5-8 years

8-11 years

11-14 years

14-18 years

  • Latest Updates
  • Running Your Company
  • Age Group Essentials
  • Leader Training & Development
  • Managing Risk & Safeguarding
  • Policies & Regulations

Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

Lots of BB groups across the country share their news with local newspapers on a regular basis which is great, so thank you! You are helping to spread the word about the amazing things we do here at BB.

If you are planning to continue this, or perhaps thinking about starting to share updates with local newspapers for the first time, then the template press releases we have drafted will help.

These stories focus on shining a light on what the BB is doing today, while also highlighting the amazing things BB members and leaders are getting involved with. The template press releases focus on the following subjects:

Mental health and wellbeing

This template will focus on the work BB does with children and young people in local areas to support with their health and wellbeing. All you need to do is add in your spokesperson quote (this can be the Captain or one of the leaders).

Download the Mental health and wellbeing template.

Growing the BB

Over the course of the next 12-24 months, we want to grow the BB. As such, this template will focus on new groups opening, what this means for the local community and what impact the new opening will have on the wider BB.

Download the Growing the BB template.

Reopening the doors to BB

This template will help to raise awareness of existing BB groups and encourage members to return after a break, while also calling on parents/carers to consider signing their child/young person up to join.

Download the Reopening the doors to BB template.


We know the BB is passionate about supporting the local community, with many groups choosing to take on challenges to raise funds for charities which mean a lot to them. As such, this template focuses on how young people have raised money for charity – something local media loves to hear about.

Download the Fundraising template.

Celebrating success

We know that regional and community media love to hear about local success – especially when there are young people involved! As such this template focuses on celebrating the successes of local BB groups. From winning a national award or a BB National Competition, to taking on a challenge, this release will help you highlight the benefits of joining a BB group.

Download the Celebrating success template.

King Charles III: Our New Patron

Following a major review of Royal patronages by Buckingham Palace, King Charles III has become the new Patron of The Boys’ Brigade. This release will help you share this news locally and highlight your group and its activities.

Download the King Charles III: Our New Patron template.

If you have an idea for a press release which we could draft and share with leaders, please email comms@boys-brigade.org.uk. We’re always looking for new ideas!

We also understand that when you see your story in the newspaper or online it’s exciting, so please do send a web link of the article to us via comms@boys-brigade.org.uk. However, please do not take and share photographs of newspaper articles on social media – this is a copyright infringement and could see you getting fined.


The media always asks for images to accompany press releases. As always, if you’re using photographs of children and young people under the age of 18, please make sure you have the appropriate consent from a parent/carer.

For local news websites and other media outlets, the best image you can use is of between two and four people. Where possible, please try to include current BB uniform or other BB branding – if you’re unsure what the correct branding is, have a look at the Branding Guidelines.

View our Branding Guidelines at boys-brigade.org.uk/our-brand

Time to Shine: Communications Toolkit

This page is a part of the Time to Shine Communications Toolkit. You can check out the full toolkit at boys-brigade.org.uk/comms-toolkit

Any questions?

If you have any questions about anything that appears in this pack or how to use any of the items, please contact us at support@boys-brigade.org.uk or 0300 303 4454.