Brigade Council 2021 – Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 21st July 2021Brigade Council/Conference will provide a great opportunity to come together to celebrate all that has been achieved through the most challenging of circumstances, as well as looking ahead to the future.
You can find out more information about Council/Conference, including how to register to attend the event and to register a vote by visiting the website at:
Check out boys-brigade.org.uk/brigade-conference/
As the AGM will be held virtually, we are asking people to use a postal vote or to register to vote in person. It would be helpful if as many people as possible could vote by post on this occasion. Please note it will not be possible to register to vote on the day of the meeting, voting registrations MUST be received at Brigade Headquarters by 2nd September.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of THE BOYS’ BRIGADE will be held online on Saturday 4th September at 2pm to consider the following business:-
AGM Agenda
- To receive the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021 together with the Reports of the Brigade Executive and Auditors thereon.
- To re- appoint Whiting and Partners as the independent auditors of The Boys’ Brigade until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and to authorise the Brigade Executive to fix their remuneration.
- To agree the capitation fees for the 2021/22 session
- To appoint Brigade Office-bearers for Session 2021/22 as proposed by the Brigade Executive.
- To consider a motion in the name of the Brigade Executive to update Section Two of Brigade Regulations (Mission Statement) with the organisation’s Vision, Mission and Values.
- To transact any other lawful business.
Jonathan Eales – Chief Executive
Registered Office: The Boys’ Brigade, Felden Lodge, Hemel
Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP3 0BL Registered Company No: 145122
Registered Charity No: 305969 and in Scotland number: SC038016.