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Get Out and About: Geo-caching

Tuesday 9th May 2017

Get out and about this Spring/Summer and try geo-caching in your local area. Geo-caching can be described simply as a treasure hunt for the digital generation, where GPS (Global Positioning Technology) is used to locate hidden boxes or containers (caches).

Caches are often airtight Tupperware-style containers which could be found in trees, in a bush, under a seat or anywhere else it is possible to hide one (although they will never be buried in the ground). They will usually contain a record book, but may contain other items and much of the excitement of geocaching is about what else you might find in the box. If there are other items in the box and the finder decides to take anything away, they’re required to leave something of equal or greater value for the next person to discover, so be sure to take some items with you when you go out geocaching.

Before you can go out geocaching you will need to register with an online community, the largest of which is geocaching.com. By registering and downloading the app onto your smartphone you will be able to find Geocaches near to you. The ‘Basic’ version of the app is free, but to access premium Geo-caches you will need to upgrade to the ‘Premium’ service for a small fee (full details online).

The great thing about Geo-caching is that there are more than 3million Geo-caches worldwide and there are some near you, so there’s no need to make a long journey away from your meeting place, as there’s likely to be some within walking distance. Before taking part in activities such as this outdoors ensure that you are fully prepared, participants have appropriate clothing and there is appropriate leader supervision.


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