5-8 years

8-11 years

11-14 years

14-18 years

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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

Managing Awards


Children should participate in activities appropriate to their age and ability. Ideally, a new member would join in with their peer group on the activity currently being worked towards, but would gain the first of the core Activity Awards and work through these in order.



The awards are metal with a pin-on fastening. The awards are placed on the armband as set out below. When members move up to the next age group, they carry the highest award gained up to the next age group and continue to wear that on their armband.

There are three rows on the Juniors armband:
Row 1 – Service Badge (left), Juniors Membership Award (centralised), Nights Away Award (right)
Row 2 – Juniors Activity Awards (centralised)
Row 3 – Highest Anchors Activity Award (left), Juniors Project Awards (centralised), Special Anniversary/Event or Recruitment Badge (right).

On the small armband a maximum of two Special Anniversary/Event or Recruitment Badges may be worn alongside the Juniors Project Awards and highest Anchors Activity Award on row 3, although as a member gains the Juniors Project Awards it may be necessary to move to the large armband where the layout of the badges changes and is across 4 rows to allow for additional badges. The large armband layout is shown below.

Armband example above shows ALL awards/badges which can be obtained during a member’s time in Anchors based on joining at age 8/9 and going through until end of session in which they attain their 11th birthday. It shows them completing all the core Activity Awards and Project Awards. Also shown on the armband is the Juniors Membership Award, 6 year Service Badge and the World War 1 Award Badge.

Large Armband Layout


Some Companies present awards as soon as they are gained; others choose to present them at a parents’ or awards night or at a Church Parade service. Leaders should remember that the award scheme is planned to cover the three years that a child is in the age group and only one of the core awards (green, blue, red) should be presented in any single session.



You can keep track of progress with awards for all members using the functionality within Online Brigade Manager, from there you can record completion of individual activities and the system will let you know when an award is due. Parents/Carers and other leaders can also view the badge progress through OBM.

Alternatively, you can download a record card template which can be printed out and used to record progress.

Download Junior Record Card



The transition in terms of awards should be straightforward as there is no change to the overall structure of the awards scheme. There has been an increase in the number of activities which are required to be completed for each award and this is linked to the increase in the Activity Areas (formerly Programme Zones) from 5 to 6.

It is recommended that leaders make the transition from the old award scheme to the new award scheme at the end or beginning of a session. Awards for the old programme will continue to be stocked by BB Supplies to allow for a transition over a 3-year period.

The Juniors award scheme sees the additional of the Project Awards. The Target Award has been replaced with the Membership Badge and Leading Boy/Girls with Team Leader badge.