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Future Goals

Wednesday 18th December 2019

The Strategic Plan will be shaped by the findings in the report by what members have told us. Central to the plan will be supporting the work of local Companies and churches with children & young people.

We are determined to do this differently with work plans that will focus our energies on achieving the strategic plan targets joining up the work of Brigade Headquarters and the Regions. Delivering these plans will require the efforts of members and staff at all levels of the Brigade.

Raise the Bar

What is exciting is that the “Raise the Bar” campaign has already started to ignite enthusiasm in Companies and Battalions. The challenges set out by the campaign will continue to be the focus for the 2019/20 session as we lay the foundations for the 2020/21 session and beyond.

The staffing restructure that took place earlier in the year has helped us to reposition ourselves for the future. The priority of the staff team is to support our volunteers; to help equip leaders, by providing opportunities for training and personal development, by streamlining administration through Online Brigade Manager (OBM), by providing fresh and relevant age-related programmes. The research identifies that these priorities must continue to be our focus.

As we look over the horizon to our 150th anniversary in 2033 what kind of organisation do we see? One that is in continued decline and is losing its relevance in an ever- changing world or one that is vibrant and relevant with young people at its centre and delivering on our vision that children and young people experience “life to the full” through coming to know Jesus for themselves?

Where BB works, it works very well and there is nothing better. Survey Respondent

The Brigade is at a critical moment in its history. However, the fantastic response to the survey and passion that has been expressed in the work the organisation is doing in transforming the lives of children and young people should give us all hope for the future.

Be bold and strong Joshua 1:9

There will be bumps in the road and strong leadership will be required, but if we can come together in shaping and delivering this new strategic plan then we should face the future with optimism.

Jonathan Eales, John Sharp, Natalie Whipday

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