GLOBAL FOCUS: Caribbean Island of St. Maarten
Thursday 23rd May 2019The Caribbean Island of St. Maarten has several Boys’ Brigade Companies, on the Dutch side of the Island is the 1st St. Maarten connected with the Philipsburg Methodist Church in the centre of the capital, there is also the 3rd St. Maarten of the Tabernacle Methodist Church, the 7th St. Maarten of The Bible Baptist Church, and on the French side of the Island, is the 4th St. Maarten of the Ebenezer Methodist Church.
On 6th and 7th September 2017 the island was hit by Hurricane Irma (as reported on in the Autumn 2017 Gazette), which caused widespread and significant damage to buildings and infrastructure. As soon as the curfew was over the 1st St. Maarten Company immediately restarted continuing with their weekly BB programme. The other three Companies are reported to be still operating; however, they are not meeting on a regular basis. The 1st St. Maarten led by Captain James Gumbs is ably run by the 8 NCO’s, with a strength of 22 Boys. The 1st St Maarten work very closely with the 2nd St Maarten Girls’ Brigade Company, meeting together for some activities during the week and joining together in Church parades and leading the praise and worship in the Church on the 5th Sunday. Both Companies are integral to the Philipsburg Methodist Church family, participating and attending the Sunday service in full uniform, every second Sunday, sometimes parading with their drum band.
The 1st St. Maarten Company celebrated their 50th Anniversary in 2018, with an Anniversary dinner, and Church Parade in December 2018.
The Caribbean Regional Fellowship is planning a camp in 2020 and it will be held on the neighbouring Island of Anguilla July, and invitations are open to international visitors.