5-8 years

8-11 years

11-14 years

14-18 years

  • Latest Updates
  • Running Your Company
  • Age Group Essentials
  • Leader Training & Development
  • Managing Risk & Safeguarding
  • Policies & Regulations

Celebrating our 140th Anniversary

We recently worked with Refresh (a PR and marketing agency) on an engaging video and social media campaign which involved young people and leaders from five groups across England and Scotland.

During the campaign, we saw how excited and happy everyone was to be getting involved and having their time to shine!

If you want to find out more about the campaign, visit boys-brigade.org.uk/benefits-and-barriers

Now, we’re going to be getting even more groups involved in activity.

There is no-one better equipped than young people and leaders to talk about what the BB does, the impact it has and how people can get involved. So, we would love your help with talking about BB to our external target audiences which we’ve identified as parents/carers, and regular Church goers.

The aim

We want to grow our membership – that means recruiting new volunteers, welcoming new children and young people to the BB family and starting new groups. To do this, we need to be shouting about the amazing work going on across the country to support children and young people learn, grow and discover.

We have worked closely with Refresh to plan a campaign which will help to highlight the work we do – we’ll be more active on social media from a national and local point of view, we’ll be in more local newspapers and we’ll also be working with family influencers. It’s going to be an exciting year!

But what does this mean for you?

Ultimately, we would like your help with sharing news and updates in your local area, while also getting involved in the national activity.

Here are the different things we would like your help with and what we’ll be covering in this toolkit:

Local media

There are lots of amazing things the BB can talk about in local media – from taking part in National Competitions, fundraising for good causes to celebrating big milestones, like our 140th anniversary. For this reason, with this pack you’ll find template press releases to help you communicate the amazing things the BB does and showcase what we provide today. You can use the templates as a guide, filling in your specific information to help promote the right messages – they will also save you some time too!

Check out our Template Press Releases.

Social media activity

We want to support more groups to make the most out of social media. Although it’s not just about being seen on social, it’s about communicating the right message, so you will be equipped with the tools to be able to help groups get onto social media, post the best content, and grow.

Check out our hints and tips for spreading the word on social media.

Becoming a BB Star

We know that BB leaders are what makes the organisation what it is. Without your hard work and dedication, we wouldn’t be able to support more than 20,000 children and young people across the country. As such, we want to be shouting about you.

Find out more about becoming a BB Star and register your interest here.

Additional Resources

We also have a range of resources available to Companies to support engagement and outreach.

These include recruitment resources (leaflets/posters/social media graphics), PowerPoints for use in schools and community groups, taster programmes and more.

Check out the resources at boys-brigade.org.uk/recruitment-resources

Any questions?

If you have any questions about anything that appears in this pack or how to use any of the items, please contact us at support@boys-brigade.org.uk or 0300 303 4454.