International Women’s Day – Jean’s Story
Thursday 8th March 2018Please introduce yourself
My name is Jean Porter. I am Chaplain to the Stirling & District BB Battalion.
Why do you volunteer as a BB leader?
Volunteering with BB allows me to bring my gifts and skills in pastoral care, working with children and young people and my enthusiasm for presenting the gospel in a way that it makes a difference in the lives of our boys and officers.
What do you think has been your biggest achievement in the BB?
To raise the profile of Christian education and faith development in the work that we do in our companies.
What female role model inspires you?
Rosa Parks has always inspired me. She was an ordinary woman who made a stand against the injustice of segregation in America and made a difference.
How do think your volunteering influences others – particularly young women?
I hope that my volunteering encourages young women to believe that they can use their gifts and skills to make a difference in their own community or area.
You can learn more about volunteering with The Boys’ Brigade here.