“I will definitely continue my volunteering after completing my Queen’s Badge.”
Friday 24th June 2016A 17-year-old Boys’ Brigade member met the Duke of Rothesay at the Palace of Holyroodhouse earlier this week to celebrate young volunteers across Scotland.
The event took place in recognition of the #iwill campaign which promotes the benefits of enabling 10-20 year-olds to help others, hosting 40 young volunteers from across the country. The campaign was set up by charity, Step Up To Serve, with The Prince Charles being its Patron. The aim is to promote social action among young people including fundraising, campaigning and volunteering.
His Royal Highness was on hand to speak with young people to hear their experiences of helping others.
Cameron Hill, of 3rd Kilmarnock Company, attended the royal event after achieving his President’s Badge and is now working towards his Queen’s Badge.
Cameron said:
“I was thrilled to be invited along to meet The Prince of Wales. The #iwill campaign is a great chance for people to see how positive volunteering is and how it impacts so many lives. I do a lot in my own community, and the BB helps provide new opportunities for me to meet new people, and add to my skills as not only a member, but also as a volunteer.”
The 6th year Grange Academy pupil also volunteers outside of the BB. He works for Centre Stage Music Theatre in Kilmarknock who help young offenders, prisoners, ex-offenders and adults and children with additional support needs.
Cameron added:
“On my first week of volunteering, there was a young guy who was 23 years old. He has Aspergers and severe learning difficulties. He was a little sceptical at first of joining in and for the remainder of the class he sat out. Four weeks later he is now fully taking part without having to sit out.
“Seeing the confidence these young people gain, the friendships they form is very moving to see. I will definitely continue my volunteering after completing my Queen’s Badge.”
The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland has pledged to provide 2,000 new social action opportunities for young people aged 10-20 by 2020.
Including volunteering carried out to gain the President’s, Queen’s and Duke of Edinburgh awards, BB Scotland has also provided 1233 new volunteering opportunities, helped members complete more than 50,000 hours of volunteering and actively encouraged volunteering with its #iamaBBleader campaign to help people to do more.
Bill Stevenson, Director for The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland, said:
“I am extremely proud of all our members, especially those that continually go that extra mile to help others. As an organisation, we are committed to increasing the amount of opportunities we can provide for young people to get in to volunteering and using their skills to help others.
“To be part of a campaign such as #iwill is fantastic, and I hope to see more people join their local BB and explore the opportunities we have to offer.”
Research carried out by the #iwill campaign identifies that at least 44% of 10-20 year-olds in Scotland took part in volunteering activity to help others. These activities are recorded as part of Education Scotland HMI inspections of schools and learning communities.
Learn more about the #iwill campaign here.
Tags: iwill, Scotland, volunteering, youth social action