Made for More – it’s hassle free!
Tuesday 9th March 2021David Cleland Captain of 1st Lisburn BB shares his experience of Made for More and engaging in the ‘Where’s Your Head At?’ mental health project. He encourages BB Leaders in NI to book a session soon before the 31st March deadline.
In early January 2021 we received the ‘Where’s Your head at?’ books and postcards from Made for More and The Boys’ Brigade NI District. Our company had been meeting twice monthly online across all sections before Christmas, but we were starting to run a bit short on ideas.
After a very straightforward enquiry with the Made for More team, we booked Ryan for an online session with Anchors, Juniors and Company Section on Tuesday 9th February 2021. We had 61 boys and 14 staff join in online throughout the night. Each of the three sessions lasted 40 minutes and was hosted on Zoom.
The session was tailored to the individual sections and was extremely relevant to each age group. The event was very age appropriate with a mixture of games, chat, challenges, a Bible story and prayer at the end. Ryan was full of enthusiasm and energy. He engaged very well with all our boys. Each boy was spoken to by name and if they wanted to they were able to answer a question or give their opinion. There were some boys who did not want to speak; Ryan was able to allow them to continue to watch, rather than force them into participating.
As part of our efforts to encourage our boys to come online, we had a free giveaway. This was also in support of Made for More as we noticed a merch store on their website. With our company funds, we purchased 3 beanie hats and at the end of each session Ryan selected a boy at random, to receive one of the hats.
This was a fantastic night with a new approach and a fresh voice. It also allowed us to have a follow up session based on some of the topics Made for More covered. We highly recommend it to be accessed by other companies in the region. It was hassle free and we received some great feedback from many parents about how much their boys enjoyed it.
David Cleland
Captain, 1st Lisburn Boys’ Brigade
About Made for More:
Made for More is a Christian Charity located in Northern Ireland. The organisation was founded in 2018 by a local teacher called Jamie Meaklim who over 8 years within the education system, noticed concerning trends developing in the areas of mental health, self-esteem, alcohol & drug dependency amongst secondary school pupils and the need for an organisation to meet the need in this area. Made for More deliver mental health, self-esteem, drugs & alcohol workshops to address some of the challenges faced by this generation, focusing on the development of young people’s mental & physical health.
Additional Resources Available from Made for More:
Leaders’ Workshop: THURSDAY, 25 MARCH 2021 19:30 -20:30. Book here:
How to Use the Booklets with your Children and Young People – click here.
Videos for Anchors and Juniors:
- Intro Game
- Anger
- Stress Balloon
- Hiding Our Emotions
Click here to view these.
The ‘Where’s Your Head At?’ project delivered by Made for More NI was funded by The Education Authority for NI and ends on 31 March 2021.
Tags: Made for More, Mental Health Project, The Boys' Brigade NI District, Where's Your Head At