captain 1st Druminnis, offers an insight into the growth of the sections recently and what’s helped them achieve such success.

At Druminnis, we are very fortunate to have a supportive church family behind us, which over the last few years, has assisted in leaflet drops and word of mouth in our local village. We experienced exponential growth in the 2015/16 session, in particular with our Anchor boys. We believe this is partly due to the huge number of parents attending the church toddler group and in turn bringing the boys as they reach school time. We have strong ties with the local shops and so are given the opportunity to advertise both at the start of term and also any special events, for example our recent 30th Anniversary Celebrations.

We strive to provide a fun, interesting packed programme for all sections and are blessed to have energetic committed leaders. Both the programme and the warm reception from the Druminnis team have been highly commended not only by the boys, but the parents and past members of our Company. We try to get to know each of our boys well along with their families; we find our Enrolment and Stew Sunday a great help to do this.

1st Druminnis is in the Portadown Battalion is located near the rural village of Hamiltonsbawn in Co Armagh. 

Job Vacancy – Brigade Secretary / CEO

August 8th, 2016

Brigade Secretary / CEO      

Fixed term appointment for three years

Package negotiable


Can you:

  • Help to improve the experience of our members
  • Support and challenge  volunteers and young people
  • Lead the staff team and provide support to the Brigade Executive
  • Work with the Executive to develop a programme for improvement of the work of the Brigade across the UK / RoI
  • Work with and develop relations with other key partners


For job description and further information

Telephone:  01442 231681 ext 204

Email: jan.williamson@boys-brigade.org.uk

Or write to:

The Boys’ Brigade

Felden Lodge, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0BL

Closing Date:  31 August 2016

One for All blog “…throughout the session…”

August 1st, 2016

Amy Wilson, Officer at 53rd Manchester Company, sets out the approaches of sections at the 53rd when it comes to gearing up for the new session.

“Recruitment is something that we at the 53rd try to focus on and assess throughout the session.  It is an area which as a Company you can very easily become complacent about.

Most recently we have worked at coming together within the local Church / Community centre, we have assisted in organising a coffee morning and summer fair.  This is something we did do in the past however on a more frequent basis. It stopped a number of years ago due to lack of interest and support.  Rather than the traditional coffee morning following church which would primarily be attended by Church members, we have hosted “bacon butty mornings” this taking place on a Saturday often when other organisations are meeting at the Community Centre / Church. Not only has this assisted with fund raising but we have recruited a good number of members, be it siblings from other organisations that meet within the Church or members of the Community who previously have been a little apprehensive in respect of the unknown.  We have hosted three events like this during the session, which although that is a lot less frequently than previously, the attendance and support has been much greater.

We also now offer taster sessions where we ask members to “bring a friend” advertising as a taster session rather than having to come immediately and join allows the young person to be a little more open minded, we offer these sessions free.  We have also taken advantage of the free publicity material available from HQ and handed the same out when doing our annual bag pack at the local community borrowing the Battalion’s banners also for such events.

A big positive for our company over the last 18 months has been twitter (@53RDBB) each week as a company we tweet pictures of the things that we have been up to on a Company night.  There are some great tips on the BB website in respect of promoting your Company on twitter.  It is a great way to enable parents and the Community to have a clearer understanding as to what we offer”.

You can find out more about the 53rd by following them on twitter @53rdBB

Have you tried some of these approaches – what’s worked well? Share your experiences by emailing oneforall@boys-brigade.org.uk

One for All blog – four pronged attack

July 20th, 2016

Jim Glen is Captain of 1st Barrhead.  He explains that efforts to grow the sections in his company require a multi-step approach… 

“We adopt very much a four-pronged attack when it comes to looking for new members.  We start by getting letters into schools with recruitment material to arrive just before the teacher head back in after the summer break, including posters and leaflets are then in place for the kids arriving.

We also place posters in key public locations, staff room of council offices, medical centre, community notice boards as well as other resource centres.

It has also been beneficial to have a ‘bring a friend’ evening for your first night back including sending each child a personal invitation to return to BB after the summer and a friend invite. Usually we repeat this exercise on first night after the Christmas holidays.

We also attend community events and promote the BB generally –  handing out leaflets and run an activity e.g. ran a hupla challenge at a National Children’s day event, attended a local gala summer gala, took a stall at a school PTA fundraising event. “


Learn more about 1st Barrhead by checking out their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/1stBarrheadBB/

You can share your experiences by emailing oneforall@boys-brigade.org.uk

Learn more about One for All and see what resources are available by visiting http://leaders.boys-brigade.org.uk/oneforall.htm

DofE Gold awards for BB young people

July 12th, 2016

BB young people have been presented with a Gold Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award certificates at a special ceremony at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh on July 6th.

SRB_4110HRH Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex, gave the Royal seal of approval to the nine young people and spoke to them ahead of the awards ceremony. John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister of Scotland and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, presented the certificates.

They undertook a variety of challenges to achieve his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award including four-day, three night expedition, developed skills and volunteered in their community.

Ian Vernon, 4th Dunfermline, said:

“I decided to take on The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award as I hoped it would be something that would improve me as a person whilst also enjoying myself and benefitting others.

“It’s hard to put into words; it’s just something you need to experience!”

The Gold award is the highest accolade in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards programme which started in 1956. The Boys’ Brigade was one of the first organisations to pilot the award.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said:

“I was honoured to present the members of The Boys’ Brigade with their awards. Achieving a Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award is a huge achievement and the result of a lot of hard work and dedication. They are all fantastic ambassadors for The Boys’ Brigade and their local communities.”

Speaking after the awards ceremony, Bill Stevenson, Director of The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland said:

“I am exceptionally proud of these young people and everything they have achieved to complete their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards. While working towards the award, the young people undertook a lot of work, which at times was tough, but his resilience and dedication is highly commendable.”

The awards were set up to inspire, guide and support young people in their self-development and recognise their achievements. Currently over 300,000 young people participate in DofE programmes each year.

Receiving their Gold Award certificates at Holyrood Palace were: Callum Ferguson and David Walker (1st Cumnock), James Webb (1st Houston), Campbell McNicol (25th Stirling), Alasdair Hewitson and Paul Cunningham (3rd Galston), Ian Vernon (4th Dunfermline), Clark Lawson and Mairi Dalgleish (5th Livingston).


One for All blog – Getting off to a good start!

July 5th, 2016

1st/2nd Milngavie Anchor section has seen a really strong membership over the past several sessions.  Val Dunn, Officer-in-charge, offers her take on how best to grow membership…

“You might need to begin by contacting your local authority education department to get permission to approach the schools.  If not, it’s best to start by getting the names of the head teachers at each local school and  ask if they would be willing to help you by either letting you talk with the kids or putting the leaflets out.  It’s important to be confident, but not pushy especially with the schools – we need their support!

I’d say the best time to go to the schools is in June or at least not the first day back.  Schools seem to be more relaxed at this time.  Other important folk to contact are local churches, local newspaper and community magazines.

At training courses, I think it would help to have someone come and talk about things like interacting with schools and parents, visiting homes, and correspondence between home and BB. This has the effect of parents supporting B.B and working together for your members.

We need to go out and attract new members these days – they don’t often just arrive!”

1st/2nd Milngavie meets in St Luke’s Church on Balvie Road, Milngavie.

Have you got a recruitment success story?  Share what has worked well by emailing oneforall@boys-brigade.org.uk

“I will definitely continue my volunteering after completing my Queen’s Badge.”

June 24th, 2016

A 17-year-old Boys’ Brigade member met the Duke of Rothesay at the Palace of Holyroodhouse earlier this week to celebrate young volunteers across Scotland.

The event took place in recognition of the #iwill campaign which promotes the benefits of enabling 10-20 year-olds to help others, hosting 40 young volunteers from across the country.  The campaign was set up by charity, Step Up To Serve, with The Prince Charles being its Patron. The aim is to promote social action among young people including fundraising, campaigning and volunteering.


PIC © Sandy Young

His Royal Highness was on hand to speak with young people to hear their experiences of helping others.

Cameron Hill, of 3rd Kilmarnock Company, attended the royal event after achieving his President’s Badge and is now working towards his Queen’s Badge.




Cameron said:

“I was thrilled to be invited along to meet The Prince of Wales. The #iwill campaign is a great chance for people to see how positive volunteering is and how it impacts so many lives. I do a lot in my own community, and the BB helps provide new opportunities for me to meet new people, and add to my skills as not only a member, but also as a volunteer.”

The 6th year Grange Academy pupil also volunteers outside of the BB. He works for Centre Stage Music Theatre in Kilmarknock who help young offenders, prisoners, ex-offenders and adults and children with additional support needs.

Cameron added:

“On my first week of volunteering, there was a young guy who was 23 years old. He has Aspergers and severe learning difficulties. He was a little sceptical at first of joining in and for the remainder of the class he sat out. Four weeks later he is now fully taking part without having to sit out.

“Seeing the confidence these young people gain, the friendships they form is very moving to see. I will definitely continue my volunteering after completing my Queen’s Badge.”

The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland has pledged to provide 2,000 new social action opportunities for young people aged 10-20 by 2020.


Including volunteering carried out to gain the President’s, Queen’s and Duke of Edinburgh awards, BB Scotland has also provided 1233 new volunteering opportunities, helped members complete more than 50,000 hours of volunteering and actively encouraged volunteering with its #iamaBBleader campaign to help people to do more.

Bill Stevenson, Director for The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland, said:

“I am extremely proud of all our members, especially those that continually go that extra mile to help others. As an organisation, we are committed to increasing the amount of opportunities we can provide for young people to get in to volunteering and using their skills to help others.

“To be part of a campaign such as #iwill is fantastic, and I hope to see more people join their local BB and explore the opportunities we have to offer.”

Research carried out by the #iwill campaign identifies that at least 44% of 10-20 year-olds in Scotland took part in volunteering activity to help others. These activities are recorded as part of Education Scotland HMI inspections of schools and learning communities.

Learn more about the #iwill campaign here.

Kilbryde Hike 2016

June 22nd, 2016

KH2016 Water challenge

Forty seven years since its inception, this year’s Boys’ Brigade Kilbryde Hike saw over 90 young people aged 12-18 years old cover 30 miles on foot over the course of two days over the 11th and 12th of June.

The 29 teams walked and ran the 30-mile course – 18 miles on Saturday (11 June) and another 12 miles on Sunday (12 June).  They started in Auldhouse, south of East Kilbride and finished at Eaglesham on the Sunday.

The teams were required to navigate themselves around the windfarms and open moors, make their way along long paths and farm tracks and tackle a series of challenges. The course tested their mental, physical and teamwork skills with quizzes and assault courses thrown in for good measure.


Andrew Sturgeon, 7th East Kilbride company, said:

“This year’s hike was my second time doing it and was definitely tougher than last year! Best part of the two days was the water challenge.”

Scott Pilkington, 128th Glasgow company, who achieved his Queen’s Badge this year, said:

“This was my third time to complete the Kilbryde Hike.

“It’s a really worthwhile and useful experience, especially in preparation for completing my Duke of Edinburgh’s award.”

Teams came from The Boys’ Brigade and Scouts Scotland.  Learn more about the Kilbryde Hike here.

Bill Stevenson, Director for The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland, said:

“I’m delighted that the hike is proving as popular as ever, both with young people from BB, but also other organisations.  The experiences over the two days test a variety of skills, not least team work and navigation.

“Through our programmes, events like the Kilbryde Hike, and thanks to the commitment of our volunteers, we can offer young people a real sense of fun, adventure and challenge.”

One for All

June 22nd, 2016

ONE for All is new campaign from The Boys’ Brigade.  This year we are challenging each of our sections to grow membership by at least one additional member.

Membership of The Boys’ Brigade offers young people so much – the chance to excel in new skills or talents, to explore and to discover new things.  From expeditions to nature trails, camps to canoeing and even overseas BB gives young people the space to discover, to grow and to learn.

If you would like to find out how to join your local section, click here.

Learn more about the One for All campaign.


Royal Street Party for Keir & Robert!

June 13th, 2016

Keir and RobertTwo members of The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland represented the organisation at the ‘Patron’s Lunch’ in the Mall in London on Sunday (12 June). Keir Turnbull (18) from 1st Airdrie and Robert Russell (17) from 5th Livingston joined other BB members and volunteers from across the UK for the special street party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday and mark her dedication to over 600 charities.


Afterwards, Robert, 5th Livingston company, said:

“It’s been an absolute honour to be invited down to London.  We’ve enjoyed seeing the magnificent sights which really added to a very special weekend.

“I am really thankful to The Boys’ Brigade for giving me this opportunity.  It will be something I’ll always remember.”

Keir, 1st Airdrie company, said:

 “I’d like to thank to The Boys’ Brigade for the chance to attend this very special event.  It’s been a great experience and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every part of it.”

The celebration attracted 10,000 people from over 600 charities of which Her Majesty is Patron.

Alan Hunter, Training & Development Officer, accompanied Keir & Robert at the event.  Alan said:

 “It was a tremendous afternoon and I feel very privileged to have been able to attend with a couple of young people from Scotland.

“The setting was excellent and even the rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of everyone there!”

The lunch marked the finale to a weekend of celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday. BB young people also turned out in numbers at the ‘Trooping the Colour’ at Horse Guards Parade on the Saturday.


June 8th, 2016


The Pearson Centre for Young People is a voluntary organisation based in Beeston, Nottingham. It works with children and young people aged 4 – 18 years, through the auspices of 17th Nottingham Boys’ Brigade and 30th Nottingham Girls’ Brigade.

We require a suitably qualified person to work as a Development Worker in our busy Centre. The successful candidate will be committed to providing a first rate service to the Centre and Community we serve.

We are looking for someone with a qualification in Children’s work or Youth Work, who can deliver after school and holiday club activities to children and young people, together with working in our BB and GB groups.

For an information pack and further details please contact Wendy Kane, The Pearson Centre for Young People, 2 Nuart Road, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 2NH. Tel 0115 9254112 or email: enquiries@thepearsoncentre.org.uk. CV’s will only be accepted with a completed application form.

The closing date for applications is 14th June 2016 9am, with interviews being held on 23rd June 2016.

46th Aberdeen’s National Challenge Triumph

May 25th, 2016

46th Aberdeen company, The Boys’ Brigade, based at South St. Nicholas Church, Kincorth, has received the organisation’s ‘Simon Smith Trophy’ at a special presentation on Friday 29th April.  The trophy, named in memory of former BB Development worker, was presented to the 46th for winning the BB in Scotland’s ‘Fifteen for 2015’ challenge. 46th members with the Battalion President

The company beat off competition from across the country to be crowned winners.  The young people were challenged to 15 tasks, including trying a new sport, producing an advert to publicise The BB and even make contact with a BB group overseas.  The judges were impressed with the effort and imagination shown by the young people of the 46th.

Tobe Nweke, member of the 46th, said:

“I am really happy that we came in first place and we can add a new addition to our trophy collection.  It means a lot to us and it is extra special because of the effort that we and our BB leaders put in.”

Climbing a local summit or landmark was also part of the Challenge and the Kincorth group decided to climb Scolty Hill, near Banchory.

Mike Aberdein, BB Leader and captain of 46th Aberdeen, said:

“The 15 for 2015 Challenge gave the Company something to focus on for the session and allowed us to help attract and retain Boys through our participation and promotion via social media.

“It was great that all Boys, from the youngest Anchor Boy, to Company Section age could contribute to the Challenge. To be judged winners and to receive the trophy is a great reward and suitable recognition for all the hard work and effort of the Boys.”

The Kincorth group is one of 28 BB companies in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. The trophy presented to the 46th was named in memory of Simon Smith who served as BB Development Officer in the North of Scotland. It is awarded to BB young people each year who have triumphed in a Scotland-wide challenge.

You can take a closer look at the winning entry here Fifteen for 2015

BB at GA2016

May 23rd, 2016

paradeBB young people were in the heart of the capital on Sunday (22nd May) as part of the events marking the Church of Scotland’s General Assembly.  60 members representing eight battalions formed the guard of honour in front of St Giles’ Cathedral for the Lord High Commissioner, Baron Hope of Craighead, who is the Queen’s representative to the Assembly.

In the afternoon, BB young people joined with thousands of others for the ‘Heart and Soul’ festival in Princes Street Gardens.  The festival celebrates the vast life and culture of the Church of Scotland and brings together people, young and old, from every corner of Scotland for an afternoon of music, fun, laughter and faith.

Commenting afterwards, Bill Stevenson, Director for The BB in Scotland, said:

“Sunday during the General Assembly is always a very special one and it’s tremendous to again have so many BB young people at the heart of it.

“These are very high profile events in the heart of Edinburgh and I’m incredibly proud of our members and volunteers for all their great work.”


New Moderator Rt Rev Dr Barr with members of 1st Lenzie

Also meeting the young people at Heart & Soul, was Rt Rev Dr Rusell Barr, newly installed Moderator of the General Assembly.  Dr Barr is a former BB member in the 1st Kilmarnock company.

Table Tennis Triumph for 1st Kempston!

May 16th, 2016

Members of 1st Kempston company, The Boys’ Brigade, have been crowned National Table-tennis Champions at the UK & ROI Finals at Glenburn Table Tennis Club in Northern Ireland.DSC_0155 all teams

The team, based in Kempston East Methodist Church in Bedfordshire, had competed with teams from across England and Wales to reach the final which was hosted by Belfast battalion.



The national table tennis competition is one of series of sporting competitions in which BB members from across the British Isles take part.

Bill Stevenson, Acting Brigade Secretary, said:

“Many congratulations to the team from 1st Kempston who performed brilliantly in the final.

“Reaching our UK & ROI finals is an achievement in itself and the result of months of hard work and working well as a team, not to mention the support from many BB leaders. Along with the likes of badminton and football, table tennis is one of several UK & ROI-wide competitions which The Boys’ Brigade offers in order to challenge our young people and help them develop skills and lead more active lives.”

Along with 1st Kempston, other companies taking part in the Final were: 1st Ballyclare and 1st Cookstown representing Northern Ireland; 1st Grangemouth and 2nd Port Glasgow representing Scotland; and 14th Lanchester, the other team from England.

Happy Birthday to our Patron!

May 16th, 2016

On Friday 6th May, Her Majesty The Queen, our Patron, visited Berkhamsted School in Hertfordshire as part of the school’s 475th Anniversary celebrations. During the visit HM Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, The Countess of Verulam received on behalf of The Queen a birthday card from The Boys’ Brigade. The card was presented by members of 3rd Hemel Hempstead Company.

The card featured photos of BB members carrying out a range of activities and contained a message of greetings from the Brigade President, Lord Griffiths of Burry Port.

BB boys and helicopter

Beating Retreat at Edinburgh Castle

May 11th, 2016

Nearly 200 musicians from across Great Britain played in The Boys’ Brigade’s 59th Beating Retreat on Saturday 7th May at Edinburgh Castle.  The event featured the Massed Pipes & Drums, 10th Leith BB Band, Central Band of The Boys’ Brigade and Bugles & Drums of The Stedfast Association; and saw them march from Parliament Square to Edinburgh Castle, performing a short routine on the Castle Esplanade.

IMG_7157The event attracted around 500 spectators over the course of the evening, to watch bands from across Great Britain perform. The bands performed for Colonel Donald G Ross OBE, retired British Army officer; and Alistair Burrow, Vice President of The Boys’ Brigade UK & RoI.



Ben, member of 25th Stirling (Dunblane) Company said:

“It’s a privilege to be invited to play in front of such a historic landmark.”

Lachlan, member of 44th Dundee Company added:

“It makes me feel proud to be Scottish playing in front of Edinburgh Castle and seeing everyone watching me.

“[By being part of a band] it’s helped me to work as part of a team and improve my musical talents.”


Beating Retreat is a military ceremony dating back to the 16th century when drums were used as signals in the battlefields.  Beating the Retreat was the cue for troops to retreat from battle as light faded.

Congratulations to everyone involved in yet another spectacular event.


1st Greenisland takes national title!

May 4th, 2016

Members of 1st Greenisland company, The Boys’ Brigade, have been crowned National Football Champions at the UK & ROI Finals Grangemouth Sports Complex, near Falkirk, on Saturday 30th April.

The team, playing in their very first Junior Football final, had competed with teams from across Northern Ireland to make the final which was hosted by Falkirk & District battalion.   In recent years, the company has participated in the Masterteam and also the Table-tennis finals.  Making up the team were Cameron Banford, Aaron Douglas (team captain), Matthew Irvine, Ross McGimpsey, Jack Norton, Jacob Ogle, Rhys Slinger and Andrew Turk.

H89A5670Speaking after the final whistle, Donald Blair, BB Leader and Captain of 1st Greenisland, said:

“This has been the highlight of my BB Career.  The organisation of this tournament was first class and I want to thank Falkirk & District for all they did to make it a memorable day for the boys and parents who travelled to support.


“The standard of football and behaviour was outstanding throughout and it is a great advert for The Boys’ Brigade and a super achievement for the boys. It was convincing win – bring on The Euros!”

The national Football competition is one of series of sporting competitions in which BB members from across the British Isles take part.

Bill Stevenson, Acting Brigade Secretary, said:

“Congratulations to the team from 1st Greenisland who have won the title for the very first time!

“Getting to the final is an achievement in itself and the result of months of hard work and team work, not to mention the support from many BB leaders. Football is one of several UK & ROI-wide competitions which The Boys’ Brigade offers in order to challenge our young people and help them develop skills and lead more active lives.”

Along with 1st Greenisland, other companies taking part in the Final were: 1st Hinckley & 2nd Tonbridge, representing England; 2nd Saintfield representing Northern Ireland; 2nd Gourock & 1st Greenock representing Scotland.

Job Vacancy: Director for England & Wales

April 27th, 2016

We have a job vacancy for ….


Full time permanent appointment
Member of Senior Management Team
Salary £38,000 with car

Can you:

  • Develop our work in England and Wales
  • Increase membership
  • Support and challenge volunteers and young people
  • Work with other key partners
  • Help to improve the experience of our members

For job description and further information:
Telephone: 01442 231681 ext 212
Email: graham.weston@boys‐brigade.org.uk
Or write to : The Boys’ Brigade, Felden Lodge, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0BL

Closing Date: 31st May 2016

Gourock team scoops national 5s title!

April 27th, 2016

Members of 2nd Gourock company, The Boys’ Brigade (BB), have been crowned National Senior Football Champions at the UK & ROI Finals at at Powerleague, Pride Park in Derby. Teams from across the British Isles took part in the event organised by East Midland District of The Boys’ Brigade.

Leigh Maydew, Executive member and Vice Chair of the England Regional Committee, presented the National Trophy to the members of the 2nd Gourock, who clinched the title for the second year in a row and fifth time in the last nine years.  Making up the team were Mark McCready, Matthew MacKinnon , Innes Lowrie, Calum Taggart , Andrew Ellis and Andrew Monk.

Speaking afterwards, Andrew Elllis, captain of the winning team said:

2nd Gourock team

2nd Gourock, National Senior Football Champions

“Nothing really compares to it!  Knowing you are the best BB 5-aside team in Britain for the second year in a row is an amazing feeling!”

Another member of the team, Mark McCready, will achieve The BB’s highest award, The Queen’s Badge, in a few weeks’ time.  He added:

“All of the team have grown up together with a BB and football background and some have pursued football as a career. We’ve also grown up playing against each other and also in the same team outside of BB. I believe this has really helped when we play together in BB National competitions.”

The national football competition is one of series of sporting tournaments in which BB members from across the British Isles take part.

Bill Stevenson, Acting Brigade Secretary, said:

“Congratulations to the team from 2nd Gourock who have won the title for the second year running. Teams from the company have consistently achieved at the highest level and this underlines the level of skill and teamwork, as well as the dedication of the BB leaders supporting the team.

“Getting to the final is an achievement in itself and the result of months of hard work. Football is one of several competitions which The Boys’ Brigade offers in order to challenge to our young people, build a sense of teamwork, help them develop skills and lead more active lives.”

As well as 2nd Gourock, teams competing in the final were from Mid Surrey, Carrickfergus, South Shields, East Kilbride and Newton Abbey.

The final standings were:

1st – 2nd Gourock

2nd – 15th South Shields

3rd – 5th Carrickfergus

4th – 16th Newtownabbey

5th – 10th Mid-Surrey

6th – 2nd East Kilbride

Hundreds tune up at The Scottish Bands Contest!

April 25th, 2016

More than 250 young people aged from nine to 18 from across Scotland competed in The Boys’ Brigade’s 37th Scottish Bands Contest on Saturday 23th April at The Brunton in Musselburgh.

Band of 4th Dunfermline

Band of 4th Dunfermline

The day’s top winners were; 1st Largs in the Mini Pipe Novice and Pipe Novice category, 6th/8th Dundee in the Pipe Championship class and 1st Tulliallan in the Open Class Championship.

Callum, a drummer with 1st Largs Company said:

“I have been playing in the band for almost eight years.  We have rehearsed a lot ahead of the championships, dedicating to over two and half hours every week.  I thought our performance was really good, especially because we have such a young band.”

Scott Findlay, BB leader & bandmaster of the 6th/8th Dundee Company added:

“Many of our recent former members have come together to be founder members of the City of Discovery Pipe band.  Many of these former members still support the BB band today as tutors and coaches.  In November, we are taking the band to Ypres in Belgium to perform at the historic Menin Gate ceremony.”

Around 500 spectators attended the competition over the course of the day, with bands attending from Companies in Ayrshire, Dundee & Angus, Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Dunfermline, South Lanarkshire and Edinburgh.

There were ten different categories available, offering participants of all ages and skill levels to showcase their talents.

The bands performed for Councillor Jim Gillies, Depute Provost of East Lothian Council, Major General Mark Strudwick CBE, retired British Army officer and Bill Stevenson, Director for The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland.

After the performances, Bill Stevenson said:

“Once again each band displayed some exceptional skills and we all got the chance to hear some fantastic music. It was a great opportunity to see not only to see young people enjoying themselves, but the audience all entertained.

“Music continues to play an integral part in The Boys’ Brigade, and we can’t thank everyone involved enough for making the event such a special day.  It was evident how many very young band members there was this year. This gives us great encouragement for the development of music in The BB.”

A full list of the day’s winners is below:


Competition 1st Place 1st Place Drill, Deportment, Turnout
Mini Pipe Novice 1st Largs 1st Largs
Mini Pipe Open 1st Troon 1st Troon
Pipe Novice 1st Largs 1st Largs
Pipe Contest 6th /8th Dundee 6th /8th Dundee
Open Novice 10th Leith
Open Contest 4th Dunfermline 1st Erskine
Pipe Championship 6th /8th Dundee 6th /8th Dundee
Mallets 1st Tulliallan
Open Championship 1st Tulliallan 1st Tulliallan