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Covid-19 Operating Status

Friday 9th October 2020

As we continue to navigate our way through the pandemic and return to face-to-face BB activities, we are asking Companies to let us know what activities they are currently providing for children and young people by setting an ‘Operating Status’.

This will be an important tool in providing support and ALL Companies are requested to update their status as soon as possible.

We have set the following Covid-19 Operating Status’ and would ask that you select the status that best represents what your Company is currently offering:

  • Face-to-Face Activities – You have returned to offering face-to-face activities on a regular basis (i.e. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly)
  • Face-to-Face and Virtual Session Activities – You have returned to offering a combination of face-to-face and virtual session activities (i.e. alternative weeks or specific age groups) on a regular basis.
  • Virtual Session Activities – You are currently offering virtual sessions for members (i.e. using video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Facebook Live) on a regular basis.
  • #BBatHOME Activities – You are currently sharing or signposting #BBatHOME activities for children and young people to do at home supported by their parents/carers on a regular basis.
  • No Activities for Children & Young People – You are not currently offering any regular activities for children and young people.

The Covid-19 Operating Status can be set in Online Brigade Manager (OBM) by going to ‘Company’ > ‘Settings’ > ‘Section Settings’ and scrolling down to ‘Covid-19 Operating Status’, as well as selecting the status you can add some notes to provide additional information (i.e. frequency of meeting, when started etc). You will find a step-by-step tutorial video on how to do this at https://vimeo.com/464999817.

To update the operating status you will need access to the ‘Company’ section in OBM, by default the Company Captain or Correspondent will have access to this section, although other leaders will need to be granted access should they need to view/edit this if this is not already the case.

The status will enable all levels of the organisation including BB Headquarters, Regions, Districts and Battalions to get an understanding of the current operating status for Companies in their respective area and this will assist in providing support and resources. Moving forward we will be sending out an automated email once a month as a reminder of the current Covid-19 Operating Status that has been set for your Company. In response to this if the operating status has changed (i.e. you have moved from running Virtual Session Activities to Face-to-Face Activities) please login to OBM and update the Covid-19 Operating Status at the earliest opportunity, as it is important that there is an accurate picture of Company activity over the coming weeks and months.

If you have any questions regarding this please do not hesitate to contact us on 01442 231 681 or send an email to support@boys-brigade.org.uk.

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  1. Tony Drury-Smith says:

    Have returned to face to face