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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

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The Answer’s Out There

Tuesday 9th August 2016

For this issue we asked the following… “What do you find works well with your section in terms of an official opening or start to your meeting?”

In response to this a number of leaders have shared their thoughts.

“I find that starting with a ‘news’ section is a good way to go. The boys seem to love taking turns to tell everyone about exciting things they did over the previous week, or things they have coming up. It also helps them calm down a little following the running around that generally ensues upon immediate arrival. I follow this up with a Bible story, and the Anchor Boys’ prayer. Then it’s on to that week’s chosen games and crafts for the remainder of the hour.”

Alistair Haw, 278th Glasgow

“We have a game while the Boys arrive – such as Duck, Duck, Goose – which can start small and grow as more arrive. Then we have our formal opening when the Boys get into their Squads.”

John Ferguson, 1st Loughaghery

“As the boys arrive we have an activity for them to play e.g. Football, basketball shooting, swing ball. A quieter activity such as Lego, brio train set is also available. This allows all the boys to arrive and play together. We then go into our opening, usually consisting of a bible story, announcements for the week and a prayer, where the boys are asked if there is anything they wish to pray for.

Nicola Roche, 5th Manchester

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