Smarties! Can you support the Carronvale Appeal?
Sunday 20th March 2016The appeal to revamp Carronvale House is progressing well. Thanks to donations from battalions, companies, churches and many individuals, we have been able to complete some of the renovations already. However, there is still a huge amount to do and we really need as many companies involved as possible. That’s why the Carronvale Appeal committee has launched a Scotland-wide Smarties Challenge!
Carronvale House has been at the heart of The Brigade in Scotland for almost 70 years. Each year, thousands of young people and leaders enjoy training, sports and residential experiences at this Stirlingshire facility. However, now is the time to invest in the House to sustain its long-term future – and we need your help!
The Smarties Challenge is just one of the many ways the £1 million is being raised, but this challenge, in particular, will allow people from all over the country to play their part in making this ambitious target a reality!
- Provide Smarties tubes for members of your company
- Ask members to eat the contents (the easy part)
- Invite them to return the tubes filled with twenty pence’s (slightly more difficult bit!)
- Help support this really worthwhile appeal
What’s on offer for companies taking part?
All companies taking part will receive a print of Carronvale House and also have their name added to the list of supporters. The companies which raise the most per member in 2016 will receive a voucher to be used for a Carronvale residential or sports’ experience!
- First PrizeOne night / two-day stay at Carronvale House (dinner Saturday night, breakfast and lunch Sunday)
- Second Prize
- Saturday or Sunday half-day use of recreational centre including juice and snacks
How to make your donation
- Send cheque made payable to “The Boys’ Brigade” with letter stating “Donation to Carronvale Appeal”
- Call BB Scottish HQ on 01324 562008 (option 1) to make a card payment
- Send or deliver money in Smartie tubes C/O Carronvale Appeal, Carronvale House, Carronvale Road, Larbert, Stirlingshire, FK5 3LH
- Donate through Just Giving page, justgiving.com/carronvaleappeal
- Please reference Smarties Challenge in your donation
Terms and Conditions
- One submission per company
- Final day for submission is 31st December 2016
- Prize winners will be notified and will be contacted by Carronvale House to arrange prizes
- Prizes subject to availability
- Maximum number 40 young people
- Judges decision is final
Please email scottishhq@boys-brigade.org.uk should you have anyquestions.
Thanks for your support!
Tags: Carronvale Appeal, our centres, Scotland