Consulting Partners
Wednesday 10th August 2016An update on the Global Fellowship’s Consulting Partners work to support member organisations across the globe:
Recently Walter Stewart met with representatives of BB in the Bahamas and the BB in Jamaica at meetings held in Nassau. This led to a visit to Jamaica and plans for making progress with work in the other islands in the region, particularly Haiti.
Geoff Holmes met with Rev’d Kautoa Molitii of BB in Tuvalu to look at re-engaging with the work on the islands. Training of new leaders has taken place and work to ensure that the organisation has the capacity to progress its development plans.
Ulrich Piltoft took the opportunity to meet with representatives in Central and Southern Africa whilst visiting as part of his work. Based in Johannesburg, Ulrich met with members from South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It was a particular delight to welcome Rev’d Arlindo from Mozambique where there is currently no Brigade work, but through this meeting BB Zambia has recently led training courses to start BB. Ulrich then moved on to Lilongwe and met with leaders of the BB in Malawi. Progress was made in developing national structures linking the organisations in the north and south of the country.
Tim Pratt and Steve Dickinson travelled to Nairobi in early March to meet representatives of BB Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and DR Congo. Progress was made at looking at how member organisations in the region can work together on mutually beneficial initiatives.
As you can see, the Consulting Partner scheme has made an excellent start. Please continue to pray for the work of the partners as they seek to develop the capacity of member organisations.