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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary



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The Boys’ Brigade Remembers

Wednesday 11th November 2020

Although Coronavirus restrictions meant that Remembrance commemorations couldn’t take place in quite the same way in 2020, Boys’ Brigade members joined with the nation to remember and honour all those who sacrificed so much to secure and protect our freedom.

In many of the communities where scaled back events took place, BB members were able to participate by laying a wreath on behalf of the organisation in their local area or by sounding the Last Post.

With churches across the country holding services in various ways on Remembrance Sunday, members also played an active role in a number of these commemorations.

Through our ‘Remembrance On Your Doorstep’ initiative, children and young people were encouraged to mark Remembrance in their own way at home. It was wonderful to see lots of members getting involved by wearing their uniform and saluting or displaying art/craft to remember those who went before us.

Our monthly programme resources for November contained activity ideas to help groups include Remembrance as part of their programme, whether they were operating face-to-face, virtually or through #BBatHOME. Through these resources, children and young people were able to take part in activities including painting Remembrance rocks, making handprint poppies/wreaths and going on a Remembrance walk.

Companies and Battalions have been posting about their involvement in Remembrance on social media. We encourage you to post and share your events to @theboysbrigade and use hashtags #WeWillRememberThem #EveryPoppyCounts and #BoysBrigade. You can also email us at newsdesk@boys-brigade.org.uk.

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