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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

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Going for Gold

Wednesday 22nd May 2019

Congratulations to the 14 young people from 1st Tewkesbury, 2nd Alton, 2nd Sutton Coldfield, 4th Barking, 4th Barnet, 5th Gloucester and 6th Wolverhampton who were awarded their DofE Gold Awards at St. James’ Palace by HRH Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and double-Olympic Gold medal winning rower, Alex Gregory on Tuesday 5th February.

One of those receiving his certificate at the Palace was Ryan Jones (18), from 1st Tewkesbury.

Ryan said:

“Completing all The Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards means a great deal to me. It is something you can easily use to strike up conversation and from my experience, every time I bring it up whomever I’m talking to seems genuinely interested.”

“The group of lads I did my award with I’ve known for all my life so most of the time we got on well and worked great as a team. Now that it is all completed, its rewarding to look back and actually see how much we’ve all achieved in the past five years.”

“Going to St James’ Palace and collecting my Gold DofE certificate was just surreal. Actually being there and taking in all the architecture and small details of the palace was amazing and being able to meet Prince Edward is just something I will never forget. The whole presentation was a lovely culmination of two years’ work completing the Gold DofE award.”

You can find out more about running the DofE programme in your Company by visiting

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