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Sports Minister kicks off new Boys’ Brigade facility

Monday 2nd November 2015

As part of The Boys’ Brigade in Scotland’s year-long £1 million fundraising appeal for its central residential hub, Carronvale House in Larbert, Stirlingshire, Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, officially opened a new outdoor sports facility last night (28 Oct).

The £20,000 floodlit all-weather 3G pitch, which was funded by Awards For All, Scottish Football Partnership Trust and The Boys’ Brigade with the astro turf being supplied and fitted by Stenhousemuir FC, will enable local sports groups and Boys’ Brigade members to enjoy football, hockey, rugby and tennis throughout the year.

Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, said:

“Sport plays an important role in people’s lives. Not only does it provide health and wellbeing elements, but it also comprises competition, teamwork and leadership – all of which are key aspects of The Boys’ Brigade.

“I’m delighted this new, upgraded facility for the local community and sports groups to enjoy is up and running, and would like to thank those organisations and bodies that have made it possible by providing funding and the man hours to bring it to life.

“I recall from my own time as a member how important sport and recreation are in The BB programme and it’s encouraging to see the organisation continue to invest in sporting programmes and facilities.”

For almost 70 years Carronvale House has provided thousands of BB young people and leaders as well as local schools, community groups and overseas visitors with unforgettable experiences.

The house works as a centre for a huge range of uses including training courses, evening sports events and residential programmes.

The Carronvale Appeal, launched earlier this use to raise £1, will use funds collected by members and the general public for a refurbishment programme designed to ensure the building maintains its place at the heart of the organisation for generations of BB young people and those throughout the local community, to come.

Bill Stevenson, Director of the Boys’ Brigade in Scotland, said:

“The opening of the outdoor all-weather surface and new floodlighting is exciting step in the renewal of the Carronvale facility and major achievement for the overall ‘Carronvale Appeal’. It marks a major improvement in the recreational facilities which will benefit the many BB groups but also the wider Larbert community.”

For more information, please contact Niall Rolland on 07538 079381


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