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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

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Get Creative: Mother’s Day Candle Decorating

Friday 17th February 2017


  • Pillar Candle
  • Tracing paper
  • Wax/Greaseproof paper
  • Colouring pens
  • Scissors
  • Hair dryer / Heat gun


1. Cut a piece of tissue paper slightly smaller than the size of your candle.

2. Decorate with colouring pens and write a suitable message like “Happy Mother’s Day”. Potentially they could also add their own name and the year somewhere on the design.

3. Once the design is complete, trim off the excess paper around your design and make sure it fits and place it wrap around the candle in position.

4. Get a piece of waxed/greaseproof paper and wrap it on top of your tracing paper design. Use the excess wax/greaseproof paper as a handle by pinching once fully wrapped around the candle.

5. Use a hairdryer to heat up the design. Hold it about 4-5cm away from the candle and slowly warm the candle until you can see the wax paper melting and the ink showing through. Make sure to grip the wax paper firmly so that your design doesn’t slip.

6. Carefully peel away wax/greaseproof paper and the candle is ready. You could (once cooled) wrap the candle or put in a gift bag for presentation.

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