Vital funding for BB Companies in NI available now from the Education Authority.
Friday 8th April 2022Education Authority for NI is now inviting applications for funding from local youth groups such as the Boys’ Brigade for the 2022/2023 session. This is under the annual ‘Generic Non-Targeted Funding’ stream. To apply for funding BB Companies must first have an online account with EA, register or re-register for the Generic Non-Targeted Funding stream and complete their Annual Report if they were in receipt of funding in the 2021/2022 session.
The Boys’ Brigade NI District is encouraging all BB Companies to get registered and apply for this valuable funding. This money can be used for the programme, transport, equipment, refreshments, entrance fees on outings, printing costs, insurance, heat & light etc. Further benefits of registration with EA include reduced rates at EA Outdoor Centres, and easier access to additional funding that can be announced throughout the year – for example, the PPE funding during the Covid Pandemic.
Speaking about this funding opportunity for BB Companies Lisa Keys, Director for NI said:
‘We are very blessed to have this funding from EA. Many of our BB Companies and Battalions benefit greatly from it each year. It enables a dynamic programme to be delivered to many children and young people in our organisation. Post pandemic, youth work such as that delivered by The Boys’ Brigade is more important than ever. To help all our BB Companies receive this funding the Northern Ireland District Engagement team is running funding clinics on Tues 12 April in NIHQ Newport and on Wed 13 April in Belfast Battalion headquarters. I would especially encourage those who have yet to register and apply for EA funding to book a slot at these clinics.’
If the dates and times of the EA Funding Clinics do not suit Leaders are encouraged to contact the Engagement Team directly by emailing nihq@boys-brigade.org.uk or T: 028 9268 8444 to get help.
Full details of the clinics and how to book can be found in the events section of our website at www.bbni.org.uk
The Northern Ireland District has produced a complete guide for BB Companies applying for Generic Non-Targeted Funding with sections on Creating Your Online Account, Registering/Re-Registering and Annual Reporting. Click here to view.
The final application deadline for EA Funding for the annual ‘Generic Non-Targeted Funding’ stream is 30 April 2022.
Tags: bbni, EA Funding Clinics by NI District, EA Funding for NI BB Companies, NIHQ