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One for All blog “Supportive Church family…”

Wednesday 17th August 2016

“Supportive Church family…”

Reuben Lucas, Captain 1st Druminnis, offers an insight into the growth of the sections recently and what’s helped them achieve such success.

At Druminnis, we are very fortunate to have a supportive church family behind us, which over the last few years, has assisted in leaflet drops and word of mouth in our local village. We experienced exponential growth in the 2015/16 session, in particular with our Anchor boys. We believe this is partly due to the huge number of parents attending the church toddler group and in turn bringing the boys as they reach school time. We have strong ties with the local shops and so are given the opportunity to advertise both at the start of term and also any special events, for example our recent 30th Anniversary Celebrations.

We strive to provide a fun, interesting packed programme for all sections and are blessed to have energetic committed leaders. Both the programme and the warm reception from the Druminnis team have been highly commended not only by the boys, but the parents and past members of our Company. We try to get to know each of our boys well along with their families; we find our Enrolment and Stew Sunday a great help to do this.

1st Druminnis is in the Portadown Battalion is located near the rural village of Hamiltonsbawn in Co Armagh.


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