One for All Blog – “Teacher’s perspective”
Friday 23rd September 2016…solid and balanced foundation for a positive life..
Morag Franks is a mum to a BB member and also a current BB leader. However, it’s in her role as primary school teacher, she offers her perspective on how BB offers a supportive and safe place for children and young people.
“I first became aware of the BB when my oldest son was five and I was looking for a safe, fun and stimulating group for him to join. I had heard of Beavers but BB was new to me so I went along to my local company to see what it had to offer and 12 years later I am still going!
Working in an inner-city primary school, I am all too aware of the struggles the youngsters have to deal with, in all areas of their lives, and I have seen first-hand over the years the benefits that being a member of the BB has to offer the children I teach, as well as my own sons.
I believe that BB gives its youngsters support and guidance in all the important areas of child development; these being emotional, social, physical and intellectual.
The young people are supported by the leaders, as well as their peers, in a relaxed friendly, almost family atmosphere, leading them to feel confident and comfortable to open up about what is happening in their lives – be it positive or negative, and to feel secure enough to seek help if they need it.
The personal and life skills that the children are encouraged to build on by team work activities and weekends away have a hugely positive effect on their confidence as well as tolerance and understanding of people’s differences and beliefs.
Through weekly sports sessions and an abundance of different competitions during the evenings and weekends, children are encouraged to be as physically active as possible while learning new sporting skills and the importance of being a team player.
The weekly sessions cover a planned programme of activities that cover a variety of areas which aim to simulate the young people to not only learn, but question the world they live in.
I feel that BB offers everything a young child to young adult needs to become a tolerant, compassionate and well-balanced adult. There’s an emphasis on having a solid and balanced foundation for a positive life, where they are happy and prepared to push themselves to achieve their personal best, as well as understand and accept that life is not all plain-sailing and, although things can and do go wrong, they are secure and confident in their own ability to deal with whatever life throws at them.”
Morag’s perspective is only one amongst very many teachers who value the significant contribution BB makes to young people’s lives here and around the world.
Learn more about the One for All campaign here…
Tags: blog, campaign, one for all, recruitment, resources, the boys brigade