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Our Community Week – 26th Sept to 4th Oct 2015

Tuesday 11th August 2015

Our Community’ Week will take place from Saturday 26th September to Sunday 4th October 2015. It’s all about making a difference in our communities, through a nationally coordinated initiative with a truly local impact.

Children and young people across all age groups can get involved in age appropriate activities, working together on something big or independently each age group might set its own goals/objectives. As well as making a difference in our local communities, it is an opportunity to raise awareness of BB locally.

We know that many of you are already engaging with and making a positive impact in your local community, and this initiative is not to undermine the fantastic work that is already going on, but all about building on what you are already doing, and if possible planning some of these initiatives to coincide with the ‘Our Community’ week, to boost the impact of this weeklong initiative.

Each Company is challenged to get involved by planning activities to take place during the week. This could be supporting a local charity in someway, perhaps by raising money or providing hands-on support, it could be cleaning up a local space like a park by doing a litter pick or removing graffiti, it could be getting green fingered and doing some gardening to brighten up a space in your community, it could be running an event/activity for older people in the community such as a dinner/tea or organising an IT skills workshop, or anything else you and your young people can think of!

Remember this is a great time of the year to welcome new members to all age groups, so could your recruiting activities from part of this week?

So, when planning your programme for next session, consider how you could build in activities between 26th September and 4th October 2015, to make difference in our communities.

More information and resources will be released by email over the coming months and the Summer issue of the Gazette will include a pack to help you get going.


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