The Boys’ Brigade Remembers
Sunday 13th November 2022This week thousands of members of The Boys’ Brigade have taken time to remember all those who sacrificed so much for our freedom.
A contingent of young people and leaders from across the UK represented the Brigade at the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in Whitehall on Remembrance Sunday. The event was broadcast live on the BBC and included a march past and the laying of wreaths.
In addition to the events in central London, Brigade members took part in Remembrance events in their local Churches, schools and communities. Children and young people have also been getting involved as part of their regular programme of activities, learning about Remembrance and why it is important as well as reflecting on the stories of some of the BB heroes who played a part in the World Wars.
BB groups have been posting about their involvement in Remembrance on social media. We encourage groups to post and share their events to @theboysbrigade and use hashtags #WeWillRememberThem and #BoysBrigade. You can also email us at newsdesk@boys-brigade.org.uk
Check out some photos below showing how our children and young people have been getting involved in Remembrance this year . . .
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