Summary of Brigade Executive Meetings
Wednesday 12th August 2020The Brigade Executive, our Trustee Board, met by video conferencing on 6th and 27th June and the following key decisions were taken:
The Trustees agreed the approach to navigating the organisation through the coronavirus pandemic, including the priorities for the staff team in supporting leaders. It was decided to defer increases in capitation fees due to be introduced for the 2020/21 session, and to hold Brigade Council as a virtual event limited to the statutory annual business.
Sub Committees
Reports were received from the Finance Committee, Health & Safety Committee, Safeguarding Panel and National Competitions Coordinators. The membership of a new Governance Committee was also agreed.
An Adults at Risk of Harm Policy was adopted and is available to download from the website.
The decision has been taken not to hold National Competitions in the 2020/21 session but to complete the finals that could not take place in the 2019/20 session.
Over 11s Programme
A presentation was given on behalf of the Programme Group, and new programmes for the Company Section and Seniors age groups were agreed in principle. The intention is to introduce the new programme resources from Spring 2021 with changes to the badge structure coming into effect from the 2021/22 session.
Annual Accounts
The Brigade Executive will consider the Annual Audited Accounts at its next meeting on 1st August 2020, and, assuming approval, these will then be published for consideration at Brigade Council on 5th September.