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Tuesday 1st August 2017

Thank You!

Two little words but what a difference they can make. Who hasn’t been encouraged at the end of a BB evening or event when a youngster comes up to you with a smiling face and says “thanks” for making it all possible?

Occasionally they may even tell you it has been the best day of their life! We are so privileged to have the opportunity to work as leaders in the BB and to be able to share the Good News of the Gospel with so many young people.

Sometimes, I feel we do not say thank you enough in the BB. By the time you read this there will be only be a month or so left in the current BB session, so on behalf of the Brigade Executive can I thank you again for all you do on behalf on the Brigade. We are blessed to have so many committed leaders and I know from personal experience just how much work goes into keeping a BB Company running. Many of you are also involved at Battalion and District level too and much devoted service is again given to keeping the accounts in order, preparing for meetings and doing the minutes!

Whenever I get the chance I remind government ministers and politicians just how much we do to promote civil society and social action across the UK and RoI. It is amazing but I have never yet met a politician who does not support and value youth work. John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister of Scotland and an ex-member of the 13th Edinburgh recently publicly thanked the Brigade for all its work and spoke tellingly of the difference being a member of the BB had made in his life. Bishops, Moderators and other members of the clergy have also indicated how much the BB does to encourage young people to have a live church connection. I can assure you that nothing you do is in vain.

I was delighted in June to attend a presentation service organised by Liverpool and District Battalion. Every five years they present leaders with their long service certificates and re-dedicate themselves to advance the Object. A simple but brilliant idea that is well worth replicating in your own area if it is not already happening.

One selfish reason for saying thank you is that I am hoping and praying that you will all do even more next session! The Brigade is in good heart but many of our Companies could do with more members – we need to start growing the BB again. Please start planning and thinking NOW about what you can do to help.

Once again many thanks!

Bill Stevenson

Brigade Secretary & CEO

Follow Bill on Twitter at @BillBBHQ

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