Northern Ireland District of The Boys’ Brigade Suspends all District Activities.
Saturday 14th March 2020David Blevins, President of the Northern Ireland District, speaking on the current Covid-19 crisis made the following announcement today Saturday 14 March 2020:
‘Advice from health and education officials in Northern Ireland differs from that of their counterparts in the Republic but only on the issue of timing it seems. In other words, it appears likely that schools and colleges in Northern Ireland will close in due course and that mass public gatherings will cease for a period of time.
The Boys’ Brigade is a voluntary organisation so it seems prudent to act responsibly now in the fight against COVID-19. To that end, after discussion with the Director for Northern Ireland, I have made the decision to suspend all District activity with immediate effect and encourage Battalions and Companies to do likewise.’
‘We have an anchor that keeps the soul,
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll.’
Yours in Boys’ Brigade,
David Blevins
District President