You Never Forget It!
Tuesday 30th August 2022Rev Dorothy Dunwoody shares a message of encouragement for all our BB Leaders at the start of another BB session.
“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 10 v 10 – 11
“You never forget it!” These were the words of a man in whose company my husband and I found ourselves recently. Reflecting on his life, he enquired if our church had a BB company. It transpired that he had been ‘sent’ to BB in his youth. Although long since lapsed from any church connection, he fondly remembered BB and the leaders whom he recalled vividly. Now he was thinking again about the Christian morals and values they had both taught and modelled.
“You never forget it!” Even forty years later, the seed that had been sown may yet bear fruit.
Thank you, officers and leaders, for your faithfulness and diligence. Thank you for all those late nights after work in preparation, making phone calls and paperwork – largely unnoticed by human eyes but watched over by the audience of One. Thank you for the friendship you offer the boys, listening to them and joking around – it brightens their day more than you think. Thank you for keeping going even if there is conflict, misunderstanding or an awkward parent to contend with – these are the battle-scars sometimes acquired in the good fight. None of us is in this for the money, perks or titles. We just love Jesus and want others to love Him too.
At the start of a new year, you are not in this by accident. God wants to use you in this season of your boys’ lives. Years later they will remember you. Speak and model truth for them. This has never been more important. The light of Jesus still shines. God is still at work. His promises are still true. He is still with us. We have one big message of hope.
Yes, some boys may walk away, but some will change the world. Most will never forget their time in BB. Give it your all and trust God to accomplish His work through you.
You’ve got this!
With my prayers
Dorothy Dunwoody.