A Danish adventure – Landslejr 2016
Monday 21st November 2016In July members of the 77th Belfast and 1st Kirkliston Companies went to Denmark for the FDF National Camp, Landslejr, which takes place every 5 years.
Cameron Young, 17, from the 1st Kirkliston Company shares his experience:
Between the 4th and 18th of July, we – the 1st Kirkliston Company – visited the brilliant country of Denmark to partake in the massive event known as Landslejr, a camp event that is run by the FDF (an organisation that is very similar to the BB in many aspects).
Landslejr means “National Camp”, and is organised for their own members, and for any eager, kindred organisations from around the world to come and enjoy a week of great experiences with some great people. The camp had over 11,000 people participating in activities and intensive yet satisfying work; for example, we had to build our own camps and sleeping areas (ours was a long-house, complete with hammocks) over the first few days. What followed was an immense week which felt very non-stop at times but after a while of adjustment that feeling was very much welcomed. It began to dawn on us just how big the event actually was, after the Queen of Denmark came to visit and it was rather surreal to see her there in the flesh.
There was always something to do around camp whether it was something as simple as playing card games or helping out with the food, and outside the camp there was even more to do with activities, shows and challenges to take part in. The whole experience was not without the infamous Lejrbål (“campfire” show) that would be held every few nights or so for the entirety of the camp in almost complete Danish. Luckily we were supplied with headphones and the help of two very funny (and very questionable) translators who would always be ready to crack jokes instead of translating the show, which led to many laughs from us – and strange looks from the Danes.
Before and after the camp we were looked after by FDF Storvorde-Sejlflod; they took us canoeing, on a tour of the city of Aalborg and we also visited a local theme park. The experience overall was unbelievable, un-replicable and can only be experienced by going ahead and doing it. There is genuinely nothing else like Landslejr on the face of the earth.”
As you can see, the Consulting Partner scheme has made an excellent start. Please continue to pray for the work of the partners as they seek to develop the capacity of member organisations.