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National Competitions 2024-25 Update

Over the past few months 576 teams, from 153 Companies, have been busy participating in our National Competitions, our largest number of groups for several years.

National Competitions are a great way for young people to take part in activities that take them beyond their own Company, meeting and interacting with BB members from across the UK & RoI. So far this session, 2,300 young people have participated across our seven competitions.

  • Badminton
  • Chess
  • FIFA
  • 5-a-side Football (Company & Seniors)
  • Masterteam
  • Table Tennis

Some highlights from our 2024-25 National Competitions, so far, can be found in our gallery below.

2024-25 Photo Highlights

UK Finals

The 2024-25 competitions are now nearing their conclusions, with the UK finals taking place over the coming weeks. These will feature the top two teams from each region of the UK and will take place on three weekends across March, being hosted in England, Scotland & Northern Ireland.

  • Chess, Table Tennis & Masterteam Finals – Saturday 1st March at Carronvale House, Scotland
  • Badminton & FIFA Finals – Saturday 15th March in Hemel Hempstead, England
  • Company & Senior Football Finals – Saturday 22nd March in Lisburn, Northern Ireland

We wish all our UK finalists the best as they compete to be crowned UK champions for 2024-25.

National Competitions 2025-26

Our National Competitions will be back in 2025-26 and we look forward to another year of competition, teamwork and fellowship. If you are interested in getting involved and entering a team in the future, then you can find more details HERE. Entries for 2025-26 will open later in the year.