Brigade Council 2021
Friday 10th December 2021This year’s Brigade Council (our AGM) was once again held virtually with the meeting focusing on the achievements and challenges of the past 12 months. There were also presentations on the new Programme Resources and the Open To… Campaign.
The following motions were presented, discussed, and approved by the meeting:
- Adoption of Accounts to year end 31st March 2021
- Appointment of Auditors for 2021/22
- Capitation Fees for 2021/22 session
- Appointment of Office Bearers for 2021/22 session, including the appointment of Rev Dez Johnston as Brigade President
- Replacing Section Two of Brigade Regulations (Mission Statement) with our Vision, Mission & Values
Full details of the motions passed can be found at: boys-brigade.org.uk/brigade-conference/
Check out our Annual Review for 2020/21, which provides an overview of activities and events during last session: boys-brigade.org.uk/who-we-are/annual-review/