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Tuesday 17th December 2019

I first encountered the BB over fifty years ago when I joined the 4th Leith Company, based in Edinburgh. Ever since then The Boys’ Brigade has been a massive part of my life. But when I joined the Junior Section in Leith all those years ago I never imagined that I would end up working for the Brigade and I certainly never thought I would be Brigade Secretary. It has been an immense privilege.

Now fast forward, and here I am writing my last words for the Gazette in this role. I will cherish lots of super memories and some of the many highlights include the Baton Relay for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, worship at KGVI and visits around the Regions. I have also enjoyed having the opportunity to see the Brigade in action across the world.

I must admit that there have been challenges along the way and looking back there is so much more I would like to have achieved. However, during my time as Brigade Secretary I have made an effort to visit a Company each week and listen to the voice of children, young people and leaders – often with them sharing what the BB means to them with fun, faith and friendship being words that stick in my mind. From those conversations it is evident that for many coming to BB is the highlight of their week and something that is very important to them.

This is all only possible thanks to our committed leaders, and I continue to be totally in awe of the amazing dedication they show. Whilst patterns of volunteering have changed over the years, leaders continue to give up an immense amount of time week in, week out to provide children and young people in their local community with memorable opportunities and experiences.

It’s clear that if it were not for the BB many children and young people would not have a connection with the Church and would never hear the Good News. This is something we should be proud of and I trust you will never forget what valuable and great work you do in His name.

So, what of the future? The Raise the Bar campaign has gained momentum, capturing the imagination of leaders across the country and the strategic review (find out more about the review on page 6) has reinforced the need to improve the quality of our work. So much has been achieved over the last 136 years and I believe that the Brigade can continue to build on this as it develops its vision for the future. I will certainly be praying for you all.

Thank you again for all your support and encouragement.

With every blessing,

Bill Stevenson

Brigade Secretary & CEO

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