Kit for Kenya – Life changing opportunity for young leaders!
Tuesday 19th April 2016In recent years, the World Mission Fund Committee has sent young leaders around the world to follow the progress of the project for that year. These places have included Zambia, Malawi, Czech Republic and Trinidad and Tobago.
This year we are looking for two young leaders to visit the BB in Kenya as part of the Kit for Kenya project. This funded opportunity will allow you to see first-hand how the fundraising will benefit the BB young people.
You can apply to go to Kenya as long as you fall into the following criteria:
- You are a registered BB Officer between the ages of 18 and 25
- You are available in the first two weeks of August 2016
- You have a valid UK passport
To apply for this amazing opportunity, we are looking for you to write a short piece of writing (max 250 words) or produce video/sound clip (max two minutes), saying why you would be the best candidate to go to Kenya. Those short-listed will be invited to interviews in May.
If interested, please send your entry to Rhona Drummond rhona.drummond@boys-brigade.org.uk by 5th May. Please make subject of the email WMF Kenya.
We wish you the best of luck with your application!
World Mission Fund Committee
Tags: Kenya, Scotland, World Mission Fund
My husband who was minister of St. Ninian’s Nakuru and then St. Andrew’s Nairobi in the 60s started the BB in Kenya. He is still a keen BB man and will be delighted to learn of this development. Good wishes form both of us to all involved.