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A Disney Adventure

Wednesday 7th May 2014

Turn your section into a Disney film cast with these themed ideas to create a Disney Adventure:

Making Nemo

Print off the template on to paper/card and prepare by cutting out the template for each child (there are five separate body parts). The children colour the pieces and then staple the main 2 parts of the body together (leave the bottom part open), although it might be necessary for the leader to do this.

Through the open part at the bottom push some tissue paper or similar in to give Nemo some shape, and then use final body part and staple to seal. Finally add the fins by using double sided tape or glue.

Disney Pairs

Create your own game of Disney pairs by printing off characters from some of Disney’s animations.

You will require 2 copies (suggest A6/A5 size, printed on card) of each character and 6 to 8 pairs, although you could create more than this depending on the size of your group.

Some ideas of characters you could use include Micky Mouse, Donald Duck, Nemo (Finding Nemo), Aladdin, Lightning McQueen (Cars), Princess Aurora (Disney Princess) and Pongo (101 Dalmatians) to mention some well known ones.

This game can be played in a number of ways, but is ideal as a team game with the winner being the first team to complete all pairs correctly.

Finding Nemo

Place a toy (or picture) of Nemo, somewhere in your church building and let the children find him.

Character Call

Print out pictures of Disney characters and put them up around your meeting space before the children arrive.

A leader calls out a character’s name and the children should run to stand in front of that character. The last to reach the correct character is out. You could give some clues if necessary. Having the pictures up around the meeting place will also help set the theme for the evening.

On at the Cinema

Place the names of four familiar Disney films, one in each corner of your meeting space. Children walk or run around until a leader calls out ‘Film Time’. Children then choose a film to watch by going to stand in that corner (or space).

Without looking, the leader shouts out, “You’ve missed the film if you went to see ********. The children in the corner with that film are out. The game continues until there is one winner.

Bringing Characters to Life

Ask the children to come dressed as a Disney character to add to the atmosphere of the evening.

If you’re doing this it would be great if some of the leaders also got into the spirit of things and dressed for the occasion!

Getting into the Bible

Finding Nemo is the story of a fish, Nemo, who is captured, and his father’s journey against incredible odds to save him. This film illustrates a love of a father for his son, and can be used to illustrate God’s love for his children.

Pick out a clip which shows Nemo leaving his father, and his father’s worry and concern, ultimately love for Nemo even though he has defied him. Keep the message simple for this age group and focus on the fact that God loves us no matter what we do, and he wants us to love him too.


Download a word-search for the children to have a go at or a picture to colour-in, you will also find lots of other great downloads including door hanger and bookmark templates online at: disney.co.uk/disney-create/print-it/

Your Help

Could you contribute a game, craft, devotional or theme night idea for the Summer 2014 issue?

Send it to gazette@boys-brigade.org.uk

Please include something about why this idea works well in your Company.

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