Response to Events in Manchester
Tuesday 23rd May 2017What horrible news to wake up to. All those families shell-shocked by the trauma and wrapped in such grim tragedy. We in The Boys’ Brigade have Manchester very much on our mind as we prepare to hold our next annual Conference there in September. Now all our arrangements for that gathering will be clouded by the sadness of the times we are living in. Words are useless but we have to use them all the same.
All of us feel some of the pain though none of us can know it in the same way as those grieving the loss of loved ones or anxious about the health and well-being of the wounded. Our love and prayers go out to all those afflicted in this dreadful event. And we continue to ask ourselves how to reach the minds and change the hearts of those who have perpetrated it.
May God bless us all.
The Lord Leslie Griffiths of Burry Port
President, The Boys’ Brigade
How do we support children & young people?
Leaders may find this response/resource from Premier Youth & Children’s Work useful in preparing programmes for children and young people following the tragic events in Manchester last night – Go to www.youthandchildrens.work
As a BB Officer myself my heart breaks for these children and their families
Thank you for being so reasonable while supporting those who have suffered.