Great activities & ideas for your section:
Wednesday 21st August 2019Programme Planning
Some ideas to help you with your programme planning over the next few months:
Celebrate one of the Nation’s favourite dishes by learning to create a mouth-watering curry from scratch, take on the poppadom challenge (eat as many poppadom’s as possible in 2 minutes), review local Indian takeaways and try out some different curries.
2 – 8 NOV – UK Parliament Week
UK Parliament Week aims to inspire interest in parliament, politics and democracy and encourage young people and the public to engage with the UK’s democratic system and institutions. Get your young people involved and receive free resources by registering at
14 NOV – Guinness World Records Day
GWR Day is an annual celebration of record-breaking, a day which sees thousands of people around the world come together with one common goal, to become a title holder. Could your group have a go at a world record attempt?
Check out kids.guinnessworldrecords.com
30 NOV – St Andrew’s Day
On November 30th the world celebrates St Andrew’s Day, Scotland’s national day. St Andrew has been the Patron Saint of Scotland since 1320. Celebrate his patronage by learning about his life, holding your own ceilidh or sampling Scottish delights such as haggis.