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Celebrating our 140th Anniversary



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Celebrating our leaders: Neil’s story

Wednesday 21st December 2022

The Boys’ Brigade has over 10,000 volunteer leaders across the country who support children and young people to learn, grow and discover. Over the course of 2022 we are sharing some of their stories each month as we celebrate our amazing leaders.

Meet Neil

Neil Meadow is the Captain of 2nd Wigan as well as being Leader-in-Charge of their Anchors age group.

What is your current career? 

I have had many roles while with BB, but currently I am the health, safety, and compliance supervisor for an environmental and geotechnical investigation consultancy.

What skills have you gained from BB that have helped you in your career?

The main skill I have learned and took into all my roles is leadership and compassion for others – how to look at things from their perspective.

What been your proudest BB moment so far?

My proudest moment was standing in Church while one of my young people collected their Queen’s Badge. Their journey had not always been easy, but we had been there for them since their fifth birthday. Another very proud moment was when my own child got their Queen’s Badge.

What would be your top tip for other BB leaders?

My one piece of advice would be to make your first priority the joy of your members, followed by how you can make them feel loved. I believe that’s how Jesus related to people (“love thy neighbour”) and that’s good enough for me!

Looking to the future, what are you excited about in BB?

As a relatively new Captain I am excited to keep our heritage while creating a future to grow in mission.


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