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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

Christmas Challenge Programme

Our 2022 Christmas Challenge has arrived and children and young people across all age groups are invited to get involved and see how many challenges they can tick off this Christmas.

The new Christmas challenge programme has some great activities for you to take on over the festive period. These include activities such as designing baubles to solving Christmas puzzles, baking mince pies and exploring more about the meaning behind Christmas.

Two separate challenges have been created, one for Anchors & Juniors and the other for Company & Seniors, ensuring age-appropriate activities for all members. There are 25 challenges in each programme, however all 25 challenges don’t need to be completed, groups can set their own target, based on how ambitious they wish to be.

Check out both of the programmes here:

How does the Challenge Work?

  • Activity Card & Tick Sheet

We’ve produced an activity card that provides the full instructions needed to complete the challenge. This includes a ‘tick sheet’ in the style of an advent calendar, which can be printed off and used to track progress. These tick sheets could be printed per member, or you could use just one copy to track the group’s progress as a whole.

  • Set a Target

How many challenges you aim to complete is completely up to you. Whilst there are 25 on the list, that doesn’t mean you need to do all 25. Set a target based on how many are realistic for your group and then aim to hit that target. This should help keep the challenge achievable depending on the time you have available in your programme.

  • At BB & at Home

All of the challenges can be completed within your BB meeting space. However, you may also like to set some ‘At Home’ challenges that young people do in their own time at home. This could include challenges such as decorating a Christmas tree, watching a Christmas movie, making a Christmas bake and more. You could set an ‘At Home Challenge’ each week throughout late November and early December. Make sure to then save time in your weekly meeting nights for children and young people to update you on how they got on each week.

Christmas Challenge Bauble

To help recognise those who have hit their target we have produced a special 2022 Christmas Challenge bauble shaped 2D tree decoration, that can be given to children and young people to take home and place on their tree.

We are encouraging those taking part to pre-order their bauble, to ensure we have enough for all those wanting one. Pre-orders are open until Wednesday 30th November. Any orders after this date can’t be guaranteed, so please make sure to pre-order your Christmas Challenge baubles before it’s too late.

Pre-order your baubles HERE


If you’re taking part in the Christmas Challenge, then it would be great to see what you’re getting up to. Share your photos and videos on social media using the hashtags #BBChristmasChallenge #BBAdventure and #BoysBrigade