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More Than Gold 2014

Wednesday 7th May 2014

As a young man I was hugely influenced by the coaches and leaders in the youth groups I was a part of. The example they gave helped shape the man I would hope to become.

I was a goalkeeper and like most goalkeepers spent most of my time thinking I was not appreciated and that I would be better off being a striker. I would nag my coach all the time to let me play ‘up-top’. His reply was always the same. ‘Matthew you could well play as a striker but you are a goalkeeper and if you want to play at the best level you can you should stay in goal.’ At the time I did not want to heed his advice and so sought the glory of scoring goals. The first game I was a striker in I scored the only goal in a 13–1 defeat. My teammates were furious with me and banned me from ever not being in goal again!

Paul teaches that the Church is one body with many parts (1 Cor 12:12-31), a foot is as important to the body as a hand and an eye as important as an ear. I had to learn that a goalkeeper is as important to the team as a striker. It was this lesson that I had to learn, that my role might not be always glamorous but was vital.

There is far more to this summer’s Commonwealth Games than the number of athletes, tally of medals or the size of the crowds. Behind the scenes, churches across Scotland have been preparing to give a great welcome and serve their communities under the banner of More Than Gold 2014. The role of the Church is not always glamorous, but is vital. And the role played by those who lead organisations like The Boys’ Brigade can feel hard at times. But it is God who has put the body together… so that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another… ( 1 Cor 12:24/25) So as the best coach I ever knew once said, ‘Do what you do player, do what you do.’

Matt Oliver

Follow More Than Gold on Twitter @MTGScotland

Check out the More Than Gold 2014 website at morethangold2014.org.uk

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