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Get Creative: CD Hovercraft

Thursday 27th July 2017

This is a great craft activity which will provide lots of fun afterwards.


  • 1 x Balloon
  • 1 x CD/DVD
  • 1 x Pop-up Water Bottle Lid
  • Strong glue or a hot glue gun
  • Permanent Pens or Paints to decorate (optional)


  1. Take the CD or DVD disc and glue the water bottle lid to the centre of the disc, so that the hole in the disc lines up with the lid.
  2. Make sure the pop-up lid is in the closed position.
  3. Blow up the balloon and without letting it deflate stretch the opening of the balloon over the top of the pop-up lid – just over the push-up bit.
  4. Making use of an empty space pull the pop-up lid to the open position and set the hovercraft down and watch it move around the floor.
  5. The disc and the balloon could always be decorated.

You could try seeing how far the hovercrafts travel or find out what happens if you add a bit of weight to the hovercraft (perhaps some Blu-Tac or Playdoh on the disc), or if you blow up the balloon more.

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